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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Night's Tranquility

    As the night sky blankets the world, Crucis, the majestic creature of the night, takes to the air, soaring gracefully through The Dale's pointed stones that glisten under the moonlight and the stars. Her body blends seamlessly into the dark sky adorned with countless constellations as she skillfully maneuvers through treacherous terrain. 
    With each beat of her wings, she propels herself forward, moving in a rhythmic motion, folding and extending them in perfect sync to avoid the sharp spikes of rock that protrude menacingly toward the heavens. The wind rushes by her as she glides around the spikes and over the lake, spinning and twirling in an elegant dance, relishing the freedom of her nightly flight. The silver in her mane, tail, and body glimmers and sparkles, adding to her ethereal glow.
    Despite her exhaustion, she continues to push herself, navigating through the Lands with unwavering focus, determined not to get impaled by any spike that might suddenly appear in her path. Finally, she lands softly on the other side of the lake, bordering The Chamber, finding refuge under the shelter of the tall pines that blanket the land. 
    With a gentle flutter of her wings, she folds them neatly to her sides and raises her head to the Moon, paying homage before lowering her head to drink from the lake's cool waters. The moment's tranquility is only broken by the sound of the water trickling between her lips as she refreshes herself, the coolness of the water soothing her parched throat.

    Escence & Eviction
    ~Twin Flame~

    It had been weeks since the family drama.  Once again, the seasons changed, and I found myself unafflicted by the winter chill encroaching on the lands.  It had only begun though, so only time would tell.

    We had settled by the lake, not moving far since arriving at the Dale.  The area had all we needed; food, shelter, water.  We had yet to meet any newcomers or residents either and I was becoming restless.


    I had to remind myself every so often when ideas began to clutter my mind.  Soon we would be yearlings and the itch to venture farther and farther was an ever-nagging thorn in my side.

    "Come on Vic!  Let's go for a stroll!"  That's how it always started, but we had kept it to the immediate area ever since the incident.

    We were near inseparable.  Even more so now than we had been at a younger age.  My brother had really come into his own.  He was more confident now days.  I was still the one with a wild streak.  Often roping us into a game of some sort.  He played along, if only to make sure I didn't hurt myself...again.

    The flames licked across my body as a pranced forward.  The sun had just settled beneath the horizon and darkness was upon us.  It was un-phasing, the dark, as our combined glow lit up the area we occupied.  Mother always said it was easier to know where we were at night.  So, she often didn't harp at us too much about being out late as long as we stayed together.

    Skirting around the lakes edge, we followed the fading trail of moonlight.  The reflection beamed across the still lake, yet to be frozen by the winters chill.  My red eyes lifted at the sound of movement, expecting to see Amen following them in his self-appointed guardian duties. 

    Eviction must have heard it too as his glowing eyes uplifted with mine.  Not finding anything, I continued on my way, picking my hoof placement carefully along the lakes shores.

    Within a few more strides we were rounding the borders of the pine trees.  A chill shivered down my spine as I remember my nightmare of the fire and... Well let's not revisit that tonight.

    It isn't until I hear a rattled breath behind me that my prancing stops.  Immediately I recognize it as a warning from my brother.  I look to him stopped behind me and staring off across the edge of the lake.  Slowly my head turns, seeing a shadowed figure looming over the water's surface.  

    Even in the presence of Vics caution, a little part of me lights with excitement to find someone new.

    "Hello?" I question into the winter air.  Vic is quick to look at me sternly with a snort of disapproval.  I cower from his judgement for only a moment before flashing an awkward smile.  He takes a few steps forward, placing himself in front of me -just slightly- before speaking up, "Whose there?"  His tone more demanding than I have ever heard him before.

    //Fire Mimicry-Summer Appearance-Fire Breathing-Water Immunity\\
    Fire Mimicry- Foxfire, Phoenix-Type Immortality, Fire Wings

    The night is still and calm, with only the soft hum emanating from a mysterious figure interrupting the silence. Her body glows with a subtle radiance, and she is draped in a coat made of stars that casts a soft light around her. The figure stands silently by the edge of a lake, her presence known only through this faint glow.

    Suddenly, two young yearlings come prancing excitedly to the lake, their fiery flames illuminating the surrounding area. They are proud of their appearance and frolic around the lake, calling out to each other, their joy echoing through the night.

    As they play, one of the yearlings senses something and lets out a warning huff. It's then that the mysterious figure decides to reveal herself. She moves towards the twins, her every step graceful and purposeful. As she approaches them, the moonlight reveals her true form.

    The figure raises her head, revealing a crescent on her forehead that shines with a gentle white light. Her gown of stars glimmers in the night sky, adorned with intricate patterns of celestial bodies. Her wings are neatly folded at her side, ready to take flight at a moment's notice.

