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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Uncertainty
    I want to swim away but don't know how
    Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
     Roseen thought she was doing well for once. She was managing to talk to another horse without awkwardly going silent. Though she still had trouble speaking correctly, and it was mostly Leilan that kept the conversation going, she was surprised she managed to make it this far. Little did she know just how much more complex this experience would be for her. 

    Another stallion approached the two in a very lively way. He spoke Leilan’s name and called him buddy, to which Leilan gave a questioning look. Obviously the two knew each other, but Roseen could see that they both had different views on their relationship just by Leilan’s reaction. But then, the other stallion turned his attention on her. She felt her heart stop, and it took all she had to not shrink back under his gaze, yet she still averted her eyes. Though she did manage to force a smile, she wasn’t sure if it looked as friendly as she wanted it to. “H-hi,” she stuttered her greeting after learning the stallion’s own name, and asked for hers, “I-I’m R-Roseen.” She went silent, and he spoke again, though this time her ears perked a little and her eyes moved towards him. She was interested to hear that Arthas was from one of the kingdoms Leilan spoke of. Silently she questioned what Loess was like, but she couldn’t seem to gather the courage to ask. All she could manage was a softer smile, and a light nod as he suggested she at least visit his kingdom.

    By now Roseen had a lot on her mind. From meeting a random stranger to meeting another, then learning that there were kingdoms, she began to think more about her future again. Making friends was all well and good, but these kingdoms seemed more pressing. They could be a home to her; this was certainly a path she needed to thoroughly think upon. She needed to know all of them, what they were like and what kind of life they could offer her. Lost in her own thoughts, she hadn’t even noticed when Leilan started to speak. She snapped out of her thinking, her eyes fixing on Leilan and blinking swiftly. She caught him just as he began speaking to her. “I-I’d love to see it sometime,” she replied with a sheepish smile, not really sure how else to reply. Apparently Loess was quite the sight if both stallions thought she should visit, and a home with a view was something she certainly wasn’t against. Places with a view usually had lots of vegetation to offer, and comfortable surroundings, which made her think she just might have little worry of finding food, and could actually make herself at home.

    But just a pretty view wasn’t enough. She needed to know more about Loess before making any decisions, especially one as important as calling it home. She needed to know what the other horses were like. What was their structure? How welcoming and friendly were they? Were there any dangers? If so, what were they? Did they have any stallions worth taking as a mate? Wait, scratch that last one.

    This was when another horse approached. This time it was a mare, and a very beautiful one, too. Actually, Roseen found herself surrounded by three horses that were very attractive. Obviously Leilan was handsome, and Arthas also had some good looks, something she began to realized more and more as she looked over him. And now there was a beautiful mare standing before her, enough to make Roseen jealous. This time she actually took a step back, overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of yet another stranger. And it didn’t help that this stranger was so much prettier than her. She felt so plain in the presence of those three. So ordinary; a mare with nothing special about her. 

    “R-Roseen,” she greeted weakly to the mare, dipping her head a little as her eyes became downcast, “I-it’s a pleasure to m-meet you.” Hearing that Breckin was from another kingdom certainly interested the sooty bay, but now her mind was whirling with so much it became hard for her to concentrate on anything at all. Her breathing became uneven, her heart pounded in her ears, and she started to get a little fidgety with anxiety. She was on the verge of freaking out. Roseen wasn’t used to being around so many horses at once, especially so suddenly. She didn’t know what to say, what to do nor how to react or respond to their words. They all seemed kind, and perhaps willing to help her, so she couldn’t just excuse herself and leave. However, at the same time she was surprisingly excited. There were three horses before her; this was her chance to make not just one, but three friends! But something was holding her back and keeping her from speaking. It took her breath from her, made it difficult to speak, and filled her heart and mind with worries and possibilities of how it could all go wrong.

