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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  say I was in your dream last night
    Zohariel misses the waters that stretched across Beqanna - she misses the way they reflected the sky and how still they were when there was no wind so that they were a perfect mirror. Everything had been so simple then - there were only so many places to go and she did not remember enough of what Beqanna had been like before to mourn its loss.

    This new shape, though, she is not sure what to make of it. The waters have receded and left natural formations that impede her view of the sky. The mountains and trees are beautiful in their own way, she supposes, but she’s been wandering looking for somewhere that can capture her attention the way the waters did. She travels up the eastern coast, since the western is kind of not an option at the moment, enjoying the peace. Afternoon is moving to evening when she arrives at a cove. Here she can see a piece of the water that had captured her affection during the floods, though she has no idea just how spectacular it will be once the moon is out.

    Stardust wafts from her mane and tail as she pauses in her wanderings to stand in the shallow water, humming softly to herself as she does - her golden gaze back on the shore, wondering what land it is she has wandered into.

    @ margot

    There is a perfect world in which Margot only ever has to exist for her whims and her fancies. A perfect world that she pictures every night when she dreams. A whole universe in which every morning is a pastel dream and every evening is dazzling, rich jewels. She is merely a woman floating on cloud after cloud, breathing pink Cupid’s arrows in every lovers’ direction.

    Such dreaming is what puts Margot in an affectionate, giggly mood as she trails aimlessly around Pangea. Boredom usually sours her, but her pastel daydreaming leaves a permanent, distant smile on her face. The pale-faced vixen finds Pangea the perfect blank landscape for her wild, perpetual imagination.

    So lost in thought is she when she spots Zohariel, that she believes her to be just another thought she’s placed upon the Pangean landscape. She blinks a couple of times, pausing her quiet steps. When the starry woman does not disappear, Margot snorts and tosses her neck. The sweet smile on her face turns into a wide, delighted one. A stranger! And a dreamy one at that!

    Margot doesn’t attempt to hid her approach as she trots toward the mare. Her tail flares high and excited in the air, her head high and proud. A welcoming, elated smile lighting up her face.

    “Must the sky meet the ocean once again?” she calls out, a tinkling laugh following her poor joke. Silently, Margot reaches out tentatively with her magic, gently probing for the love this woman might hold. Outwardly, she cocks her head, the smile on her face never wavering.

    “I’m Margot. Have you purposely sought out Pangea?”

    She watches the stranger approach - feels some sort of kinship and familiarity already at the sight of the markings that reflect those magnificent pockets of the night sky where there are so many stars (and whatever else might be living up there). The question brings a sliver of a smile to her eyes - though it may not be bright, it is warm and genuine all the same.

    Always she thinks in response but does not say it out loud. May the sky and ocean forever meet and fill the world with stars.

    She takes a step forward but remains standing in the shallow water for now. Inside of her, Margot will find no shortage of love - it flourishes for her family. There is stardust tangled in her mane and she feels such a swell of energy at night that she has only just begun to explore what she is capable of, but next to them she always felt like the baby, the one that does not shine quite so bright - the one that does not fit. It is all in her own mind, a festering of her own creation - because how can she do anything but adore them so and keep them on such high pedestals?

    And love for the night as well, a deep and instinctual peace she feels when the sun goes down.

    “I’m Zohariel. And… I’m not sure how to answer your question.” She finally says and her smile grows a little more. She never did get into the habit of laughing, never learned when that was an appropriate response, so while this would be a good spot for it no such sound escapes her. “Well, okay. I wasn’t seeking out Pangea in particular but I have been looking for something like it.” Zohariel’s golden eyes drift upwards momentarily. “Where the sky feels big.”

    Only momentarily, though, because while the night sky will always act like a magnet to her - she is more interested in Margot at the moment. “Do you live here?” It would be an easy assumption to make, she’s sure, but she finds herself curious all the same and wants to check.

