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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Standing by the river watching my bridge burn down; Any
    He had never been a charmer, but it had always been enough to make Amore smile.

    Careful to keep his flames above the swells of water, Levi soaks his solid legs for a moment longer. But when his companion does not follow, he makes his way back to the shore. As he nears he can see the concern has returned to her lovely, kind eyes and tears threaten to spill across her smoke-hued cheeks.

    His slumber - his immortal hibernation - had been deep indeed. Her answers only ignite more questions in his mind, and he realizes that he probably couldn't even name one Sylvan monarch, much less the current one. But he doesn't need a list of names to guess what a dark kingdom was capable of.

    They... they were only children.

    Like on the day of his sons birth, the beast moves forward to hold her.  As the sobs shake her frame, his broad chest presses to her shoulder and the length of his neck reach over her. With his own head, he pulls her to him, tucking her dainty skull below his jaw.

    "I'm sorry," he murmurs as she weeps, "I'm sorry you had to see that," he doesn't add out loud. He curses his solitude then, his self-imposed exile, when he had been better acquainted with falling leaves and loam than conversation.  His words run dry and his teeth clash as he searches for the comfort she needs him to give - with nothing to show for it.

    Silently he holds her, unsure of what to say but unable to watch her suffer alone.
    The waves lick at her hooves, and occasionally they reach high enough to wet her legs, but Amore does barely pay it any mind. Her tearful, desperate eyes are locked on Levi’s tall figure, begging him to understand, to know. Talking about it hurts. More than it hurts her to – momentarily – forget everything that has happened between them.

    She easily melts into his chest, allowing him to tuck her close and in return she hides her face in his neck the best she can. Like that, her tears really start to flow. Amore does not try to hold them back, there simply is no need to. No need to keep up pretences, no need to fool herself, and it is not like Levi hadn’t seen all of her yet. She lets herself go, body trembling and shaking in sync with her sobs.

    When they die down, she does not pull back. Instead she presses her cheek firm against his thick neck, eyes closed as she tries to catch her breath again. The pain is not gone, nor does she ‘unsee’ the horrible sight, but the good cry offers Amorette some relief.

    “I’m sorry..” she mumbles softly, not moving away from his hold. For the first time in days she felt grounded, and the way he holds her makes her feel safe. Amore is not yet ready to give that up. “Thank you..” are the soft words that follow. Her muzzle finds his skin, where she deeply breathes in his scent, and she can feel the heath of his flaming crest on her sensitive muzzle. The resemblance to their son makes her heart both flutter and ache. Flutter for the love for their son, but the ache for the loss of Brennen’s daughters.

    “Kwartz was stolen and corrupted, and Krone.. they killed her too. Now Wound is missing and Klaudius has been threatening Warrick for Tephra’s crown..” her words spill without giving him a pause to process it all, knowing that if she would stop talking, she would never be able to say it. Soon a raid would be happening, children to be stolen – an eye for an eye – and Amore is unable not to worry.

    She seems to melt into him as he reaches for her, and they both wordlessly agree to ignore the past for now. He stands grounded as she shudders, expressing the pain she has held inside for too long in a flood of salty tears. His silence appears to pass by unnoticed, or at least not frowned up, and his strong, silent shoulder seems to be enough for her for now. 

    He expects her to pull away then, as her sobs quiet and her breathing steadies, but she stays tucked into his embrace. His heartbeat quickens as she speaks again, still there, still needing him, and the intimacy of that connection reminds him of all he left behind. 

    "Don't be sorry," his smoky voice is little more than a gentle rumble as his muzzle traces the lines of her neck tucked below his own. 

    But she is continuing then, listing names which are vaguely familiar to him, and he pieces together what has happened. It is a terrible thing she has seen - even he, the beat that he is, can see that. 

    But within his wide chest, his heart hammers on with the force of thunder and his blood runs a little hotter for another reason. "Amore..." he murmurs her name into the ashen air between them once she pauses, letting his breathlessness hang heavily for a moment. "Will you stay with me tonight?" He asks, and the hunger in his tone leaves little to be misunderstood.
    She needs no words, no knowing looks or expressed sympathy. All she needs right now is someone to hold her, someone to ground her. Someone that does not judge, or looks down at her – figuratively speaking, as Levi towers over her. Amore’s cheek rests against his firm neck, and his scent reminds her of the past. A past she would gladly return to.