    Fear controlled her.
    a nomad
    His gaze flicked from the bay mare back to Leilan as he spoke. The roan stag mentioning how he stole Leilan back in the day from his home in Ischia. A shallow chuckle escape his maw I thought we were past that Leilan, I know you missed me while I was gone. It was true, he stole the stallion and gavw him a less than enjoyable experience, but it was necessary to show Ischia his point. He steps closer to Leilan We can pick up were we left off he laughs poking at the stallion, the two always had a rather odd friendship.

    His gaze flutters back to the unnamed mare as she begins to speak, she was not used to a group, or perhaps stallions. Her voice was shakey when she spoke but she introduced herself as Roseen. Leilan pipes in, mentioning how rough Loess is and how Roseen might not be a good canidate. He rolls his eyes  Come now Leilan, are you for or against Loess? Grinning towards Leilan he shifts his gaze back to Roseen Loess can be cruel, but I will protect you He gives a wink to the bay mare but his attention shifts when he senses another.  His head flicks in Leilans direction but his gaze focuses behind the red stag. Another was lurking, a spotted mare who finally peered out from hiding.

    Arthas has never met her before, but it seems as though she has met Leilan. The spotted mare was easy on the eyes although she joined for the same reason as Leilan and Arthas, to recruit. She mentions her kingdom briefly before complimenting Leilan and Arthas' looks, a quick smile tugging at his lips. She introduces herswld as Breckin, noting to Roseen she was from Nerine. Arthas gazes about the large group, noticing Roseen was uncomfortable, he steps closer to the bay mare you have nothing to fear he extends his maw gently touching her shoulder. Beqanna could be a huge change to horses not born here, Arthas should know, he was one. But with time she will grow more confident around groups like this. Well then Roseen, do you want to visit Loess?

    @[Roseen] @[Leilan] @[Breckin] Sorry, phone post. Didn't want to keep yall waiting!
    Her attention had been devoted to the sooty bay mare, though she kept a well-trained ear upon Leilan.  Apparently her diversion had worked, evidenced by the way he had shifted then startled away from her sudden appearance next to his roaned body.  She'd not dared break her focus from the new mare, despite how much she wanted to lose that sincere grin in favor of a silly laugh as she watched his reaction from her periphery.  Even when she'd caught his gaze at her jest of a nice view, she didn't lose her grip on the mask of diplomacy.  They had an audience and this was not the place for lighthearted antics.

    But his silence was beginning to speak loudly to her, and it was concerning.  Breaking her gaze from the now properly introduced Roseen, she spares a glance back to him, raising a brow ever so slightly.  Surely by now he would have had a cheeky quip to offer the group.  Perhaps she had interrupted something in the making here, and her presence was not appreciated.  It really never occurred to the woman that just maybe, he had been walking down the road to ruin like she had; a road littered with confusing emotions and wicked yearnings to find any obstacle worth a simple distraction.  

    And really, some time ago, she'd already come upon the end of the road, discovering what resilient emotion had been awaiting her acknowledgement all along.  At the time she'd grieved at the realization, then she'd grown angry, but ultimately she'd accepted it for what the truth of it was.  It had been enlightening actually, but it still left a singlar fear of facing him some day.  She'd left him standing on the shores of Nerine over a year ago now, trying to avoid crossing paths at all costs, trying to figure out the what, why, how? until she'd realized there was no explanation for it.  It just was.

    Breckin had thought that maybe, she could simply try to pick up where they had left off, pretend like nothing strange had happened that day.  Maybe if she teased him, joked with him, smiled at him, all would be well without her having to fully admit outloud what had caused her to flee that day.  And the simple fact that she was not the brave soul she pretended to be, because she so devastatingly feared what his reaction would be if she laid the truth in front of him.

    But her presence was not eliciting the reaction from him she had been ultimately hoping for she realizes, dropping her gaze from him in favor of the ground.  Sighing deeply, her attention returns back to the dappled stallion and Roseen, reforming the fallen smile with softening eyes.  The sooty mare had been growing anxious with the growing numbers she had attracted, and Breckin feels a pang of familiarity with the relatable mare.  That had been her some time ago.  A strange longing to reach out and comfort the other woman washes over her, but she refrains, not entirely sure if that would be an act deemed as welcoming or threatening, so remains where she stood, choosing instead to offer soft words of encouragement.

