Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
I'm on the outside looking through
08-29-2021, 08:17 PM
I can see through you, see your true colors Cause inside you're ugly, you're ugly like me
His inability to lie was rarely a hinderance when one can simply rely on cleverness in their choice of words and questions. However he cannot deny the brilliance of the falsity that Wherewolf weaves into the filly, playing on the one thing Sickle wants most. And that seems to be Malik. There is no hesitance after that brilliance (a flicker of appreciation in his red eyes at the cover of Nerine) and she is surprisingly quiet as they lead her swiftly and quickly from Tephra. There is no need of Aela’s powers when he can see the uncertainty slowly dawning on her open face, the doubt when they finally reach the Pampas and its many fields of flowers. He is silent, coming to a halt just a little behind her as he brings up the rear of their party. Sickle was most comfortable with her “family members” and so he had left her in their capable hands as he did his best to cover some of their tracks, his natural suspicion bothering him the entire way home at their lack of interruption. It had been too easy. Something didn’t feel right. He has not forgotten the jaguar mare his sister had spoken of, still lurking in the depths of the volcanic jungle. He knows he will have to go back and the acceptance of that makes him gnash his teeth. Sickle needs to be dealt with first though. Her voice is quiet as she frowns at idyllic beauty of the Pampas and he matches hers with one of his own as he looks at the shifting colors that bloom across her backside. “He’s not here.” He finally says quietly, not bothering to look at his companions to see what they think of this different direction he’s taken. It had taken simple lies to bring her here. He thinks the truth might just make her want to stay and there is nobody better to give it to her then he. “I believe he’s with your father. In Hyaline.” There is only one brief moment to try and catch her before she falls back into her doubt and fear and so he does his best to quell it, coming around to stand beside her. He looks out at the home he had built with a smooth unreadable expression, not glancing down at her once. “You were no longer safe in Tephra.” He finally says and is surprised by how easily those words leave his tongue. But it was the truth wasn't it? Gale had known where she was in the first place. ”Do you know what I am Sickle?” He asks her quietly, finally looking down at the young girl who they had stolen. “I am Fae which means I cannot lie.” He lowers his head, red eyes piercing as it meets her level. “If you can trust us, we might be able to help you.” And in turn perhaps help themselves. For he has no intention of returning the girl to Hyaline just yet. obscene @Aela @Sickle @Wherewolf YOLO ![]()
The girl is looking up at Aela - thinking that she is still Sundari - and while the palomino would have gladly kept up the rouse (she is always wanting to push the limits of her magic), there is no mistaking the way she relaxes as the Empath closes away her gifts. The lovely cream-and-white filly becomes the even lovelier Aela, glittering and shining beneath the Pampas sun.
Now she doesn't have to pretend to be someone she isn't, and while Obscene explains that this field of flowers isn't Nerine (thanks be to Carnage), her expression remains neutral as she takes in this child of Gale and Mazikeen. She had known that the Prince was torn on what to do with her; return her to Hyaline or keep her in the Pampas. Obscene knew how Aela felt about it. Once Gale got what he wanted, what reason did he have to keep his part of the bargain? She had learned enough stories about her Cursed father to know it would be foolish to trust the brindled stallion just by his word. Her blue eyes are masked as Obscene goes on to explain that Sickle might not have been safe in Tephra. As he explains what he is and what he can do. As he encourages the yearling - the one that they have just blatantly lied and illusioned and taken from her home - to trust them. If Sickle is truly a relation of hers, Aela expects her niece to be a far smarter creature than that. She studies the youth, and considering the speech that Obscene has given, she decides against saying anything. The girl was most likely overwhelmed and having three strange faces talking at her wouldn't help put her at ease. So the palomino flicks her flaxen tail and gives the child an empathic nudge: infusing the small area around them with just a hint of trust. @Wherewolf @Sickle @Obscene
09-03-2021, 04:05 PM
I can see through you, see your true colors Cause inside you're ugly, you're ugly like me