    A soft sigh and she leans into his touch, knowing better than to contradict his words. Just as he probably knows she is sorry for the sudden flow of tears, for her weakness, the lack of ability to keep her friends and family safe. Amorette doesn’t even know where Byrne is, though their son does not need his mother looking after him as a young adult.

    The soft way he murmurs her name has her dark ear twitching. It turns in his direction, as a silent confirmation she’d heard him and that he has her attention. In the silence that follows, Amore presses her cheek against him, a silent plea for him to not break the moment. However, what does follow, has her speechless. The ebony woman does not pull away, and tenses for a short moment, only to melt back into his broad and strong form.

    Her dark eyes fall closed and a shiver runs down her spine, at the same time the muscles of her stomach tighten slightly and she cannot help but to feel. It is much better, driving away her nightmares, and all that clouds her mind. But, wouldn’t it be like last time? Slightly tiling her head, Amore presses the side of her muzzle against his chest. “I..” she starts, then pauses, only for a moment. “I will stay. Will you hold me?”

    Because she sure as hell needs it to get through the night nightmare free.

    /posts and hides.
    The muscles work below the dark skin of his neck, stretching as their two forms seek closer contact. He holds her as best he can, the weight of his body distributed squarely between his four powerful legs, anchored in the sand. With a deep inhale he breathes her in, unsure if he should ignore the lust she ignites in his belly.

    The feelings he had refused to indulge.

    No matter his intentions, he only thinks of her now - she banishes his anger and he doesn't even notice- and it is freeing. He had been alone with his thoughts for far too long. He had been anonymous in the forest, rendered valueless after the departure of his powerful family members, but Amore has not forgotten him. She stands with him and asks for him to come even nearer, to hold her, and despite his heartaches, he is content. 

    "Whatever you want."  Levi presses the words into her skin with a kiss to the place where her neck meets her shoulder - lingering if she will let him.

    The measured rumble of the waves on the shore surround them, and the stagnant summer air begins to lift - the space it leaves behind filling with twilight's sweet, cool breeze. After the endless solitude and dense oppression of the forest, his heart is happy - happy to be home. 

    Being this close to him makes it easy to forget the past. A little voice in the back of her mind nags her about it, saying that she is rightfully upset with him. He had disappeared, not once, but multiple times and they had never talked about what had happened and how it had affected her.

    Right now, in this moment, it does not matter to Amorette. All that what is important now is that he is here, and that he is holding her. She presses closer against him, resting against that broad chest while safely being tucked underneath his chin. Her tears have dried, but the tremor and horror has not yet left her body.

    “Please..” she almost whispers, dark eyes closed as she cannot help it but to lean in. This moment of intimacy comes so easily, and still it is nothing compared to the intimacy they’d shared before. Levi had personally helped her through the birth of their son. “I want you too.” To feel safe, guarded, want you to keep the nightmares at bay.

    It is only after a while that she realises that she had been dosing. Offering an apologetic smile she brushes her lips across the corner of his pale lips. For a moment it was as if he had never been away. “I’m glad you’re back,” she tells him softly, tilting her head so her dark eyes can catch a glimpse of his miss-matched ones. “Welcome home.”

    Wheeee, hope you like it <3
    You owe her this, some small, unselfish and unexpected voices suggests from within his heart. It stills his heated blood, subduing the urges with had threatened him only moments before. She nestles closer, using him as a shield against the world, and he hopes that he is worthy.

    A hope against hopes, his inner demon cackles, and you are a devil for allowing her to believe it. 

    But tonight he finds it is easy to ignore that voice which had been his only companion in the gloom of the forest. He finds a peace he has not felt in over a year; he doesn't need to be on his guard here, at least not in the same way which the forest required. Lulled away from his would-be brooding by her even breathing and the reassuring sounds of his home, Levi too is soon drifting.

    With half-lidded eyes, he smiles at her as she speaks again. Her pale lips brush along his own before he tucks her head back to where it had been resting so comfortably. 

    "Me too." The deep vibrations of his voice resound in his chest, and as her lashes flutter against his skin, he truly means it. 

    @[Amorette] <3

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