Kota cannot help herself…she always checks the Den when she travels anywhere near. It’s an ache, an emptiness, her children are grown and or some reason it is mothering that brings her the most peace. It makes no sense. She is a distant, quiet mare. A ghost. The pale woman takes the winding path up through the hills and to the Den. The faeries recognize her and don’t really acknowledge her one way or the other, but they don’t shoo her away, at least.
“Hello there..” she says softly to the pile of fluff curled in the stony dirt. Her pink nose picking up the smell of apple blossoms and it sends a crack through her heart.
Kota would take her home with her, not to Pangea, but to her father’s empty halls. The Cove offers a safe, peaceful dwelling, and she’s not seen her father’s ugly mug in such a long while. Why not bring him a grandbaby?
hey so i see this is like over a month or so old, so if she's grown just ignore this! but kota LOVES da bebessss