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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [mature]  If you hurt me I wouldn't cry [Cheri]

    Kiss me again
    Kiss me until I am sick of it

    He doesn’t bother responding to her (when it finally clicks in her sluggish brain), he’s too distracted by the sound of her crystalline laugh. A strange look filters across his dark features, the smirk still upturning the corners of his mouth but tight across his lips. The red of his eyes burning brightly as he focuses on her, laughing drunkenly at her own cleverness. She’s beginning to fall into the clutches of the nectar, the beginning stages of pollen apparent in the glossiness of her emerald eyes. The stutter of her words, her obvious confusion. He’s partly irritated by her evasiveness, just wanting her to answer him. The rest of him is consumed by the sudden feeling of power he has over her. That and something else... The realization jolts through him like an electrical current, a sensation that makes his entire muscular body tingle with anticipation. It's a raw hotness of desire that burns as painfully as the hatred that writhes around his shriveled heart.

    How often had he dreamed of this since the day she stormed into his life? Of her bending to him willingly, on her knees and wanting nothing more than to please him. A dreamy expression has taken root over her lovely face and he finds that his mouth is suddenly dry with the comprehension that he could have her… If he wanted her this way. His muzzle lowers to the bowl, drinking deeply from the honeyed wine, partly to distract him as he soothes his parched tongue. How far was he willing to go, being this villain? Or were there boundaries even he couldn’t cross?

    “Just answer the question Cheri.” He encourages her, trying to get the jeweled mare to focus merely on his words, as if what he wanted didn’t matter. The strange look only deepening as he stands a little distance from her. Curious to see what she would do now that she was in the thrall of her inebriation. He would start with questions, easy enough to loosen her up and see what truths came from her unguarded lips. And then… Then even he’s not sure what he would do. “If I never let you go home, what would you do?” Pausing for a moment as his piercing crimson gaze never leaves the delicate curves of her face. “Do you think yourself beautiful? Do you think that I would ever find you beautiful?” He’s never been more grateful that he can lie unlike his fae brethren that still watch an increasingly drunker Cheri with apparent enthusiasm. Setting her up to fall into a trap of his cruelness, to pick her apart until she was right down here in the same self loathing he belonged to. To prove that she meant absolutely nothing to him.



    The light that meets the dark

    The longer she stared at a particular object, the larger it grew. Cheri was stunned by the size of the meadow flowers, growing and growing in size all around her. She felt like she could plummet backwards into their soft embraces, just recline on the slope of their multicolored petals and observe Obscene from a distance like she wanted to. She looked up from the ground and back at him, drawn away from her twisted hallucinations by the sharp edge in his voice, and watched as he dissolved into a state of liquid before filling up the empty glass shape of himself again, over and over.

    She laughed, softly. Everything was funny, everything felt funny and she liked it.

    “Pushy, pushy, pushy.” She thought of him and his strange questions, annoyed by the insistence of them and their maker. The words took form in the air and drifted towards her, caressing her skin just like the wind that curled over her legs and tousled her bright green hair. What would she do if she couldn’t leave? Did she think she was beautiful? Did she think he would find her beautiful? Was she high right now? “Do I ever get nervous?”

    “You hate when I touch you so no.” She started from the end and worked her way backwards, back to the beginning and then forwards to the end again. “Once I thought I was pretty but now I’m not sure what I am. I want -” She stopped herself, confused, and then continued. “- I want to stay here. I like you and your obscenities. I want to touch and be touched by you.” The pegasus hiccupped, causing her wings to bounce and then settle again.

    She took a step forward and stumbled, but not into him. Just rocked on unsteady legs and then stood upright again, her foreleck a mess covering her eyes and her lips tilted as sideways as her thoughts.

    “As if I could ever tempt you! Wooo-loo-loo mister Obscene.” She threw her head back and laughed at the way he’d broken her heart that first time, as if the phrase couldn’t touch her now. A lie; the words hurt just as much as they always did but she knew that, even in her current state of inebriation. The sun cast rays of light over the black pelt covering his hide and the flowers wound up his legs, bled into his skin and blanched themselves white like spots. He faded from black to evergreen, from spruce to redwood, from crimson to cream and then back to pale green. The vines wrapped around his shoulders and flared into wings, and Cheri’s smile faded.

