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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    who's afraid of little old me? -x
    Name: Lourde
    Breed: Appaloosa x Spotted Draft
    Age: 6
    Height: 16.2hh
    Gender: Mare
    Appearance: Lourde is quite the sight to behold. She stands a solid 16.2hh, with a broad chest and sturdy haunches. She dons a beautiful silver dun coat with a gorgeous ebony face. Piercing blue eyes cut through her full forelock. Her mane shifts from black to white and is cut short and haphazardly. This is purposeful - Lourde believes keeping her mane short aids her in battles because it is harder to grab. Her black tail, however, is long and full, and she often has to pick debris out of it, especially in the autumn. Finalizing her look is a blanket of snow upon her rump, dotted with charcoal spots.
    Personality: Lourde is best described as hot-headed. She has a short fuse and when her temper ignites, it is very hard for her to get control of it. Any ounce of condescension or disrespect is either met with a quick-witted remark or a swift kick to the head, whichever she is feeling most that day. Lourde has trouble trusting others, so she often comes off as rude and off-putting during first encounters. On that same note, Lourde never stays in one place for too long and is truly a nomad at heart. Because of her past, she lacks the trust needed to join a herd. Lourde is cunning, intelligent, and resourceful, which serves her well as she travels. She is not past lying, stealing, and cheating to get what she wants and needs. Beneath her rough exterior, however, is a mare who has never quite been loved enough and it would take a special horse and lots of time to win her favor.
    Companion: Stellar is Lourde’s best friend and closest confidant. The tiny Honduran white bat can often be found resting beneath Lourde’s mane or riding on her rump, though sometimes he will fly ahead to scout for the wayfarer. Stellar is everything Lourde is not - he is calm, patient, and understanding. Therefore, he often acts of Lourde’s voice of reason when she becomes too heated about a situation. However, their relationship is not merely one-sided - Lourde provides companionship and protection for the little bat. Together, they are each other’s family and they rely on one another.
    Player OOC: swxrdsandpxns
    Hey swxrds -

    Just wanted to let you know new characters can't join with companion animals - however you can easily autoquest to get one added with a post or two! The Guide at the top of the page goes over the requirements for autoquests (under rules > traits and quests) and there's a category specifically for companions.

    Let me know if you have any questions!
    (05-10-2024, 11:51 AM)Squirt Wrote: Hey swxrds -

    Just wanted to let you know new characters can't join with companion animals - however you can easily autoquest to get one added with a post or two! The Guide at the top of the page goes over the requirements for autoquests (under rules > traits and quests) and there's a category specifically for companions.

    Let me know if you have any questions!

    Thank you for letting me know! I must have misread the rules  Angel It will make for good writing practice to auto quest their meeting  Tongue Thank you <3

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