    @ Escence

    Escence & Eviction
    ~Twin Flame~

    When his sister calls to him about going for a night walk he is eager to oblige.  The days were growing colder but, in her presence, he was warmed by the living flames that consumed her body.  Not only that, he very much loved his sister.

    He keeps pace behind her at a walk.  Having grown considerably over the last ten months, her fancy prance was nothing in comparison to his lengthening stride.

    As they round the next bend in the shoreline, he detects an unfamiliar scent.  A breath rattles low in his chest as he stops abruptly.  His glowing orbs cast his sight across the waters, finding an strange glow radiating gently from the area.  

    Escence has already stopped, heading my warning but of course curiosity creeps up from inside her and she offers a greeting.  His face turns and scowls at her, a snort now coming forth.  

    With a few steps he positions himself in front of his sister protectively and with a demanding tone, offers his own greeting

    What shows itself is not what he anticipated.  It was much more like the night sky than that of the earth.  A much calmer glow surrounds it and only for a moment is he tantalized by the mythical being.

    "Hello!  Who are you?" Escence chatters excitedly, snapping him back to the reality that this stranger was still unknown and could pose a threat.  A snort flutters from his nostrils again, now realizing that his question has gone unanswered.  His glowing eyes narrow on the celestial being, a gentle orange glow growing from where it was usually seated along his neck and hindquarters.  It extends to only engulf the duo as he waits for the stranger to speak...

    //Fire Mimicry-Healing\\
    Fire Mimicry- Glowing, Small Flames, Fire Aura
    **His fire mimicry trait colors are now black instead of orange**
    Current condition: disease carrier(blight)

    As the young mare lifts her head, her ears perk up as she hears the words of the twins. Sensing their presence, she feels a sense of curiosity about who they are and what they want. The male horse, standing protectively in front of the filly, sniffs the air, trying to catch a scent of the strangers.

    Crucis, with her shimmering purple coat, stands tall and proud, almost as if her markings are alive and flickering against her body. Her nostrils flare slightly as she takes in the scent of the twin horses, her ears perked up and alert. The flames that had danced against the larger of the two now completely engulf the duo, making them look as if they are swirling and twirling against their red coats. Crucis has never seen fire on a horse before, let alone in such a magnificent and mesmerizing way.

    Feeling the heat emanating from the twin horses, Crucis takes a step back, spreading her wings and allowing the constellations to dance in her feathers, matching up with the rest of her body flawlessly, like pieces of a puzzle. Fire is what they all have in common, the same fire that fuels the twinkling orbs above and is a part of her being. It's as if their souls are all connected by this elemental force.

    She lowers her head slightly, showing that she is not a threat, just a stranger. However, she wants to make it clear that she is not one to be trifled with, should they get on her bad side. Looking at the twins up and down, she takes a deep breath and confidently introduces herself. "My name is Crucis," she says, her voice strong and clear

    Escence & Eviction
    ~Twin Flame~

    The prospect of meeting someone new and different was too much to silence me, even with my brothers warnings.  It had been so long since they had met anyone, too long really.

    My uncontained excitement spills from my lips.  My red eyes need not strain to see the sparkling Pegasus, alit by her own twinkling but also the growing orange glow of my brother's aura.

    Upon hearing the strangers name and unthreatening posture I scuff at my brothers show of strength.  "Hi Crucis!  My names Escence and that is my brother Eviction," I say as I take a couple steps forward.  "Don't worry about him," I snicker, "He is all flame but no heat."  I can hear Vic's eyes roll behind me.

    The living fire on my body dances but it is the tiny orbs that escape and flicker haphazardly around me that steal the show in the dark.

    Looking to Crucis and her celestial specks, I am quick to compliment her, "I love your stars!  And your wings!  I have wings too!  Well... sometimes."  My voice trails as my light dims just the slightest before adding, "I still haven't figured out how to control them."  My usual spark returns as quickly as it had faded, "But I'm working on it!"

    Vic's aura retracts back into him as I chatter away.  He had learned how to gain control over his gifts much faster than I have.  Perks of being more focused and levelheaded.

    "Do you live here?"  I ask, having yet to meet anyone else besides my family that did.

    //Fire Mimicry-Summer Appearance-Fire Breathing-Water Immunity\\
    Fire Mimicry- Foxfire, Phoenix-Type Immortality, Fire Wings

    The majestic celestial mare stands tall and proud, her shimmering coat reflecting the light of the ring of flames that surrounds the young pair before her. The vibrant red filly, Escence, introduces herself and her brother, Eviction, to the mare. The energy emanating from the twins is overwhelming, but the mare remembers being their age and having the same exuberant energy and unbridled spirit while trying to tame her magic and spirit.