    "You should visit Loess, Roseen, and the other kingdoms as well, other than Sylva.  Experience what each one has to offer you, then make your decision.  That is what I did a few years ago when I first stumbled into the Field, and I chose to call the Nerinian Sisterhood home.  I'm entirely biased when I say this, but you could do great things in Nerine--grow in confidence and wisdom, as well as learn to protect yourself from dangers.  You could become a Warrior or Diplomat or both if you so wished, or simply live in peace along the coast as a resident.  The choice is ultimately yours, my friend, but remember that it is just that yours.  The door to Nerine is always open to promising women like yourself, and know that I am available for any questions that you may have."

    @[Leilan] @[Roseen] @[Arthas]

    Your beauty is beyond compare -
    oh, if I could hear but one song from you
    I shall hail thee Queen of Birds...
    Leilan has one major character flaw. It's easily seen once you know what to look for: in every social situation, he's a joker, or a flirt, or a bit of both - never taking life too serious because it is too short. When he doesn't get the attention he craves; he just adds more of the same. Lashes out, even. It started with his sister taking up all the Amazons' attention all those years ago; he's still the same now, in a slightly different way - Breckin doesn't want him, so he believes, so he searches every other opportunity with whatever girl or woman who crosses his path, to get what she doesn't give: attention and caresses, all as a substitute for love.

    And she's standing there. Pretending nothing had happened, maybe even that they were still just friends with the minor addiction to flirting with one another, as if she hadn't walked out on him that day and leaving him confused, finally to decide that it was likely she just did not like him that way and had thought a clean break was best. Almost a year ago now, and she'd been nowhere to be seen - except he always carried her with him. Or perhaps she had been around but hiding, had he looked around better - truth be told he hadn't dared set a hoof in Nerine, although he'd been on his way there twice before now. Not even to see his mother; because there was a possibility she might ask about Breckin, or call her before he could interject, or even nothing at all but with the scent of her still around. Better to avoid the place at all.

    That had also meant no parental advice from either his mother or father, who could maybe have told him that he was overthinking it and she'd just needed some time alone. But hey, pride is also a thing.

    He was painfully aware that she ignored him while Roseen and Arthas introduced themselves. Then, while he was still shock-staring at her, she looked his way - quick, look away - and his ears flicked back and forth as he focused on Roseen - too quick, maybe - as if not knowing if he should be jesting with Breckin, or be angry at her. He chose nothing, because his brain wasn't fast enough to process that just maybe, she was wondering what he was thinking, not wondering why he was still alive at all or why he was here in the field.

    Arthas' comments make him blink and return to earth, and with an almost unnoticeable shake of his head he focuses on what he is saying to him. He snorts at the man's comment, be that in amusement or in resilience, for the grey to decide. To pick up where they left off, the other male could have simply heeded his call when he'd visited Loess not long ago - instead he'd found Rey (out of all places, there she was) and Lepis. The sabino mare of last year was nowhere to be seen back then, but who knows what she was up to. Maybe she'd just been lingering in the shadows.

    Which leads him to his question, when the man seemingly wants to add Roseen to that bunch. Now come on, right under his nose? Not going to happen. Leilan had talked to her first. He's almost reminded of Ivar, so unwilling to share a girl. "Tell me Arthas, how are Loess and your mares these days? Shouldn't you be with Rey and Lepis, now that they're so near giving birth? You must be dying to see your children. Is Dynast still there, too?" he asked nonchalantly. Surely, they were Arthas' babies, right? Although with Rey, Leilan was slightly less sure - due to the day he'd spent with her also - but she'd confirmed it wasn't Leilan's anyway. She probably knew best what season it was when she coupled with which stallion, so, not his problem if it turned out to be yet another man's child. But maybe the grey was lucky for once.

