Her sister's criticism slides right off her back as she watches the Lynx partake in her first kill. Felicitey herself did not attempt to feed, she had found pleasure in the moment but now the flurry of emotions sat high in her gut.
She had lost her appetite, as she listened to Rayie talk about killing and the loss of internal conflict of it all, luckily Dexter had been there stroking her cheek in comfort. There was no need for Rayie to know how conflicted she was, luckily for her she seemed caught up in her current speech.
She was relieved when Rayie asked her about her parents, it was a nice distraction, a way to keep herself busy. My mom had some business to attend to, she's usually gone for a good few hours. It takes a while even in the sky to get around Beqanna. I like to think she's trying to find us a home. Felicitey had risen from her place on the ground and padded softly back and forth across the dusty earth. Her voice picked up in excitement and her lopsided toothy grin found it's way to her face once again. I have yet to meet my dad...or I guess our dad, sorry she said with a small giggle.
She looked to the sky, the sun had moved noticeably from it's last position from when she got here. I should be heading back soon before my mom gets back. she sighed. Will I be able to find you again, the next time I'm in Pangea? she asks in mild urgency. She had just met her sister and hoped she could continue to see her.
who do you think you are? collecting your jar of hearts.