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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    with all the pretty flowers in the dust

    The little green girl had grown up sheltered and undisturbed deep within the heart of the jungle. Its leafy embrace and fair amount of shade blended seamlessly with the peculiar forest green of her coat and she has been able to effectively use her surroundings as camouflage. It was an instinct nurtured by Kagerou for the girl was to remain unseen and out of the clouded leopard mare’s way unless called upon.

    She was always simply Girl. A child to fill the hole in Kagerou’s heart, but who always failed to do so – she was a reminder of the red girl who would never take one breath of the jungle-infused air. Why should this abandoned green thing live, while the red girl of her flesh and blood would never know the joys of life? And so the leopard mare couldn’t ever truly love the green girl.

    She had never known the true power of names until a grey warrior had seemed so confused with her lack of one. It had never occurred to Girl that that would be so strange a thing. Girl was what she was, but it didn’t define her as an individual. But it had been a strange, yet familiar, sudden voice in her mind which had solved her dilemma. The leopard mare had passed away but she had bestowed the green girl one last gift born of guilt and regret.


    It was a name that Girl would cherish forever.

    For it was a name given from the only mother she had ever known.

    But with this gift came her last contact with Kagerou and she was left abandoned once more within the vast jungle. All she knew was how to hide and with this she had retreated deeper into the jungle’s embrace. For the most part, she had avoided well-worn paths that had been walked by numerous jungle-women. When she sometimes ventured closer to the outlying border of the jungle, she’d often seen horses crossing to and fro freely.

    Some of the more familiar jungle-women consisted of the grey warrior she had briefly met years ago, the golden lioness that found her when she had first rescued Namir, and a strange mare that seemed overly fond of fire (which she found strange since fire was dangerous in a lush forest such as this). But she never approached these jungle-women. She lived isolated from the others – a hidden secret of the jungle. But she remained intrigued by the independent, strong ladies of the jungle. Sometimes she wondered if she would ever get over her fear of approaching them, but she wasn’t completely alone. Namir usually remained close by unless he needed to go out and hunt.

    It was during one of his absences that Lucetta had decided to venture closer to a main pathway in an attempt to scavenge some fallen camu-camu that littered the ground. She would occasionally indulge in some of the plentiful fruits if a troupe of monkeys had recently shaken some of the more ripe ones out of the high-lying jungle canopy.


    It was a beautiful day. Every day was a beautiful day, at least to a small child like Sarkis.

    She had been awake for hours,the world much too exciting for sleep.For a while she had lingered in the clearing with her mother and father, bounding about with excessive energy, kicking her legs up. Only a few short squeals emerged from her dainty maw before she was silenced with a stern look from her father. She flattened her ears in response, head ducked down like a shamed dog. No one even said anything as she waltzed her way past her siblings, leaving their snores behind her. There was something about being the baby of the family, especially if you were the 9th baby of the family.

    Her twiggy legs fell upon a familiar and worn path, cushioned by winding, leafy vines. She passed with little notice, regardless of the enthusiastic greetings she offered others. Sarkis was boisterous, she was welcoming and warm. She had yet meet a stranger, and she liked to talk. She would talk to anyone, in the morning, at night, as they were walking away from her. Didn't really matter because she had lots of things to say.

    Sarkis had been counting her steps, traipsing through the flora that bordered the path, when something caught her attention. A bush had just moved, she was almost positive she had seen it do so. Quite boldly she pranced towards it, she had yet in her short life experienced any kind of real danger, though everyone was always telling her about it. Soon she saw that it was not a bush at all, but another horse. A horse that was the same jungle green as many of the native plants. A chameleon among the foliage, except for that glimpse of movement Sarkis had spotted.

    Stilts skirted fallen camu-camu, catching the edge of a slick piece, sending her stumbling forward. It was an immediate recovery, one she failed to acknowledge in her excitement. "Hi!"she said too loudly. The bay roan was confident, looking eagerly at the green girl. "I'm Sarkis, do you wanna play?"

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    Lucetta idly wondered when her ocelot companion would return from his hunt. Although she was used to isolation from an early age on, she had grown quite reliant on the familial bond she had formed with the little cub she had rescued a couple years ago. Namir kept her sane and safe from any loneliness piercing her fragile heart. But she didn’t know the spoken language of the other jungle animals and the little green girl sometimes wonders what would happen if she were to approach another of her kind.

    It was a scary and bold thought for her to ponder.

    Her quiet solitude is abruptly broken by loud noises – twigs snapping and grasses being crushed underfoot. Clearly this was something not even attempting to hide its presence. That could be both bad and good for Lucetta. Since the creature didn’t take care to blend into the jungle, it meant that it wasn’t trying to hunt. But it could also mean that the unknown noises were caused by something confident in its ability to defend itself. Most of the jungle-women generally didn’t announce themselves the way that this creature was doing.

