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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Say a prayer for the wounded heart within [Bean]

    if i stare into the abyss, will it stare into me?

    It's hot, nearly unbearably so. Skeleton Ghoul grumbles to himself, rocking back and forth as he itches his backside on the bark of a conveniently rough tree. He's fully shedded into his summer coat, sure, but the titanic stallion is not a heat loving animal. It's why he loves Tiagia so much -- well, one of the reasons -- and he's cursing himself for following the river down into the much hotter southern lands. As far as Skel is concerned, the only place he wants to go this time of year is further north

    But, here he is. Being all social or some stupid shit. The dark stallion pushes off of the tree and ambles over to the river, plowing directly into it until he's chest deep. He lets out a giant sigh of relief, lipping at the rushing water and getting a long cold drink. Beard soaked, he looks around, smelling the wind. It doesn't seem like anyone is around.


    The giant stud sloshes to a shallow eddy, collects his legs underneath him and buckles down with a grunt, going down onto his chest into the cold water. Sighing, he glances around again. Nobody still. Good. Time to roll down onto his side and rest his skull on the bank, letting the river wash over his dark form. 




    [Image: qZyWUwo.png]
    Bean is stifling in her thick shaggy fur but no matter, she traipses along as blissful and oblivious as usual. Sometimes she stops to sniff the flowers and a lot of the time she stops to splash in small creeks and puddles, especially the puddles because then she gets all muddy and that keeps the fly away and feels nice and cool on her hirsute skin. Not that she needs to be any more brown and nondescript than she already is!

    Eventually she tires, like she always does. Just runs right out of steam and desires a nap, which leads her to search for just the right spot to do so. Will be beneath a tree that she can lean her hip against or in a cool stream that will lull her into a good long snooze? The possibilities are endless! So it should come as no surprise that she finds herself skipping along the path to the river. 

    Only this makes her think of the time she spent there with Skeleton Ghoul. Or as she likes to think of him fondly, Big Bad. She misses her big friend, running underneath his belly and gathering food for him to eat. Bean liked being helpful and they had a unique but good friendship. Just thinking about him made her smile and the day was just that much better! 

    Maybe she’ll meet up with him in her dreams and they’ll have a grand adventure that she can tell him all about the next time she sees him. That kept the smile in place on her face until her front hooves hit something hard and soft all at the same time and sent Bean stumbling to her knees. “Oomph!” she mumbled, not really in pain, just surprised more than anything else that she managed to trip over a rock.

    Naturally curious as to why there had been a rock in her way when she’s come this way before and never tripped over one, she climbed back to her feet and retraced her steps. Her eyes landed upon a pale round thing that she at first mistook for a rock, an odd one at that, until she bent her nose to it. It definitely did not smell like a rock! Rather, it smelled like a goat (she’s familiar with them from her past) and it lifted its head to look at her.

    Ouch, be more careful next time.

    Bean jumped sideways from the goatling and let out a snort. She was certain the goat just spoke to her. In her head. Like telepathically. Her eyes rolled in fear as she looked down at the little thing and realized it was just a baby. 

    Where is your mom?
    Gone, wolves got her.
    Why can I hear you in my head?
    Ummm I don’t know but I think it has to do with why mom and I came here. I was meant to find someone and I think it’s you.
    No way! Nope, can’t be.
    Yes it can and now you’re stuck with me.
    I don’t want to be stuck with some stinking goat.
    Well too bad, that’s just how this works now. We’re bonded in a way. Maybe you shouldn’t have tripped over me.

    Bean was not impressed at all to find herself in a telepathic conversation with a goat. She sighed aloud as the pale kid drew himself up and planted his stubborn self right in front of her. The look on his eyes said he wasn’t going anywhere now and she just had to suck it up. Well, she didn’t have to be happy about it given the suddenly grumpy look on her face as she bared her teeth at him.

    You look like a little snowflake. That’s what I’m going to call you.
    How about Snjor instead? Little more masculine than just ‘snowflake.’

    Bean agreed with great reluctance and rolled her eyes. Great, the goat was opinionated too. She shook out her mane, feeling the pale feather tap against her neck and it made her instantly smile to think of the one who gave it to her. Then she heard the goat make that annoying bleating sound and she snorted again. Nothing like being saddled with a stubborn brat of an animal that would eat anything. Which reminded her of her Big Bad again.

    Come along, she thought with impatience and began to march off down the trail with the goatling in tow. She can smell the river and then, up ahead, she gets glimpses of sunlight sparkling off the top of the water. Excitement grows in her and her pace picks up, not caring if the kid can keep or not. Okay, not true as she spares one glance behind to see that indeed, the goatling is still following as diligent and sticky as a shadow. Her ears prick and her eyes shine, she can’t wait to submerge herself in the river and nap…

    Oh. The goat. What on earth will she do with him? 

    I’ll nap on the shoreline, the heat hasn’t gotten to me yet.

    It’s like he’s in her head or something. Her ears go flat against her poll and she clenches her teeth so she doesn’t say something unkind about how eventually he’ll look like a shaggy dog or something. Not that Bean can talk - she’s a hot mess of half-shedded still thick fur and mud and god only knows what else the little mare has managed to get into. Looks like a swamp monster to be honest. With a tiny white goat trailing after.

    Back to the river —

    It has captured her attention and she rushes right into it, splashing her way until it’s deep enough to cover her back. The current begins to tug at all sorts of unimaginable and unquestionable things caught in her hair like sticks and leaves, but the feather remains safe and tightly bound to her. Mud swirls away from her skin along with patches of hair. She sighs, content as her body relaxes and lethargy sets in. 

    Noise grabs her attention and her eyes pop open. Something large is moving through the river. Oh look! Her wish has been granted! Big Bad sloshes by and lays himself down in the shallows. Bean trails after him, not really trying to be furtive and sneaky because she’s Bean and she’s in the water splashing about. Which she does to him as she gets close, slams her nose into the water with enough force to send droplets spraying upwards and small waves rippling away as an after effect. 

    “Hey you!” she chirps happily as the baby goat goes to stand by the behemoth’s head on the bank. Bean rolls her eyes again and almost hopes Ghoul will just eat it, wondering if he ever got his sharp teeth. “Missed you!” she adds, smiling.

    @[Skeleton Ghoul] Poor guy has to be introduced to her new companion animal haha ❤️

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