    @ margot

    A wide, genuinely pleased smile lights up Margot’s face as Zohariel speaks. Where the sky feels big . . . Everything in Pangea feels big from the right perspective; but Margot has always appreciated how much of the world seems to exist amongst these canyon cliffs.

    “The sky, the ocean, the arching canyon walls . . . you’ll find all manner of big in Pangea,” Margot answers, never taking her eyes off the stranger, even when the mare looks up. She trains a certain, perhaps intimidating, kind of intensity on Zohariel, pale eyes studying every inch of the celestial woman.

    “I can tell how much you love the sky,” she murmurs, almost to herself. She blinks, slow and nearly reptilian, before answering the woman’s question. “My whole life, yes. I mean, save for when it was . . .” and it almost pains her to remember, to say it aloud, “. . . under water.” It’s only then that Margot turns her attention away from Zohariel and onto the ocean. A quiet, disgusted shiver travels down her spine.

    “You should stay,” Margot states, incredibly matter of fact.

    “Why do you want the sky to feel big?”

    She does love the sky and her golden eyes warm at this observation. The intensity of Margot’s gaze is not uncomfortable - it makes the star-opal mare feel seen, something she appreciates even in a first meeting.

    Zohariel feels a wave of sympathy for Margot, for her home having been at the bottom of the water for all those years (how long, she does not know - because she hadn’t gotten around to visiting the lands or learning anything of them until now). She takes a step forward, but stops before drawing any closer - reminding herself that Margot isn’t one of her family members - she can’t force affection or comfort upon her.

    “I feel… more myself underneath the sky, especially at night. Which is a nice feeling I'd enjoy having more of.” She doesn’t know the name for what this means, when the darkness and the stars make her blood and bones sing with happiness, but she knows it is her reality. So why not live somewhere where she can experience that every night, unimpeded by trees and mountains. The canyons nearby may provide some barrier but there is this cove - where she can stand in the silvery, starlit waters every night.

    “Alright, I’ll stay.” Zohariel required very little convincing - and the other mare’s statement-of-fact about it easily overpowered whatever lingering uncertainty there might have been.

    She focuses now just on the other mare - on the almost-fragile appearance of her that seems so at odds with everything Margot has displayed so far. It’s a fascinating combination and although Zohariel could stand in this cove forever, she is curious about the rest of it if only because it is where this other mare lives. “Can you show me the rest?”

    @ margot

    Excited, Margot matches Zohariel’s step forward. She almost giggles with joy, delighted by the night sky standing right in front of her. She bobs her head a bit and presses forward, reaching out her muzzle in an affectionate greeting. She blinks and draws back, the grin on her face small and perhaps a bit dazed.

    “Come come come come come,” Margot cheers, the same word blurring together in her excitement. She whirls on her back hooves, tail arched high in the air as she prances away from the ocean. Her joyous dancing quickly becomes serious walking as the sand weighs her down, but the elation on her face is still evident when she looks back at Zohariel.

    The little mare clears her throat as she crests a dune and says, “You’ll fit right in with the Pangean night sky. I’ll bet you won’t even look like you’re there at just the right angle. Yes, a set golden eyes blinking amidst a sea of stars . . .” Margot trails off, stopping her excited path forward. She blinks up at the twilight above them and spins to grin at her new companion.

    “You’ll have to pose for me just when the sky is right,” the grin on her face turns sly as she speaks, mischievous. “We can call it repayment for a thorough tour of your new home.”

    Margot blinks slowly—reptilian—before turning back around to meander further toward the red dust of her beloved canyons. She smiles to herself, coveting these moments just as she covets all of Pangea’s secrets.

    “It’s late spring so you’ve missed the jasmine blooming amongst the canyon river walls but—but the moss is cool and refreshing to drink from. And winter is the best season to see the starkness of all the strange forms that call this land their home.”

    Margot stops staring at where the hillside mingles sand and clay.

    “There,” she says, glancing at Zohariel. “Stand right at the edge of the hill. You’ll look wonderful.”


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