"the road from legitimate suspicion to rampant
paranoia is very much shorter than we think."
Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
[private] courage can be an emotion too.
09-06-2021, 07:49 PM
Nereza sighs, closing her eyes; she has been at it for a while now, focusing, concentrating—willing the pebbles she’d collected in a heap in front of her to move, but to no avail. Even now, try as she might, she knows the second she opens her eyes, the pebbles are still going to be in the same spot she left them. Maybe she had nothing to do with the rocks being launched at Reave, perhaps it had been a joke—a prank played by the Fae. “Yes, that’s—“ she freezes, suddenly all too aware of the world around her.
Holding on to the feeling, she imagines tentacles slithering towards the rocks and gripping them, lifting them up slowly and pulling them gently towards her face. Her eyes snap open when one of them bumps against her nose, breaking her concentration. They fall back down to the mossy ground, their landings muted, and she stares at the forest around her in amazement. “You did it!” Oop cheers, suddenly popping into existence near her head. He darts around her like a happy hummingbird visiting his most favorite of flowers, his momentarily pauses marked by him doing a happy little jig. “So, so proud of you!” “I did it,” Nereza whispers, still peering around. “I did it,” she repeats, a little louder now; the excitement builds, growing inside her until she’s hopping excitedly from foot to foot and plodding after Oop—they giggle and shout, blinded by joy, unaware of the darkness springing up around them until the stars and the moon are… cackling down at them? “What?” The spotted two year-old stops dead in her tracks, causing Oop to fly straight into her forehead. He passes through her, causing a cold chill to run up her spine, but she keeps her eyes locked on the moon and the stars and their faces. They seem so horribly, terribly close, and they just keep laughing… laughing at her? “Let’s eat them,” suggests the Moon. “Oh, definitely,” agrees the stars. Nereza screams. [tl;dr: Nereza accidentally conjures up a cartoony version of the Moon and Stars that want to eat her. Please help.] |
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