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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Already choking on my pride // Any
    { and in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times }

    "I am sure that Breckin has more important things to be doing than seeing me; but perhaps I will send for her at another time. Thank you, Leilan." The smile I offer him, though tight, is genuine; and despite the way our teeth found themselves quickly wrapped around each other's throats, I find that I quite like him. Well okay, quite tolerate him; ornery stallions have never been my type. I am much more inclined to ornery mares... My mind goes illicitly to Solace at the thought, a rather... picturesque... image of her strewn across our bed causing my smile to take on a bit of a roguish lilt. But by this time, Leilan is saying his parting words, and soon enough, his back is to us and he makes his way towards the inner kingdom.

    "May his company only grow in delightfulness during your stay here, Sabra," I offer with a chuckle, turning my eyes back towards the opalescent mare to whom I am speaking. The brisk coastal wind pucks up some, sending my mane streaming across the width of my neck. My ears twist back at the howl, but as it lessens, they ease forward again without hesitation. "At least, I wish you the joy of it."

    She goes on then to speak about her children as I'd asked her to, and I find myself listening rather raptly. Three sons, just like me, with only the two sticking around these days; my mind strains to imagine just where Abysm might be now, and I come up short. When once I could almost always guess that the little dreamer strayed to his father's side, in the present times, he could be anywhere. Full grown now, if still as ornery as the stallion who'd just left our group; but he is my son, and I must love him, even if I began doing so years too late.

    "I think this place suits you too," I offer quietly to her last remark. Thoughtfully, my eyes take in the scenery once more, as if seeing it for the first time; the cliffs, the pine forests, the salted green grass and the cloud-skidded sky above. It's not my Hyaline, but it is beautiful in its own right. Chin dropping, I look once again to Sabra. "It's a blessing to have family near you. Going without - well, suffice to say, that can be devastating."

    @[Sabra] I know that Sab is basically dead or almost dead or something but uhhhhh time is fake here is a long over due post
    [Image: kag]

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