    “Yenny?” She mumbled, stepping closer to the phantom before the vines crumbled and the vibrant colors turned ashen and dark again. “Obscene?”

    Her gaze tilted, unfocused. She could hardly stand still though she tried. “More.” She demanded. “More nectar.” Cheri edged closer to the reservoir of remaining liquor. The feeling was fading fast and she wasn’t about to let the fall supersede the rise. She didn’t want to think about Targaryen or where he might’ve gone after the winter festival. She wanted Obscene to berate her and enrage her, to make her laugh and take her mind off of things for a little while longer.


    Kiss me again
    Kiss me until I am sick of it

    She is absolutely fucked and the grin spreads easily over his lips, hiding the thoughts of uncertainty and nervousness that rise as she starts talking. The warmth from the nectar spreads everywhere, making him feel lighter than air and instilling false bravado as the situation escalates around them. Everything about her comes into hyper focus, the soft strands of green defined as they curl along her neck. The patterns that weave along the dark curves of her skin and spiral in the splattered spots of her rump and he finds he wants to come closer to her if only to see how those patterns morph and move. Unthinkingly doing so as he closes the distance between them by a few steps.

    That strange look only deepening as she opens up. She thinks he hates her touch and he does… Because he craves it. She truly thinks he despises her and he should be pleased that he’s succeeded in doing so… But it feels hollow. A hollow victory. Perhaps there is a flicker of guilt, a minuscule flare, that he’s smashed some of her self-esteem. It doesn’t last, it doesn’t stay. His own self loathing reaches for those words but becomes distracted as she says, “I want…”

    His skull had begun to snake out, his muzzle hovering over the defined slope of her shoulder, as she says the most unexpected thing. She wants to stay. She likes him. She likes him. He freezes, just mere inches from touching her, from giving them both what they want. And yet… It feels like a trap. The nectar usually made one truthful but they both weren’t fae, they were not held to a standard of being unable to tell deceptions. What if it was all just an elaborate lie to catch him? To make him weak? To hurt him?

    It is hard for Obscene to believe that anyone would ever want a mortal thing like himself when he had been unwanted for so long. He had been a lonely feral child for such a long time, turning into the hardened lonely young man that stood before her now. He doesn’t believe for a second that someone like her would ever want someone like him. It had to be a lie. It must be a lie. She stumbles then, away from him and he watches her as she mocks him, throws his words back at him. As she becomes confused and squints at him, calling him by an unfamiliar name.

    Yenny. He can’t help but smirk (hiding the way his stomach drops behind his smug smile) as if confirming that she was just trying to goad him. That she had been lying the whole time. He can’t help the jealousy that stirs around his withered heart, wondering if that was the name of the one that had supposedly called her name like an offered prayer. Maybe she was seeing the red eyed stallion as that lover instead, the one she had curled beside. Who she really wants to touch. He hates the way that thought carves into him, sharp and hot, just as much as he hates her for making him feel such things in the first place. How she always seemed to gain the upper hand and not even know it.

    Still, it couldn’t hurt to just pretend could it? The both of them here, drunk on flowers and nectar and each other. They could just pretend for a little while couldn’t they, that they didn’t despise each other?

    He doesn’t stop her when she drinks more, as he indulges more, as he lets himself slip into the inebriated bliss of care free ignorance. His mouth is by her ear, a soft murmur for only them to hear. “Why don’t you try?” He’s holding his breath, surprised at his own daring even as his scarlet eyes hide his thoughts with their everlasting scorn. “Try to tempt me.” Baiting her. Baiting himself. "I may not want you," (Lies, lies, lies) "but I'd love to see you try." 



    The light that meets the dark

    The sound of his voice was viperous. Obscene hissed softly into the curve of Cheri’s ear and she leant into the sensation as a shiver ran down her neck. To her the words sounded soft and smooth, curling with dark intentions. She blinked out at the world spinning, spinning, spinning around them and her gut twisted nervously. Half nausea from the golden ichor, half trepidation at what she consciously knew he was asking her to do. The twining winds from the sea brought clouds out from over the ocean, tugging the great white sails of condensation closer until they shrouded the sunlight and blotted out the pretty winter sky. As the cold sun disappeared, Cheri’s heart thrummed and in response, the white, lacy markings over her legs and covering her rump began to glow softly.

