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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Twin Flames [Amenadiel]
    Escence & Eviction
    ~Twin Flame~

    As they put distance between them and their father, he begins to quicken his pace.  His masked face is held higher now, the light in his eyes glowing a bit brighter than before.  You could say the experience has begun to change him.

    Escence trails behind, moving at a resisting speed.  Her head hangs low in thought.  No limp faulters her steps, thanks to her brother.  Everything had happened so fast, even though the waiting for her brother to come back to them seemed to last forever.  I could have killed him, she thinks.

    Seeing he has surged a distance in front of his sibling, he slows allowing her to catch up.  The usual pep his fiery sister had was gone.  He wonders if it is remorse or stubbornness, maybe a combo of both, that cause this foreign demeanor.  

    As he settles at a pace alongside her, he nudges her gently.  "What's wrong?"  He asks though he had an idea.  Her red eyes look to him briefly before she answers, I thought you were going to die Vic...  I don't know what I would have done.  She thinks of how scared she was as he laid motionless.  I'm just glad father was their otherwise I don't know what I would have done, she adds, not knowing her brothers distaste for their father nor the reason why.

    His expression, which is soft at first, hardens as she speaks of their sire.  "You shouldn't trust him Escence.  He's not who you think he is," his tone is slightly irritated.  Memories of the day in the orchard surface.  Jack and his fun being spoiled by the undead thing spewing poison into their world.

    She is about to interject when they hear a rustling of the trees.  They both stop, eyes surveying the area.  He stands protectively in front of his sister, ready for whatever was to come.  The pulsing orange aura begins to return and slowly cloaks them.

    //Fire Mimicry-Healing\\
    Fire Mimicry- Glowing, Small Flames, Fire Aura
    **His fire mimicry trait colors are now black instead of orange**
    Current condition: disease carrier(blight)
    As the others in his party slumber, the mighty winged stallion patrols the sky, gliding gracefully through the air. His powerful wings beat rhythmically, though they are veiled by the imminent storm clouds rolling in. He spits out small fireballs against the jagged rocks surrounding the land where they're staying, causing some flakes of rock to chip off and fall to the ground. The fireballs simmer out once they hit the cool rock, leaving a trail of wispy smoke behind.He grumbles, still trying to control his fire, as he looks down to the river, where not one but two balls of light illuminate the water.

    The stallion immediately recognizes those balls of light as Aurora's kids, the ones he had saved before, and the other was with Jack when the filly accidentally lit the meadow on fire. He lowers himself to the ground, coughing more fire into the river, immediately sizzling like Escence's flames when crossing the river earlier that day. He folds his wings and walks towards the twins. "Where do you think you're going or coming from?" he asks sternly. His ears are turned back as the moonlight shines against his scales, illuminating his stature. By the way the twins are standing, he infers that their mother and Jack do not know they are sneaking away.

    "Let's get you home before the rain starts and your mother wakes. She will not be happy to see that you have snuck out," he says, his voice firm but gentle.

    He groans as the fire in his belly rumbles, ready to erupt. He looks around and spews a large stream of fire straight into the river, the safest place to do so. The fire and water make the water around the impact spot boil before extinguishing. "I've got to really get hold of this," he thinks to himself, feeling frustrated with his inability to control his fiery breath.

    He turns back to the twins and begins to lead them home, his large form towering above them. The rain begins to fall, and the droplets hit his individual scales, making a pattering sound. The stallion is determined to get the twins home safely before the storm intensifies.

    @ Eviction
    Escence & Eviction
    ~Twin Flame~

    When it is the familiar winged stallion that appears his guard drops slowly.  The orange glow that had encircled them is drawn back into himself.  He looks to his sister, whose eyes have dropped to the ground below, before replying, “We couldn't sleep, so we went for a walk”.  It was a half truth.  Even though he didn't like lying, he supposed they endured enough trauma for one evening…

    He watches with lit eyes as Amen struggles with the flames erupting from his mouth.  With the current situation they are in he doesn't inquire any further.

    They settle into a steady pace behind their escort.  His sisters' warming flames flicker once more and he welcomes the chased chill of the early morning.

    When the rain begins he nudges his sister and tosses his glowing mane playfully, trying to lift her spirits somewhat.  She gives into his antics and takes off for the shelter at a canter, a sizzling trail of flames left in her wake.

    //Fire Mimicry-Healing\\
    Fire Mimicry- Glowing, Small Flames, Fire Aura
    **His fire mimicry trait colors are now black instead of orange**
    Current condition: disease carrier(blight)
    Amenadiel, a majestic creature with a commanding presence, raises one of his eyebrows as he looks at the colt standing in front of him. His piercing gaze is a clear indicator that he knows when he is being lied to. He shakes his head and blows smoke softly from his nose, a sign of his disapproval. To ensure the safety of the young horses he's been entrusted with, he takes flight and begins to scan the area for any potential danger. Meanwhile, the playful twins canter and frolic ahead of him, unaware of the potential threats lurking around them.

    As they continue on their journey, Amenadiel warns the colt and filly that they better hope their parents are still sleeping when they return. He remembers how Aurora reacted the first time they met when Escence got into trouble, and the light from her flames that lit their path. He knows that if they are caught lying, there will be consequences.

    But as they move forward, Amenadiel's thoughts drift to one that he has held inside ever since he was gifted with his fire. It was the day when an innocent mouse was incinerated, and a feeling, a warmth, grew inside him - something that was awoken in him. It was a pleasure that he had never known before, something that he couldn't quite explain. The helpless squeal from the squirming mouse as it ignited in flames and met its demise had been the wrong place at the wrong time, yet he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of satisfaction.

    As he looks at the troublesome filly, he sees the same yearning that he's held inside him all this time. They could be good partners, he thinks to himself, a team that could take on the world together.

    @ Escence

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