    His moved his head downwards just slightly, noticing he'd held his head high for no particular reason other than to pointedly ignore Breckin's looks - but thankfully, she continues onto a long speech, explaining her search through all the kingdoms before settling on Nerine. That she is a promising young woman. Well that was the point, he'd thought so too, although to be fair he already knew that no matter who he tried with, a long-lasting relationship was never going to work out any more.

    She'd spoiled his heart.

    "I'll take you if that makes you more comfortable going." he proposes to the sooty bay - she doesn't seem to do well in crowds, but perhaps a familiar face would help.
    there's something here that doesn't make sense
    let's go and poke it with a stick

    @[Arthas] @[Roseen] @[Breckin]
    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.
    I want to swim away but don't know how
    Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
     Arthas’ gentle touch was comforting. Roseen allowed herself to relax, even just a little, so that she could think more clearly. His offer to visit Loess was quite tempting, even though she’d heard it could be quite cruel from Arthas himself. Clearly Leilan didn’t have the best view on Loess, or experience from the sound of it. For a moment she wondered what had happened between the two, as well as what they were talking about, but she didn’t dare ask. Part of her felt that Loess wasn’t the best place to make her home, or even visit aside from sightseeing. Yet, she felt comfortable with Arthas, despite how little she knew about him, and whether or not he could hold up to his word that he’d protect her. Roseen frowned. She was quite comfortable with Leilan as well. In fact, it was him she felt most comfortable with. Perhaps it was because he was the first she met out of the three, causing her to have a special connection with him. Or, it could be because she thought he was handsome. That was not a good reason to trust someone at all. The decision to visit Loess was one that had to be made for her future, not because she liked the ones who suggested she visit. “I...I don’t know tyet,” she softly replied, glancing up at Leilan and Breckin.

    There were brief glances and swift look always between the two. Leilan had a bit of a confused look for a while there, which led Roseen to wonder if they knew each other, and if something happened. Clearly there was some awkward tension between them. As she raised a brow with a slight tilt of her head, Leilan finally snapped out of his distant state and spoke. He named a few mares off, saying they were all with Arthas, and that he already had many children with some on the way. It made her ears falter a little, noticing how much Leilan’s words made Arthas sound like a player with no relationships and a lot of one night flings. But that didn’t matter, did it? She was looking for a home. And if that home happened to have a guy like that, she’d have to deal with it. It wasn’t like he was asking to make her to spend the night with him. 

    On the matter of kingdoms again, Breckin stepped in. She too suggested Roseen visit Loess, and even the other kingdoms. All but Sylva. Admittedly she was curious to know why that one was different, but she didn’t ask. All she could think about was what a good idea that was for her to visit all kingdoms before deciding on which one to make her home. Roseen listened intently with pricked ears as Breckin went on to talk about her own kingdom. It certainly sounded a lot friendlier than Loess, and the fact that she called it a Sisterhood only made it more intriguing to the sooty mare. Did that mean that the kingdom was made up of just females? Or were they the only ones with power? However, being a Warrior sounded a little frightening to her. She wasn’t sure if she could handle it. Being a Diplomat may not be so bad, perhaps, but she still wasn’t sure if she was up for the task. 

    Leilan spoke once more, this time with an offer. She lowered her eyes, and began to think.

    She had already pretty much decided that visiting the kingdoms was a good idea before making any decisions. If she could see what lied ahead with each path before walking down one then she’d definitely do that. She’d know what kind of home she’d have, what kind of life each kingdom would offer her, and what the horses there were like. But going alone didn’t seem such a good idea to her. She didn’t know the do’s and don’t’s, where she could and couldn’t go. And she sure as heck didn’t want to accidentally offend anyone or start any trouble. A guide was a good idea; that way she wouldn’t have to go in blindly. And, let’s face it, Leilan was the one she was most comfortable with. Already there was enough between the two to build a friendship, she thought. If he guided her, they could build more on it.

