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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Not All That Glitters is Gold [Jack]

    As predicted they soon settle for the night beneath the lone tree.  He has moved closer as night falls.  This is when all the creatures -such as himself- begin to prowl, cloaked within the darkness.  The ember of his eyes illuminate, creating the impression of two floating red orbs.  He would remain awake throughout the night vigilantly watching.

    The twins remain curled up against their mother as a, eerie smoke begins to spread throughout the area.  He can smell it before he sees it swirling within the light of his eyes.  It was a familiar smell to the undead thing.  Often billowing through the orifices of his own body.  This smoke holds a different scent though, one of burning flesh and ash.  He snorts lightly, not wanting to wake his sleeping family.  For now, he simply watches and waits.

    It isn't much longer when a flame ignites into an inferno in the direction Jacks body laid.  This causes him to act in alarm, arching his neck and creating a low vibration within his chest.  He is beginning to step towards the inferno when he hears his children questioning their mother.  Aurora wakes, eyes blinking away the clouded sleep in her eyes.  What's happening?  The heat from the fire intensifies as he comes to stand between them protectively, "I'm not sure," he replies.  His eyes search the scene for answers but all he sees is smoke and flame where Jacks body laid.  Jack!  Aurora calls out.  Momma what's wrong?  Aurora stands now and the twins follow suit.  

    As quickly as it starts the flames cease.  The smoke that had filled the area disappears and all that they can make out in the body of Jack still laying upon the ground where he had fallen.  Aurora begins to walk towards the brown stallion's body, "Aurora!" He calls, "Stay back!"  Jack?!  She calls out again. The twins begin to follow but he steps to block their path, his head lowering to hold them back.  "Aurora!  Ughh" he growls at the stubborn mare.  He looks to the twins who are now flickering in flames, "Stay right here.  Do not move!"  His voice is stern and commanding.  He walks quickly to catch up to the feathered mare.  His nares flare as he snorts in protest, coming up quickly to Jacks body he can feel a shift in energy.  His magic crawls out from him and wraps around the still body.  Jack!  Jack!  Wake up!  H-He's alive!  The undead thing feels the life has returned to Jack just as Aurora does.  His eyes roll in annoyance at the gifts Beqanna blesses some with, "Oh yay..." He says, sarcasm thick in his tone.  Deeming the scene safe, he turns to walk back towards his offspring, still standing where he left them.  He approaches, his head low.  Upon reaching them he nuzzles them each before turning to face the pair in the distance.

    ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS
    *Be Warned*
    Possesses health transference
    and may steal your health.
    //Blight-Undead Appearance-Fire Mimicry-Fire Immunity-Health Transference-Shadows\\
    Fire Mimicry- Glowing, Radiant Heat (warm to burning), Aesthetic Smoke


    Dreams come to her tonight in waves.  They wash over her like the waters upon the shores of the Beach.  They erode at her thoughts, her happiness and her fears.  Bringing to the surface her past, present and future.  All the while drowning her in the possibilities.

    It is a sensation that brings her back tonight.  A warmth, like that of a fire just stoked to life.  She finds herself smiling until she hears an alarm sound.  It jolts her awake, eyes blinking rapidly to clear her vision.  Stumbling thoughts of danger press into her mind as reality returns.  Jack!  Wolves!  Those are her immediate thoughts as she can make out the outline of the creature that had stood watch over them.  "What's happening?" She asks in her confusion.  A bright glow is illuminating the night off in the distance towards where Jacks body lies. "Jack!"  She calls out just before she wills herself to stand.  What's wrong momma?  She hears one of the twins ask, she hadn't caught exactly which one.

    As she steadies on her feet, she pushes past the stallion standing in front of them.  He yells at her with caution, but she disregards it.  Her pace is quick as the glow and smoke has already dissipated.  She too feels a shift and her magic reaches out to Jack's seemingly lifeless body.  She feels a warmth there where coldness had been before.  Her eyes widen in shock.  "Jack!  Jack! Wake up!  H-He's alive!" She can feel his breathing, strong and steady.  Her nose presses into him, an eagerness behind it.  Tears again well in her eyes, but they are not tears of sadness, not this time.  "Jack!  Get up please," she whispers into his flesh...

    Not all that glitters is gold

    @Jack in the Box
    Jack lay there, weak and exhausted, his breaths coming in shallow gasps. As he opened his eyes, he saw Aurora, and a faint nicker escaped his lips. "I thought you were gone," he murmured, feeling the residual warmth of the embers around him. Sensing her presence, he relaxed, her gentle touch bringing him solace. With great effort, he raised his head and tenderly nudged her before resting it back down. "I'm sorry," he managed to say.

    Struggling to rise, he felt the stiffness in his limbs, reminiscent of a young foal learning to stand. As he gazed at the approaching sunrise, a sense of gratitude washed over him, a silent thank you to the unseen forces for granting him a second chance. Turning to Zain, he confronted him with a defiant look. "Leave. This is my family now," he declared with a snort.

    Positioning himself protectively between Zain, Aurora, and the newborns, he stood tall, a clear message that Zain was no longer welcome.

    @ AuroraElis @ Zain

    The stallion stands beside his children watching what unfolds.  Aurora wishes the stallion to stand and soon he is, though rather weakly.  The undead thing swishes his dreadlock tail casually.  Bending his neck to his offspring once again, releasing them from his command.  Even in the night he can see them bounding towards their mother, both decorated in flames.  Fire sparks all across Escences' body, while Evictions' is more selective, localized to his ankles.  A trail of tiny embers follows behind them and the undead thing chooses now to follow it.

    His pace is slow, his demeanor unbiased.  It isn't until the brown stallion blocks his path, threatening words spilling from his lips.  The undead thing stops, his head that had been low now rising.  "Your family..." The thing cackles, ember eyes illuminating the area.  The bone of his jaw clearly visible, casted an orange hue from the glow of his eyes.  A demonic grin comes do his jawline, "Do you not see the resemblance, Jack," he spits the name he has learned into the stallion's face.  "They are much more mine then they are yours," he says with a smug look.  Smoke begins to billow like that which is cast from the fires of hell.  He motions to move left of the trail he had followed to their meeting; seeing his offspring are gathered at Auroras side.  He speaks loud enough so she may hear him, "We made a deal," his gaze moves from her to the stallion, "and it will be honored..."  

    He steps closer to the other stallion safeguarding his family.  Close enough that there is only a whisper between them, "You may be able to come back from the dead, but just remember who put you there..." he sneers, "I suggest you watch your back, Jack."  He brushes past the brown stallion, Escence now walking up to inspect the happenings.  His head lowers to touch her muzzle gently before meeting Eviction who was hot on his sister's trail.  "I will be back soon," he says kindly to them, his view shifting to Aurora as he says it.  "Soon," he repeats as he walks past the feathered mare, just before disappearing into the night...

    ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS
    *Be Warned*
    Possesses health transference
    and may steal your health.
    //Blight-Undead Appearance-Fire Mimicry-Fire Immunity-Health Transference-Shadows\\
    Fire Mimicry- Glowing, Radiant Heat (warm to burning), Aesthetic Smoke

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