"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
who can say when the day sleeps, if the night keeps all your heart?
only time
He trails back to Ischia from Nerine, somewhere behind Scorch because while she is fresh to travel, Cagney is making he journey for the second time in less than a day, and it’s not the shortest journey on foot. Tide is high when he arrives, forcing him to stop and find the right threads to tweak here - and here - and then the best he can manage is a labored trot across the pass, and then he simply doesn’t have the energy on top of his travels to adjust his arrival, so he slides in amongst the others a little late, though he is sure his father sees him arrive, and spotting Scorch across the group, Cagney is satisfied with his success.
(Every success he can offer his sire and his Kingdom is a block in the wall between what he was and what he might be in the future. His wall of redemption.)
Brennen makes his stolid, solemn speech but his son can hear the passion thrumming beneath the surface, waiting to be engaged. Cagney is quiet while Klaudius speaks, and Krone, trying to keep his labored breathing quiet while he listens.he considers rebuking Durotan for his accusation, but can’t be bothered to force words past his weariness and trusts one of his siblings or new brothers will take care of it. But he must vote - so he summons the will to take a half-step forward and speak clearly into the group: “It is time for a change, and I vote for Brennen to lead it.”
The roan bay makes to step back but stiffens when Krone steps forward towards his sire; he does not believe Krone poses a threat to the famed warrior but it is instinct to want to protect his father and new king from any obstacle. But their former Queen only speaks to give in quite easily, other than her harsh words, and Cagney watches her go with a mixture of contempt for her easy overthrow and admiration for someone who can clearly see they are beaten. The brothers number many, while those who do not wish to change number few.
(Can he really offer any contempt? He has fought for little in his life. Only Her, really, and that panned our poorly.)
He looks up at Galilee beside Brennen and there is a heaviness in his heart - he would have stood beside Elite like that, if she allowed him. But now he has nothing like that. No lovers, no full siblings, no children here. His only redeeming hope is his half-siblings and the friends he will make amongst the new Kingdom. It is to them, and to his father, that he offers a weary half-smile. “So, Brothers, we can move on to the organizing and the planning and the building.”
Who can say where the road goes? Where the day flows? Only time.
Another phone post and I apologize with all my heart for errors in it
It doesn't take long, for where he solemnly stood, the crowd to gather. He sees movement in his peripheral vision but identities are lost. Did it even matter who they were anymore? Definitely not. Whether they realized it or not they were nobodys and easily replaced by the next nobody.
His question goes unanswered with a few audible scuffs. His assumption is correct by their reactions and the obvious amount of testosterone filling his nares. Eyes remain trained on the bay stallion, even as Krone begins to speak. Her admittance of her failure shocks even him. If anything, Ischia had failed her. He doesn't say it though, just listens. They'd speak later.
One by one these strange boys tallied in their votes. The thought of this brotherhood didn't sit well in his mind. So when Krone(with only one other vote) speaks again his heart sinks. The island had been their sanctuary. It was it's own land and they were no more than borrowers of it's protection. Now it would be trampled by the hooves of wanna-be warriors, and for what? A forgettable existence he was sure. With a sigh he allows himself to speak one last time, "I would not raise my daughter to believe she is less than a male counter part just cuz he has a dick... If that is the life you all wish to lead than by all means... Enjoy your sausage fest." With a grin he turns his back to them. Finding Krone not far at all. In fact they had nearly been side by side. His lavender muzzle nudges her softly, "Get the kids, Krone. Go to Tephra and I will be there soon. I must find Kylin."
His leave is quick, as his long stride drives him from the hoard that had formed. Pushing his way through the masculine bodies and into the open expanse of beach. His wings expand and they beat against the oceans breeze to launch him airborne...
I was lightning, before the thunder
I had to XD... Also I have a bunch of threads I need to finish pre-mutany so I hope that's cool and K will have a searching thread for Kylin for when Sapphire returns
04-13-2018, 09:28 PM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2018, 09:28 PM by Breckin.)