Some children are incredibly foolish. Sickle does not fall under that category, she is a suspicious and untrusting child and he can relate, being a suspicious and untrusting man himself. Her birds departure is noticed by all of them but he keeps his eyes on her, unbothered and remarkably patient as she blurs before him into a variety of shapes in her distress. When she steps away and finally lands into the body of the small blue dragon, he simply smiles and runs his gaze across her scales with familiarity as he recalls a black and gold dragon gliding across a blood-red sky. His own scales shimmer and a few more find a place along his star imprinted chest as he regards the reptile. The two adults beside him are silent but he doesn’t need magic to feel the Lord’s disapproval or know what’s lurking in Aela’s mind. Personally his thoughts run the same as Wherewolf’s and he wouldn’t disagree with the logic there. Gale could easily destroy them all but to think that there would be anywhere to run, that there would ever be anywhere safe to hide from the cursed thing in Hyaline, was an even more foolish thought. They had been doomed the moment Gale had sliced open Aela’s chest and sampled her flesh like an hors d’oeuvre. It didn’t matter if they returned Sickle or not at the end of the day. He had known that the moment Gale had opened his mouth. As long as the indigo stallion lived and breathed, there was no such thing as safety. Better to take a chance then roll over with an exposed belly. Better to take a stance on the board of this "long game" they were all playing. And perhaps this child was their chance. There had to be a reason that Hyaline hadn’t collected her themselves. There was a reason the child was in Tephra to begin with. This girl that collects all the colors of the flowers and scatters them across her scales. What else could this changeling child do? She asks about her brother again and there is a flicker of irritation but he drives it down, choosing to simply shrug instead. “I don’t know.” He responds honestly. “I did not see him when your father asked me to find you.” He thinks that’s a good enough response for both questions and he’s sure he has her curiosity now. “Do you want to be found Sickle?” His voice is still smooth and quiet as he looks down at her with his glittering stare. "Do you want to go back to your father?" obscene @Aela @Sickle @Wherewolf ![]() ![]() It didn't matter what they did with Sickle, and yet the child was clearly important. They doused your soul in water, @Wherewolf maybe aela's sorrow can make wolfey feel a little bad about murdering his mother lmfao
09-11-2021, 06:06 PM
Image by Vakrai ![]() star, unfortunately this thread started *just* prior to that one so Wolfy's off to go kill his mom now. ![]()
09-12-2021, 07:22 PM
I can see through you, see your true colors Cause inside you're ugly, you're ugly like me
The dark Prince has never been someone that anyone would ever call nice. He wasn’t the worst thing roaming Beqanna, far from it, but he wasn’t a soft squishy lovable idiot either. Over the years he had hardened himself, pushed emotions in that deep dark hole inside him, told himself he didn’t care. And for a long time he truly believed that lie because he had been so good at it, telling falsities and making other’s believe them. Perhaps that had started to change when he became Fae and could no longer stretch the truth like he once had. Or maybe it had started with Cheri when she had looked at him briefly like he was someone worth knowing all those years ago in a dark and stormy meadow. Either way, inadvertently, he stopped trusting what was said around him as he remembered that everyone else was not bound like he was. And those lies he had told in the beginning, he started doubting them too. Once he had found a dark delicious pleasure in making other’s cry, making them fold and break beneath the weight of a well-timed word or sharp sentence that he could hone like a blade. He looks down at the tears welling in the girl’s eyes and instead of that pleasure… He feels something else tug at him, an emotion he had forgotten. It almost feels like sympathy. He leaves the explanation of Sickle’s mother to Aela (as the golden striped mare could explain their insane family better then he could) but when she looks back at him and whispers those words, his smirk fades as it curves into a small thoughtful frown. “Then you don’t have to.” He says firmly back to her and if Aela is annoyed or upset by this decision then, for once, he truly doesn't care. He finds he doesn’t want to give the filly back to Gale even if it means saving their own skins. Not if it means she is merely a sacrifice for him to carve up and serve as he pleases. What kid deserved that? “You can stay here as long as you like, Sickle.” He finally says, struggling with the unfamiliar feelings that she somehow stirs in him. There must be another way of using the child to their advantage, one that doesn’t require handing her over to any of Hyaline's wolves. He glances at Aela, a discussion to have at another time. He looks up to where Wherewolf had vanished and it seems he is concentrating for a moment. Then, after a few minutes of silently gazing off into the horizon, a small glowing orb begins to move towards them. When the Wisp finally appears at his side, he looks back to the conflicted foal with a thin pressed smile. “This is Light. He’s agreed to stay with you until your bird returns if you would like.” It’s as much for his sake as it is for hers, something he trusts will watch over her that won’t scheme behind his back. And if she finds some comfort in the brightness, something that might stop her tears, he wouldn’t mind that either. obscene @Aela @Sickle ![]() |
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