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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    So I guess the way I'm seeing it, there are kind of two separate ideas here. The first is a physical thing, a nexus of power that a horse could physically go to and stand at. The second is an effect - illusions, etc. I think I'd prefer our thing to be physical, rather than just an effect - I really like the idea of a physical nexus of power. It could also have an effect, but I really like there being a thing or place. Thoughts?
    Camrynn - Erebor - Wrynn
    There's no point in just having a 'thing' though. The falls have a lake that heals, we can't steal that idea. The amazons have magic tattoos that expand. All their 'things' do stuff.
    some brainstorming stuff of the features. Might help

    Desert animals
    Good for stargazing cos there's nothing in the way of the sky
    Desert shrubs?

    Some idea brainstorming
    Prophetic stars/past rulers in stars/sprit stars
    Protective sand monster - makes sandstorms

    Or what about some kind of marker from a deserts 'mascot'/spirit. Maybe jewellery? Gold piercings, chains etc. you get to choose what or it could get more complex as you gain rank
    Or familiars? Different animal depending on what you want. Although I can see this being abused by people who just choose big scary familiars lol. Could be spirit familiars - so they can't attack.

    Water nymph seems quite odd for a desert :p sand nymph?
    Oh I'm totally not saying we should just have a physical feature. Just that alone would be pretty lame :-P I think I'm just suggesting we have a physical feature in addition to having some kind of cool effect. Like the falls waterfall has healing water, rather than the kingdom has a 'healing aura' if that makes sense.

    A sand nymph could be really cool. Like it could actually travel through the sand as though it were water.

    I also like the idea of playing with Deserts characteristics, like the different animals and such.

    Since going with the Egyptian theme didn't seem to be much of a hit, does anyone know anything about ancient desert peoples other than Egypt? Maybe there is something cool in the Pueblo peoples or some other ancient civ?
    Camrynn - Erebor - Wrynn
    i really like the pyramid idea actually.

    possibly a "go in and talk to the gods" type of pyramid (gives the option of having religious characters), or also incorporating jaya's idea about the jewelry (bc hello, cool!)

    jewelry could be pretty (a crown for a monarch, decorative for peace members) but possibly also armor for warriors?

    and the pyramid could grant it?
    I'm all for the Gods idea - leave it up to each character who seeks something to play the result (or even ask someone else to do it - like you did with me for Dorne in the competition, Kahzie, and then we just post with our OOC account or something). That way they could be as mystical and capricious or direct and involved as we like. Would we keep them Egyptian-ish? If so, a small pyramid seems apt. It could also just be a mystical spirit in their that takes the form of whatever is in the character's mind - a god for the religious, a mother/father figure or devil for others.

    Would granting armor for warriors be too involved? I like the idea of jewelry, but is it too much like the amazons' tattoos?
    I think jewellery would not be too similar cos the Tundra has scarring - so marking a character as belonging to a certain Kingdom seems fair game.

    But if they leave forever, there's no permanent effect, it just fades away?

    Armour could work.
    For soldiers it could still just be decorative... They could just be ghostly or w/e so not physically there, but just appearing to be? So they couldn't be ripped out. But I quite like the idea of a torn up warrior lol.

    Horses could have things like tail wraps, mane wraps, crowns, decorative gilded hooves, bracelets, piercings, horn or wing decorations if they're winged or horned... Could even have things like gold beads in mane...
    I was thinking A slightly toned down Xerxes from 300

    Also love the pyramid idea and the 'gods' appearing in a form depending on the character asking.
    Other structures instead of pyramid we could have include a pantheon type deal made of sandstone.
    No lie, I love the pyramid idea. I feel like only the Deserts would ever logically have that.

    Also love the idea of the gods/spirits/what have you being largely up to the players. I would definitely vote for keeping with Egyptian gods. Again, that's something only the Deserts can really logically claim and plus there's precedent.

    What if the jewellery idea incorporated cartouches somehow? A gold cartouche on the location of the horse's choosing? Maybe with a little more embellishment as they climb the ranks? Maybe with a different 'base' depending what caste they're sworn to?

    Armor per se seems a bit much. Maybe a decorative armor piece or something?
    Camrynn - Erebor - Wrynn
    Ideas I like/support:

    Sand nymph, obviously because the deserts. I like the concept that she could change and appear differently to each individual? Like, she might appear as a slutty sexy sand girl to someone like Vanquish or a sweet sand bunny to someone like Zilpah? Idk. But I like the sand nymph idea.

    Egyptian shrine/statues of some type. I kinda like the idea of something like this:
    [Image: p17kpknvk0152ktggfq71rs43gg0_75013.png] 
    Perhaps on a smaller scale and I propose that they be able to "come alive" and move, etc to protect the Deserts and interact with the people? Obviously the statues wouldn't have to be the ones provided in the picture, but you get the general idea. I do kinda like the notion that we could use the three gods from the crowning competition maybe? I volunteer to play Osiris forever  Tongue  Blush
    Here's my vote:

    Definitely a pyramid/ancient Egyptian temple.
    EITHER a spirit inside that manifests according the supplicant as a guide of sorts. This could be a nymph or a spirit/god entity.
    OR the statues come to life to defend the Desert, as it sort of has a 'we are righteous and this is a sanctuary, etc etc' thing going on recently. That being said, I think the Desert doesn't lack protectors, though obviously that could change in the future.

    I think that since other kingdoms have markings, we should stay away from that :/ The cartouche and gold jewelry bit is pretty and if we want to incorporate it, maybe it could be something for just the monarchs/upper ranks? Maybe you have to earn the right to wear it?

    Obviously the traits as you move up the ranks can change to whatever the current monarchs want, it was just something Venge and I set up to try and lure payers in (hehehe...), but we do already offer A LOT to the active players in this kingdom.

    IDK. just thinking semi out loud Smile

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