    Oh, the things he could do to her…

    Oh, the things she wished she could do to him. Quietly, she turned her head until the very tip of her nose pressed up against his sleek neck. He felt as soft as he spoke. The headiness of their drinks had yet to shatter, perhaps imbibing her with more confidence than she would’ve had in any other situation where Obscene was concerned, and so Cheri slowly bent into him and drug the edges of her lips down the sloping arc of his body, over the hard ridges of his shoulder, tracing the lines of his ribs until she knew herself to be perfectly placed underneath him. With a casual flick, she cast the glittering strands of her tail sideways where they fanned themselves across his broad, dark chest and drifted down over his steady forelegs.

    Lightly, she bit him - a tit for a tat she thought, remembering how he’d gripped her and held her entire body upright that night in the Meadow under the absent light of the Eclipse. Then she ducked away, a few steps to the side so that he could watch her leave and appreciate the supple youthfulness of an immortal’s body coming into its prime.

    Obscene. Cheri called out to him roughly, casting her eyes over the top of her own wing to glance back at him and admire the view. He looked so angry, so sure of himself, and she wasn’t entirely sure where he began or where he ended but the intensity of his gaze anchored her to the spot. “Do you really think I’m ugly?


    Kiss me again
    Kiss me until I am sick of it

    Every time he thinks she will go in one direction, she does the opposite. Every time he thinks she will cave to him, she resists. She seems to thrive on keeping him guessing. It’s working.

    Soft white clouds cover what was once a sunlit meadow without warning or expectation. The world seems to dim around them, as the sky becomes covered and the sun is blotted out. He doesn’t even notice. All he can focus on is the way his pulse is thrumming wildly throughout his stoic body and he wonders if she can hear just how loud his angry heart now beats in his chest. All because her nose lingers on his neck and then her lips are pressed against the heat of his onyx skin and he realizes that she is the most dangerous thing he has ever faced and what’s worse is that she might know that. That she’s doing all this on purpose.

    Heavy lids close as her touch continues, an involuntary shudder rippling through taunt muscles, slithering against him until she has managed to curve herself beneath his arched neck. And just as her tail whips up against her chest (a stinging sensation that brings more pleasure than pain) and just as her teeth find purchase on his skin, his lids snap open. Revealing the dark rolling desire that he cannot hide any longer. Before he can even do anything about it, she has danced away from him and his gaze travels to every intimate immortal curve of her. The fire in his crimson eyes cannot be hidden, a smoldering mixture of his revulsion for wanting her as badly as he does and the ache to covet her.

    He’s already caught off guard when she asks him that question. The thickness of the nectar, the heat that’s spreading like a wildfire within him, the ghost of her caress still lingering on his ribs. For a moment, the chink in his cruel armor is exposed. “What does it matter what I think Cheri?” His voice low but lacking its usual cruelty. Still he is evasive but there is something reflected in the depths of his scarlet gaze that gives a hint to the truth. No. He thinks, No, you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. And before she can ask him anything else he has closed what little distance lays between them and his lips have pressed to the corner of hers as his mouth devours every inch of skin that lays from her wicked smile to her jaw.

    This can never be. He knows that, knows that despite the way each kiss passionately deepens as his tongue ravenously tastes her. And still… Still he cannot stop when she presses against him like that. When he can inhale the fresh scent of rain entangled in the curls of her viridescent mane. When she seems so close to breaking and he wants to be the one that shatters her as much as he wants to be the one that saves her. “I am undone by you.” His voice husky against the shadow of her flesh and the words intention still hidden enough that one can’t tell if it’s a compliment or insult. There's a storm threatening to break on the horizon but he's no longer sure if it's the one in the sky he should be afraid of or the one forming from the intensity of their mutual hatred.



    The light that meets the dark

    The weather was pitching itself into a late evening storm and Cheri held her breath, waiting for Obscene to answer her. That silence could be felt. The clouds themselves darkened, boiling over into gray storms that threatened to burst at any second. Inside of her lungs the same pressure built until Obscene spoke aloud, and with a petulant exhale Cheri contemplated stumbling angrily away.

    What did it matter? “It matters to me.” She thought harshly, avoiding that crimson stare. Everyone around her held back when it mattered most: her parents (she still remembered the night Amarine was set on leaving them behind for the quest), Targaryen (who held an ocean of secrets behind his eyes every time he looked at her), and now Obscene. It mattered more than anything what he thought, because he’d been the one who put her in this state of mind to begin with. He’d started this game and now she was challenging him to finish it - to finish her or make the next move, whichever suited him best.