    The mare's mind wanders back to her youthful days as a wild and untamed spirit, soaring high up in the sky, blending in with the environment, and making her mother chase her on the ground for hours since she did not possess wings. The only thing distinguishing her location was her forehead's glowing, perfect crescent. The mare's ears swivel towards both twins, one towards Eviction and the other towards Escence, as she listens to their conversation.

    The mare smiles softly and chuckles gently at Escence's quick compliment. "Thank you,"She bows slightly in gratitude towards the filly."Controlling wings is not an easy task. One must control their emotions and thoughts as the wings respond to them. You must first be in control of yourself. That was the advice the fairies gave me when I was your age. Don't take your magic for granted, as it can be taken away just as easily as it was given."

    As the last of the fire shield dissipates, the mare turns her attention to Eviction. "I'm a recent arrival here," she says, folding her wings tightly to her core." May I ask where are you from?”She inquires in response to the filly's question, her voice filled with curiosity. The mare's eyes sparkle with interest as she waits for their response.


    @ Escence
    Escence & Eviction
    ~Twin Flame~

    I listen eagerly to the mare as she speaks of her experience with fairies.  I wasn't sure what a fairy was, but they sounded like such magical entities.  My head tips just the slightest in thought.  Even though I didn't understand the reference exactly, I did relate to the general message.  "Ya I have a hard time with controlling my emotions, unlike my brother.  I've been trying harder lately though... Right Vic?"  My red eyes shift to him as I anticipate a response.  Getting no more than an indifferent shrug I roll my eyes, "Brothers..."

    My body adjusts slightly, ears flick forward as Crucis announces she is new here.  My expression lights up as I am quick to respond, "Oh, well then, welcome to the Dale!"  My nose casts to the area extending behind us and across the terrain.  "We arrived here ummm maybe a few months ago... It was summer, right Vic?"  I hardly look to him this time as I am chattering away again before he could offer a response of any kind.  "Our family lives over there, by that big rock, me, my brother, my mom, Jack and I think Amen is here and there.  We all came here together!"  I turn just the slightest to offer her a view of the area, "We haven't met anyone else that lives here, yet, and we haven't ventured too far from the lake, but it is nice here considering..."  My thoughts pause when my father comes to mind, but I suppress it.

    Looking to the land now, cast in the faint light of the night sky, it was rather quite scenic.  The crystalline lake, the meadows, the mountains as the backdrop.  A smile gracious my features while my mind muses the scenery.

    It isn't until I feel a bump to my side that I realize Vic is trying to get my attention, "We should be getting back to mother," he says plainly.  Feeling less threatened he turns to the mare and offers a salutation, "It was nice to meet you Crucis."  He nods respectively before pressing into me with his shoulder, attempting to usher me on.

    My eyes rolling is my only protest, but I too offer parting words, though not quite as ending as Vics, "If you are staying a while maybe we will see you again?  We can show you around, if you'd like?"  I am only able to resist Vic's persistence long enough to hear the mare's final words before we head back towards the large rocky hillside in the distance.  There again was a prance in my step but for a whole new reason.  I was excited to tell mother of our find tonight!  She will be glad to hear it is not about another frog.

    //Fire Mimicry-Summer Appearance-Fire Breathing-Water Immunity\\
    Fire Mimicry- Foxfire, Phoenix-Type Immortality, Fire Wings

    The young mare stands still, her ears perked up, listening intently to the sabino filly as she speaks about her struggles with her emotions and controlling her inferno. The filly’s brother stands beside her, offering no reply, which causes the filly to shrug him off. Despite this, Crucis smiles softly, admiring the duo.

    The filly's energy is boundless and contagious, evident in her body language, which shows her pricked ears towards the starry mare, and her voice that bounces with every word she utters. She calls the place where they are The Dale.
    Crucis is not from around this land. Her star-studded coat proves it. It's been said that a celestial god blessed her with the power of the stars and the ability to harness the powers of the moon, but she has yet to experience any semblance of power.

    Crucis follows the filly's gaze towards the rocks where her family resides. She smiles, nodding reassuringly to the filly's statement about the beauty of the area. "It really is a beautiful place. It's very nice to meet you too, Escence and Eviction. I would like that a lot, if you showed me the area."She ponders what could possibly keep her interested in staying in this place. She hasn't stayed in one place for long, but maybe that can change.

    As the filly and her brother turn and head towards their home, their flames trail behind, lighting up the forest. Crucis watches them disappear into the woods, feeling grateful for this encounter and the chance to meet such playful yearlings. 


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