    Her lips gradually curved into a smile, and she looked up at the three before her. “A-alright,” she finally replied. “I’ll visit Loess, and Nerine, and all the other kingdoms. I wish to see what each kingdom has to offer before I decide which to make my home.” She paused to look at Leilan, the added, “If it’s no trouble, I would appreciate it if...you be my g-guide in the other kingdoms. But, I think it only seems right for Breckin and Arthas to show me their own kingdoms.” She looked them over, blinking slowly while trying hard not to avert her eyes from shyness again. “Would you mind?” She asked them.
    a nomad

    @[Arthas] @[Breckin] @[Leilan] So sorry this took so long. Y’all gave me a lot to work with xD
    The spotted mare announces that she belongs to Nerine, noting Roseen should visit all the kingdoms before settling into one. He gives a nod, it was a good idea, although unrealistic. The kingdoms were all on edge, danger was in the air and they had to be growing more wary of strangers waltzing into there kingdom unannounced and unaccompanied. Although Arthas disagrees, he allows Breckin to finish talking and leaves it up to Roseen.

    His gaze then flicked to Leilan, the roan stallion throwing his business out, attempting to strike a nerve with Arthas. He asks about Lepis, Rey and Despayr, about his children. Arthas can only muster a laugh Oh Leilan, I am sure they are all fine. I simply offered my protection to Roseen, I was not claiming her, you can have her if you want. He winks at the stallion laughing once again. He did not plan to take Roseen in as a mate, but perhaps if Leilan wanted her, the chase might be fun after all.

    His gaze flicks to the bay mare as she speaks, Leilan offered to bring Roseen to the kingdom and she announced she would visit Loess and Nerine. She would go with Leilan, but she would come back to have Arthas show her Loess. A smile grew on his maw, he extends his neck to nuzzle her cheek I look forward to seeing you again. He turns to Breckin and dips his head It was nice meeting you , I think I will take my departure now. He turns and brushes his body against Roseen's he turned to look back at Leilan and was off back to Loess.

    Dangerous Business


    OOC: Sorry it took so long, I wanted to give a closure post with Arthas.
    There was a dreadful sense of anxiety increasing within her every awkward second that passed by, though she gave her best effort to conceal however it would begin to present itself, choosing to stand stock still with eyes perhaps a little too tightly trained upon Roseen.  This was ultimately about the sooty bay mare, not herself, and she would not turn this into a selfish spectacle.  Ultimately, Breckin had been the one to place herself in the situation, nobody had forced her, and for the first time the leopard mare finds herself cursing the curious nature that drives her.  

    Nothing was seemingly going as she had hoped;  Leilan hadn't spoken to her at all, hadn't acknowledged her, hardly looked at her.  There would be no picking up where they had last left off.  Whether he was hurt or angry or just uninterested, she couldn't tell, but the easy banter they had once shared in some time ago was no longer there.  Obviously her brazen departure from last time, and the blatant game of avoidance she'd played with him had taken it's toll upon their friendship.  Whatever promise of a relationship that had once been there, she now realized she had destroyed; having wrongly chosen not to be honest with him in the first place, thinking that he wouldn't be able to handle it then.  The path she should have taken was clear to her now, but there was no going back and the weight of the realization settles upon her pale shoulders, visibly deflating under the burden of it.

    When she thinks she can longer take anymore, Leilan off-handedly mentions Arthas' name.  Her reaction is quick and subconcious, and it hardly registers how swiftly her ears flatten to her poll or how the heated darkness of her eyes intensifies upon the grey stallion.  There's no way to adequately describe the tumultuous emotions coiling and releasing within her, but all the old wounds and aches were feeling like they were becoming new again.  There were so many things she could have said, wanted to say to the once of Loess then, but deep down the leopard mare knew that it wasn't really his fault.  It would have most likely been a matter of time before she'd uncovered the truth of her feelings for Leilan anyway, but right then it was just a helluva lot easier to blame someone else.  