Watching the gathering in Ischia was not exactly what Breckin had been planning to do today. And yet when she had heard the call from a familiar voice, she is not entirely surprised that her lackadaisical wanderings eventually lead her in the direction of the sound; her existential curiosity renewed yet again. The vagabond had started her journey in Ischia before moving to Nerine and though her decision leaned towards joining the kingdom of Nerine, fascination still clutched at her heart in regards to the island paradise of Ischia. Perhaps it was the adoration of the land that she had seen within Brennen’s eyes that had drawn her back yet again in hopes of finding the root of it all.
A smile presses along the lines of her mouth when she finds the source of the sound, noting the recognizable bay form of the stallion standing amongst his peers. Though she is near the crowd, she stands along the outskirts, observing from a far and remaining quiet as the varying voices carry her waiting ears. A sense of déjà vu envelopes her as she recalls the kingdom meeting she had audited in Nerine. And as the others words register, recognition quickly intermingles with the déjà vu. So this was what Queen Hestia and Scorch had been speaking of.
As if on cue, the distinct huskiness of Scorch’s voice demands the spotted woman’s attention and her gaze finds the barren mare easily in the company of Hestia. From where she stands she could easily be seen by the pair and her smile grows a little wider. But Breckin cannot help but elicit a small laugh at Scorch’s fiery words; she knew her friend had much more depth to her than the easy companionship they had enjoyed in Nerine and the leopard mare was not disappointed when she witnessed this different side first hand.
Fascinated, she watches the rest of the proceedings with undivided attention. So a new era begins in Ischia with Brennen at the head. There are others closer to him that would no doubt offer there congratulations to their new leader. But all the same she is happy for him and Breckin lowers her head in quiet acknowledgment while offering a simple smile in the direction of her winged friend. Maybe he saw her, maybe he didn’t. It would not matter. Someday she would seek him out and congratulate him personally. But for now she leaves him in the company of his people, and slips her pale bodice back into the foliage of the tropics, contented to know that the wild beauty of Ischia is in good hands.
wing appearance: green hummingbird, then red feathered.
Her father’s call reaches her even where she is exploring the farthest reaches of the Island, though in her case it’s more of a relay. Brennen has spent a good deal of time playing with the birds native to Ischia, and they have become enthralled with him as well; so they carry the news amongst themselves even to where the bay mare is having a grand time exploring the wilderness of one of the smaller islands. She finishes her thorough inspection of a tidepool and its inhabitants before finding a place where the break in the canopy overhead is big enough to allow passage of a winged girl, and then heads up and away until she can see the gathering beneath her.
Hummingbird wings make her easily maneuverable, allowing Bristol to set herself down quite gently only a few feet from the others, and stride easily to settle amongst them, watching her father with interest, as well as observing those who have been living alongside her since she arrived. Words volley back and forth and the amber-eyed girl finds them more entertaining than anything she’s seen in a long time, and she is able to keep her words to herself for a few minutes but her ire is officially riled by the bay appaloosa she has seen around canoodling with Krone; she steps forward to make herself known and laughs out loud at his blustery anger.
“Who is he to nominate himself?” she mocks the question; her head tilted even as her hummingbird-bright wings morph into red feathered wings that more accurately portray her mood and she lifts them a little subconsciously. “He was a Watcher and is the General of Ischia. He has lived here basically as long as Krone and served the Kingdom loyally, despite having almost no help. He is one of the most proven warriors of our time. The better question is, who are you to oppose him, newcomer?”
Bristol has absolutely none of the patience and easy-going nature of her sire; she is fire and brimstone and has been simmering, waiting for a chance to be free of the constraints she’s felt. Now that she’s offered her rebuke to Durotan, and is studiously refusing to look at her sire because she’s quite confident he won’t be pleased, she waits for another quick silence. “I’m Bristol. I’ve seen many of you around.” A quicksilver smile, “And my vote is with my father. Of course.” Only then does she fall silent, and lapse back into watching the drama unfold – and it unfolds quickly, with the dissenters taking their leave. Her older brother gently turns the meeting towards business, and she finally looks at her sire with interest, ready for the next thing to happen.
Sabra’s resignation and, Morty’s infiltration alienates Jesper from the perpetual autumn forest. The ebony equine pushed north with Deiti by his side. The similarly marked pair stopped at the River, where his sister discovered a new side of herself. Once both of them were back on their feet and, mentally collected, the jet-black stallion urged her to follow him downstream. Carefully, the equines scout the most shallow width of rushing water and, carefully, cross to continue heading towards Ischia. Facing nearly due-east, Jesper is aware of the fading light of day. Thankfully, the pair reach the beach of the large bay and, note that the tide is receding. From the coast of the mainland, tufted lobes detect multiple voices in conversation coming from the island. A meeting of some sort and, we are late!
