"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
He says that he just wants to be happy, and she tries to remember when she was last truly happy.
It was such a strange emotion to her, because while she never felt particularly unhappy, she cannot recall the last time she felt a surge of pure, unadulterated joy, either.
Much like everything else, she feels as though her sense of happiness has been twisted and contorted into something else entirely; it doesn’t exist anymore, not in the normal way. There is simply the way that she feels when she is with one of them, and the way that she feels when she is alone. Atrox, the unexpected peace she had never thought she would find, the stalwart lighthouse that she is sure he never intended to become. He is her constant, the one that she will go home to, always. But Carnage – he fulfills an ache that never should have existed, created a piece of himself that fits inside a piece of her, and while some days she hates it, most days she knows she cannot be without it.
She supposes, then, that she is happy, or maybe she has just accepted this new version of it.
“You’ll find happiness again,” she tells him, her nose still lingering along his neck. “It might not look like what you were used to before, but it will be there.”
He asks her if she will be staying, and she shakes her head with a quiet laugh, “No,” she says. “I lived in Tephra a long time ago, but Hyaline is my home now. I just came to see my son and Wonder.” She presses the delicate curves of herself closer to him, curls into the warmth of him as if she has known him a lifetime, and promises, “It won’t be the last you see me, though. I’m easy to find.”
R y A t A h
and you can aim for my heart, go for blood
but you would still miss me in your bones
There is a hum of disappointment in Svedka’s throat, but it does not mar the soft smile that finds his pearled lips nor the gentle sparkle in his light eyes. He, most of all, is no stranger to the different ways life tends to pull apart relationships - however, he does find solace in the fact that most often, life always brings them back together.
When Ryatah mentions Hyaline and her intention of returning there, the stallion’s amusement that alights across his face will hardly go unnoticed. “I lived in Hyaline for quite some time, long ago,” he tells her softly as if it was a secret he had been keeping. He had been different then, but not much. Younger, of course, and innocent in the ways of the world, but also found himself rampant with passion and love - though he cannot say that has changed much now. He is older and he is sure his sister would say he is not much wiser for it. Svedka could barely argue with her, though, and it brings a smile to his lips.
Perhaps Ryatah is right; his time in the afterlife and with Carnage, however tormenting, is over and his steps towards healing has already begun.
His smile is half-crooked as the two embrace intimately and Svedka believes her wholeheartedly and without hesitation. “Good,” he breathes against her cheek in satisfaction, turning his gaze out over the ocean that he had been studying in solitude before her arrival. “I’m not sure I’d be able to continue on happily without knowing I’d see you again, Ryatah.”
Her own smile turns brilliant and glowing when he says he had lived in Hyaline, perhaps a little too delighted to find this connection between them – she in his old home, and he in hers. She doubts he has any reason to ever return to Hyaline; is almost certain that any family he had left would not still be there. She wants to tell him that he could come see her there, but feels it is no longer her place to welcome anyone into the kingdom. The line that she walks with Breach is a fine one, and she is careful to not cross it.
“It’s a beautiful place,” she says, and does not realize how strange that sounds since she stands there before him with gemstones in her sockets, sightless. “Tephra is beautiful too, though. I understand why you would live here.”
There is a trembling of her skin at the feel of his warm breath against it, and though he does not make her heart race in the way Atrox or Carnage do, there is still something that stirs inside of her chest. “You don’t have to worry,” she breathes into the curve of his neck where she has curled herself, “I’m impossible to get rid of. Ask anyone that has tried.” She pulls herself away then, ignoring the coolness that touches her skin in the absence of the warmth of his body. “I’ll find you the next time I'm in Tephra. Take care of yourself, Svedka.”
She disappears then, her golden glow eventually swallowed by the darkness of the jungle, in search of where she knew she could expect Nightlock and Wonder to be.
R y A t A h
and you can aim for my heart, go for blood
but you would still miss me in your bones