     The forced tight clench of her jaw keeps her tongue in check, though the taste turns bitter at the grey stag's last words.  Luckily he'd turned his back to them to depart, because she can't control the obvious show of disgust that works its way upon her facial features.  She didn't know Arthas well enough to know if his words of not wanting to claim Roseen and his toss off that Leilan could have the sooty mare if he wanted.  What did that mean?, she screams into the blackness of her mind's personal prison while turning her blazing stare back at Leilan.  Again the rising bile of words threaten to spill from her charcoal lips, but the quick glance she spares towards Roseen brings her perspective back, immediately forcibly softening the rigidity of her expression and body.  This was becoming too much for her, and she needed to leave before she couldn't control herself any longer.

    Taking a few well placed steps closer towards Roseen.  "I should get back to Nerine.  I hope that you decide to visit us soon, Roseen, I will welcome you there personally.  And know that you're in good company with Leilan, I would trust him with my life."  With a soft smile and a slight dip of her head, she angles her departure towards her coastal home.  

    But something stops her cold, most likely the realization that she hadn't really acknowledge Leilan either.  Softly she sighs before glancing back towards him, uncertain of what to say exactly, before finding words that sounded so bland that held little meaning to the unknowing, but to her held so saturated in hidden meaning, "Leilan.  It was really great to see you again."   She doesn't wait to hear if he replies or not, before turning away with finality and forcing herself into a hastened canter.

    Tears threatened to darken her white face, and this time she didn't stop them from spilling.  Because unlike last time, she understood why they were there.

    @[Leilan] @[Roseen] @[Arthas]

    Your beauty is beyond compare -
    oh, if I could hear but one song from you
    I shall hail thee Queen of Birds...
    For a brief moment, the roan felt a bit of victory as Roseen seemed to doubt Arthas intentions, though really only for a second. Good, a seed of carefullness and doubt never harmed anyone. Possibly prevented it even, in this case. There were players out there, indeed. Well, not that Leilan actually thought Arthas was one - at least he brought his, uhm, playthings, back home and offered them a steady herd. But it seemed to Leilan that Roseen could be more than just that, hence his countering the grey.

    Somehow he’d also upset Breckin again, although luckily this time she seemed to channel her anger to the grey man. Who scoffed that he hadn’t come to claim Roseen and he could ‘have her’. Like she was an object to be passed around.

    So, Leilan’s turn to snort then. ”Sure. ‘Claim’ others then, go ahead. It’s what you’re good at.” His ears backwards towards his neck indicating he did not like the man’s words. Or trusted his intentions. He’s had quite enough of his rival here, but, thankfully the Loessian was already on his way out. He might not even have heard him.

    With a dramatic eye roll he turns to Roseen, but he catches a fiery look from Breckin transferring from Arthas to himself briefly, and holds back what he was about to say. The spotted mare turns to the bay with quite an odd remark, first of course repeating she would be welcome in Nerine but then that she would trust him. With her life? Huh? What’s with the ignoring and the angry stares then?

    Frowning at a Breckin who has already turned her back on them and finally spoke his name, he barely registers her words of parture. She is so confusing to him, contradicting everything she says with her tone and her looks. What in the world does she even want? Pretty sure she doesn’t know it herself, but, she doesn’t need to make him feel bad for it either. Right?

    He sighs as she suddenly is cantering far away, and turns to Roseen with mixed feelings. ”I’m sorry. I have a history with both of them, I know they must be confusing you.” A thouht crosses his mind, an upset and slightly angry one, and he sighs once more. ”I’ll come back here later and bring you to those kingdoms I promised, okay? I have to...” he doesn’t finish, but his eyes dart in the direction where both Breckin had gone to.

    He needs to sort something out before they continue down the same road again.
    "dear crow, your voice is right enough;
    but where are your wits?"
    there's something here that doesn't make sense
    let's go and poke it with a stick

    Figured I’d close this thread! Roseen can post once more or, just reply to the threads in Hyaline or Tephra. Time for a face-off with Breckin.
    @[Roseen] @[Breckin]
    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

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