    She was torn between removing herself from the immediate vicinity which left the bounty of fruit unclaimed or to stand her ground and attempt to camouflage into the jungle undergrowth. The decision was made for her when a young girl startled her through a series of flailing limbs and high energy. Lucetta hadn’t really had the chance to see the younger members of the tribe before. It was mostly those who were experienced jungle-dwellers she had observed coming to and fro through the lush forest.

    The green girl immediately wants to shy away and melt back into the jungle’s embrace. She’s bewildered by such a boisterous greeting and its subsequential  question. Her hazel doe eyes are wide in uncertainty as she stares at the roaned girl. She finally murmurs a subdued greeting in return when it appears the girl isn’t going anywhere any time soon.



    Her young thin legs, lacked all sense of grace. Coordination was also a work in progress, but nevertheless Sarkis persisted. She clamored about the Jungle often, though she never ceased to surprise others with her arrival. A fumbling ball of energy, a confident little child, bounding right up to most things.

    Sarkis wiggled her small black plume, filled with excitement about this chance meeting. She is filled with pure delight on finding the girl that was not a bush. A potential new friend, the little filly loved making them, she considered most of the herd her friends, whether they knew so or not. The green girl looks perhaps uncomfortable, or unsure about how to interact, Sarkis takes no notice of this.

    "Yeah play. We can play all kinds of things. Tag, hide and seek, we can go on an expedition and explore!" The little roan was enthusiastic about each of her activity proposals, shifting her weight the entire time, she seemed to not be able to keep still. Her hazel green eyes looked the other over, admiring her coloring.

     "What's your name? I like your pelt, it is pretty, so green. My mom used to be different colors, before the fairy came." She looked thoughtful about this, if a bit sullen as well. She felt bad for the others that had lost their marks, it seemed really important to some of them.

    The thought fleeing, as quickly as most subjects did for the girl, she again returned to the others green hide. "Can I be green too? How did you do it?" She seemed to think the girl had painted her own skin somehow, found a way to alter her appearance even after the fairies taking.

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    Lucetta wasn’t necessarily graceful, but she had long since learned the art of navigating through oftentimes thick and stubborn undergrowth. Since she avoided most of the well-worn paths, she was able to delicately and neatly make her way through the jungle. She possessed plenty of little niches throughout where she had deemed worthy enough to use as shelter or hiding places. Survival depended upon her ability to blend into the background.

    This was why she was intrigued by the girl’s suggestions of play. Hide and seek? The thought of hiding for fun was puzzling for Lucetta. But then again maybe the game taught the young children of the tribe where the best places for hiding within the jungle were. Perhaps it was a learning game meant to instill certain skills. Kagerou had certainly enforced the importance of hiding from others within her.

    The jungle was vast and difficult to traverse at times, but she had made a valiant effort at roaming about as much as possible through it. Perhaps she was one of the better people to go exploring an unknown jungle with; she was a true jungle native if you will. Lucetta seemed unnaturally calm compared to the other girl’s restlessness, but she did not find the girl’s bright energy alarming. She still remained a bit anxious over the whole social interaction which made her replies rather quiet and uncertain.

    I know of several places we can, uh, explore?

    She blinks in surprise when the matter of her color is drawn into question. Lucetta had never thought of her coat as anything but uninspiring or perhaps even ugly. Kagerou had always been deeply disappointed that her coat wasn’t red like her beloved lost child. This girl’s fascination with her seemingly unremarkable color gave Lucetta pause.

    I don’t really know. I’ve always been this color.

    She sees her slight sullenness and perhaps small envy and she begins to quickly look about the immediate area. Her green-brown eyes find some pretty deep purple orchids growing on one of the tall tree trunks. Lucetta makes her way towards the tree and carefully pulls a little bundle of blossoms away from the plant. After standing before the girl once more, she slowly reaches towards the girl’s black mane and tediously intertwines the sprig into the dark plumage. Stepping back, she smiles gently at the girl.

    My name is Lucetta.

    It feels empowering to finally reveal the precious name she had cherished within her mind for so long.


    The only problem with being the ninth child, was well, being the ninth child. Her siblings were all older, had their own lives, responsibilities. Mom and Dad were equally busy. That left Sarkis bored out of her little mind for the most part. An undoubtedly awful predicament for the boisterous young girl.

    In all actuality, the games served no purpose other than for entertainment. Jungle days were long when there was nothing to do, so she simply found things to occupy her time. Sometimes when she hid, someone would chance by her, and she would unrelentingly convince them to play. There was however that little problem with her being such a good hider, it would take her new playmates forever to find her. Often they didn't find her at all, and so she would have to start all over again.

    Her eyes brighten as the new girl let's on that she knows some places to explore. That sounded right up her alley, she loved to explore." Oh yes please. You can be the leader since you know the way." she said brightly, smiling up at the other. What a wonderful thing to be born green, at least, Sarkis thought so. "Oh wow, really? Well that's super lucky. I bet your mom is proud."

