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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I'm already halfway gone

    m a z i k e e n .

    Mazikeen had left Hyaline looking for a challenge, looking to see what it was like to hunt someone on her own without Gale and bring them back to him in whatever condition she felt like it, but that is not what she ends up finding.

    She flies over the mountains as a large eagle and towards the forest and she is not flying long when twin forms in a clearing below catch her attention in the fading light of day. Mazikeen doesn’t know what it is about them exactly - that they look like burning coals, that she cannot see an adult near them - but they tug at what remains of her heart.

    Perhaps this is not the challenge she was looking for, but they present her with one all the same. Can she just swoop down and take them?

    Or can she convince them to come with her?

    Mazikeen is excited to try, and she only watches them for a moment before enacting the plan that comes to her. She retreats a little ways, until she can no longer see the clearing, and shifts into a large golden dragon - thrilling in the small drop that comes with a shift in the air. A few moments to reacquaint herself with this shape she does not use often and then she is moving across the treetops with a deafening roar. Malice, hatred, and all of her frustration that’s built up pours out of her and turns her face into a wicked, cruel thing as she swoops low over the foals and snaps at them - snarling and reaching out with golden claws. She purposefully pulls short, as though the clearing was too small. And continues to roar as she disappears over the treetops again.

    And then she makes as much noise as possible as she lands with a heavy thud far enough away that she’s sure she’ll be out of sight, breaking a few young trees in the process.

    Mazikeen shifts then, into a white mare with glowing horns, shouting in alarm in her normal voice - hurrying through the trees, forcing herself not to smile and widening her eyes to look as fearful as she can as she finds the foals again.

    Her heart is pounding, but it is from anticipation and excitement, not fear. She wastes no time, motioning for the twins to move with her - casting fearful glances over her shoulder. “Hurry!! Follow me, I know somewhere safe.”

    No thought is given to the mother of the twins until they are back in Hyaline. Had she really just stolen two children away from someone? But there is no real concern to be felt as they arrive in a starlit Hyaline, the lake glittering under the clear sky. It is a beautiful, colourful world (until the snows set in) and the twin jewels she's just stolen suit it enough that she hopes they'll like it.

    “You’ll be safe here with me.” She tells the pair, finding a smile that is not entirely false - even if it is inspired more from her success than it is any genuine feeling towards the pair. Maybe that will change, she doesn’t even know what they are like just yet. And if they are annoying little things, they can always be a meal. "I'm Maze."


    @insane @jenger here have a nonsense backstory for how the twins end up here <3 if you want me to change anything let me know!

    He had prodded and cajoled until Zephys agreed to come exploring with him. He could have gone alone, but he hated going alone. In Vital’s youthful, protected existence, there has never been a time where it was not Zephys and Vital, never been a time where it was one instead of two. To leave, even if it was just to explore, had seemed wrong on a visceral level.

    And so he had pestered his twin until he agreed to join him.

    Now, as the great, ferocious beast swoops low over them, a snarl etched across its too-wide mouth and rows of razor-sharp teeth, Vital regrets every one of the decisions that had led them here. Pressing against his twin’s side, he feels fire lick uselessly over his skin, panic repressing the change they had discovered only days ago.

    As if the young bird would be any defense against those claws and teeth.

    When the white mare hurries into the small clearing, Vital jerks his head up from where he’s huddled against Zephys, a wild bleat of panic already on his lips. Her words break the spell on him however, and as though he has suddenly given permission to do something - anything - he lurches forward, following the mare without question.

    Her fear and urgency convince him easily that she must be there to help them. Though he clings to his twin, Vital follows her because it is the only safe and obvious choice left to them.

    By the time they reach Hyaline, he is panting and exhausted, half in lingering terror and half in shock. He doesn’t even have the wherewithal to look around him, much less admire the beauty of the glittering lake or dripping vines of wisteria. When she claims they will be safe here with her, Vital can only nod from where he stands as close to Zephys as physics allow.

    Only when she offers her name does he finally look up, eyes the color of liquid fire wide with innocent trust. He is forced to swallow a couple times to clear the dryness of his throat, but when he finally is able to speak, he offers his name in return. “I’m Vital.”


    @Mazikeen I just wanted to reply for continuity, you don't have to reply unless you want to <3

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