    But he saved himself before she could react. Cheri turned to tell him she was leaving and when she did, his lips were on hers in an instant and everything she might’ve said was swallowed whole.

    Elation overtook her, body and spirit. The clouds let loose their quarry, dumping an icy rain over the pair once again like it had the first time they’d encountered one another. Cheri could hardly feel the stinging pitter patter against her skin. She only gasped and closed her eyes, tilting her head up toward his face with a silent desire for more. Later, long after the nectar had worn off and Cheri had her senses back in control, she might feel a conflicting wave of emotion surrounding this moment, but oh - in the present she feels it curling like a warm thrill in her belly, making her muscles soft. Beneath Obscene she’s gone limp; Cheri is pliable and willing, her head full of the nothingness brought on by their drunken stupor.

    She shook gently, nervous that her previous display would have him thinking she was capable of so much more when in reality, she was inexperienced at the art of passionate love. She’d only ever known the embrace of family members or close friends. Obscene was truly the first to kiss her and be kissed by her in this fashion. The heady potency of the moment conflicted with her feelings. In the midst of their embrace, his admission cleared some of the fogginess from her head; she laughed, not unkindly.

    “You say that with such conviction…” She murmured in a daze. “I’m nothing special.”

    She turned her cheek away, regretting it instantly though it felt necessary to do so. “I’m sloshed.” She tried to reason with herself. She knew it, Obscene surely knew it. This was all just some game, wasn’t it? He’d pushed her, told her exactly how he felt before with perfect clarity, knocked her down a couple pegs and now she couldn’t believe what he was saying because of how little she thought of herself. “He probably does this all the time.” Cheri felt her guts churn unpleasantly. “Don’t be his little mouse.”

    “I should go.” The young mare took a few dizzy steps to the side again, confused and angry at herself. At him, too. She tried to swallow the bile rising in her throat, concentrating on the soothing sting of the cold winter rain as it drenched her skin and made her shiver.


    Kiss me again
    Kiss me until I am sick of it

    He barely flinches as the clouds open above them, as the rain thunders down and soaks them completely. Raven tendrils cling to the slickness of his neck and the back of his haunches, water pelting hard enough to sting. It only seems to sizzle off the heat of his skin as he continues to consume Cheri, his lips on hers as she simultaneously reaches for him. The only time he breaks from her is a quick inhale of breath, a slight tug on the frenzied disarray of her slick jaded locks to bring her closer to him. She is never close enough.

    He has never touched anyone as intimately as he does now. Nobody has dared to kiss him but she does so now, in earnest. How had this happened? He's not sure but what he does know is that he doesn’t want it to stop. Ever. And yet it does, with a soft laugh and a turn of her cheek. He stands slightly dazed as she stumbles from him. “I’m nothing special.” You are. He thinks over and over. You are. But he can’t say it. The feelings rushing through him are overwhelming and he leaps for his armor, sinks deep into the comforting shadows of the wall he’s built for himself. She was dangerous. Feeling this way was dangerous.

    “You’re right.” He breathes harshly, stills scrambling at the remains of his composure. “You’re not special.” No, she’s more than that. Unique. Frustratingly Extraordinary. But he lets the sharp words fall on purpose, to place that barrier back between them. “I should go.” ”Yes you should.” His voice cold and steely, a far cry from where he had warmly whispered against her neck. He nods even as his stomach twists with unhappiness. He searches blindly for the hatred that burned so brightly in his chest. It’s there, smoldering, still full of resentment and disdain. But there’s just a little less disgust now, a little less hate to fuel the fire..

    Every strand of his satiny raven forelock sticks to him, framing the hard lines of his face as a smug smirk resumes its usual position on his lips. He is soaked to the bone but he doesn’t care, an unreadable expression in the depths of red. He’s unsure what game they are playing but it is a game, of that he is sure. He forces himself to think of the stallion she was surely running off to, Mr. Says-My-Name-Like-A-Prayer. She still despised him and he still hated her. Or maybe not hate. He’s not sure what this is now. “You can find your own way out.” He says with a small shrug and then turns and pushes through the wildflowers until he disappears from her sight. Not once does he look back, not once does he expose the way his stone heart now thuds heavily in his chest.



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