    The little roan had no inclination that someone might not have a mother. She didn't even know that was a possibility, she simply thought everyone had theirs around. Somewhere at least. Her hazel eyes follow as the spruce colored female briefly walks away, on her return she carries purple flowers. Sarkis thought they were lovely, and was simply giddy when they were placed in her ruffled tresses. She couldn't see them, but they made her feel beautiful.

    "Thank you. Lucetta. I like you!"she was glad to have something to call her new friend, else their games might get rather confusing. She could have of course made one up, but it was much easier this way. "You can be my friend, then we won't have to play by ourselves. That will be good won't it?" She didn't know what else it could be if it wasn't good, but she left Lucetta room to state otherwise.

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    Lucetta had never known what having a family was like. No older siblings to mess with her and no parents to cuddle with at night when struck with a particularly frightening nightmare. All she had known was a bullying caretaker whose words struck sharper than any knife. But the green girl had never held it against the clouded leopard-mare; she wasn’t supposed to be the one to survive. No, it should have been the red stillborn child who lived, not the green girl who had been left to die within the harsh jungle’s grasp.

    She nods in agreement to her sudden promotion to leader and gestures for the other to follow after her. Lucetta fills with a quiet bitterness with mention of her so-called mother. She had had nobody. It was obvious that this girl was truly love and coddled by her family. But the green girl had been left to die and to fend for herself. Even with all of Kagerou’s hurtful words, at least she had been relatively cared for. But then she too had left her alone in the jungle as well.

    Lucky? Well I wouldn’t really know.

    Her words are accompanied with a half-hearted shrug. She was merely speaking the truth after all. She had no idea if her mother had been green, or black, or purple, or even marked like Kagerou had been. She had no knowledge of her lineage. All she had was the jungle’s fond embrace and the little ocelot she had adopted as her brother. Her stride briefly stumbles after the other girl’s words but she is quick to adjust her balance. Staring at her with bewildered green-brown eyes for a moment, Lucetta then turns her head in the other direction in embarrassment. A rosy blush paints her green-hued cheeks and she is quite uncertain she’s never heard nicer words.

    Uh, thanks. I like you too.

    This is, of course, uttered in a quiet murmur. She’s much too embarrassed to be confident in her replies now. Lucetta wonders where the girl gets her self-confidence and liveliness. They remind her of the troupe of tamarin monkey she is quite fond of. Perhaps she would lead Sarkis to play with them for the day. It was exhilarating to have another by her side. She had never had a friend which was of her own species before. And this girl wasn’t stingy with her offers of friendship – something that was quite invigorating for the green girl. Lucetta smiles softly at her companion.

    Yes. A friend is definitely a good thing.


    The face that returns is perhaps a bit sad, the older girl’s shoulders rising and falling. A small gesture of her indifference. Didn’t know?

    Well, that would be just fine, because Sarkis was here to tell her. The little roan was always telling others about things, she couldn’t help herself. ”Yes of course, it is lucky. Mothers are always proud, so that means yours is too.” To Sarkis they were at least, for she hadn’t met a mother that wasn’t proud. She hadn’t met many mothers at all, but that fact meant very little to the young girl. The world was made up of what Sarkis herself made of it, and through juvenile eyes life was blissful.

    The world was her oyster, strongly supported by the position her Dam held. She could go, really anywhere, through the confines of the jungle. She held little worry in her gentle heart, naïve to dangers that could, would, or should happen to her. Everything was matter of fact, and everything was wonderful. Why shouldn’t it be?

    Little ears twitched atop her tiny head as she looked up at the green colored filly, hazel-green eyes shining bright. They burned with a blinding radiance, blessing all they fell upon in their wake. She was broadly grinning, clinging close to the fern-colored hindquarters she shadowed. Personal space hadn’t occurred to her, they were on an adventure after all. ”I’m glad.” She called ahead of her, warm laughter lining her announcement. She embarked mostly without caution, nares flaring to take in the jasmine-and-gingerbread smell permeating the air. Everything was exotic floral, mixed with the musk of rotting logs and fallen leaves.

    ”Lucetta, do you think we might see the spirit today?” She was ever curious, wondering what the growing cat was like when not accompanied by her mother, or one of the adults. ”The one the fairy brought, do you know? The fairies that took away the others tattoos.” Spilling exactly everything she knew so far about the special occurrence that seemed to be causing a stir. She gathered only bits and pieces of the story before the grown-ups voices fell to low or ended all together. They were stingy that way, keeping all the good stuff to themselves. ”Don’t you think that’s mean? Mother says not to snatch things, not to steal. Isn’t that stealing?”Had Mother been the one to say that? Someone had been the one to say that, perhaps it was something she overheard? Mother said, would do for now.

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    im sorry for this poop, she had things to say, and then work kept interrupting x.x

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