Obsidian male stamps his socked right front hoof impatiently before light blue gaze reassesses the closest sandbar. Poll tosses as Jesper decides to push forward. Encouraging whicker ushers towards Deiti, just in case she holds reservations about being so close to water again. Anxious that he was missing something, muscled haunches engage to push stallion into a light jog. Unshod keratin sinks into the shifting sands as Jesper crosses the sandbar with care. Once safely on the shores of Ischia, limbs stiffen and, pace ceases into an abrupt halt. Cranium swivels upon craned neck to land aquamarine gaze upon Deiti before he speaks. “You are safe here. You can follow me if you want. I must find Brennen – my grandfather.” Lips curve into a soft smile meant to reassure before chassis uncurls and, hindquarters push steed back into motion.
Limbs churn in a three-beat cadence to carry Jesper through the thick foliage and towards the cluster of mixed scents. Raven male bursts from the line of vine-wrapped trees into a clearing where, many, many equines stand ahead of him. Gait settles into a confident march as Jesper pushes through the crowd to a vacancy near the middle. Shoulders and hips square to align quad pillars before gaze lifts to meet the familiar face of his grandsire. Tense expression softens slightly though, black male focuses upon the topic of conversation. As individuals all around him take turns speaking, the realization dons on him and, Jesper offers his vote. “Brennen has, and always will have, my vote.” He could hardly know the implications of what this change would bring; however, the onyx stallion knew he belonged here.
I wasn't used to being alone. Imperial was always in reach, so when Jesper offers his company I am more than grateful. The world beyond what I knew wouldn't seem so daunting with him at my side. Especially now that I've discovered something inside of me I never knew existed.
After crossing the bridge of land that connected the island with the larger land mass, he seems rushed to find someone. His grandfather he says. For a while, as I follow closely behind him, I wonder if this side of his family was also mine. My wondering are soon lost to the tropical flora we traverse through. So many beautiful colors dotted the scenery. Large rainbow birds fly overhead, causing my neck to crane upwards. I am awestruck.
A few more strides and we break into a sandy clearing. I slow my pace as I notice all the equines gathered. They seem to be focused on a singular horse in the front and center. Jesper continues on, pushing through the crowd, but I come to a stop near the back. Lowering my head and allowing my ears to slip to the sides. Trying not to make my presence known to anyone.
When Jesper speaks up, my ears perked forwards. Sapphire eyes scanning the crowd for where he ended up. Finding him near the front but accessable from the side, I skirt around the edge of the gathering. Careful to not bump into anyone. My stride is cautious as I make my way and soon enough I can place my muzzle at his gaskin. I nudge him, as my eyes wander to the large bay and those beside him. I do not speak, for I have nothing to say...
hold me in this wild, wild world 'cause in your warmth I forget how cold it can be
The first to speak after Brennen is Klaudius – Brennen turns to him, and begins to answer with, “Yes, of sorts,” but because he speaks slowly and deliberately, that’s all he has time to answer; the answer is truly much longer and more complicated, but clearly nobody has the patience (or the interest) in the rest of the response. Krone steps forward into the silence he leaves with his consideration, and admits her faults, but ends in proposing that if she wins the vote, she will abdicate in favor of her yearling daughter. He doesn’t bother to give his thoughts on such a foolish action – he has the confidence in his success that only thorough preparation can give, and doesn’t believe it will come to that. But if it does, a yearling girl is even easier to depose than her mother.
Kori and Galilee are the first to vote; Kori from the position he has taken at Brennen’s shoulder, and Galilee from the edge of the group where she has taken their young and exhuberant daughter to keep her out of the midst of what might very well become chaos. Brennen holds his silence but his blood thrums with the excitement of now being the moment their world changes; into this excitement Scorch pours her scathing remarks from across the group and while he doesn’t laugh out loud (that would be incredibly uncouth, in this serious moment), he can’t help finding her gaze with his own and giving a quick little grin, because she has voiced his very thoughts on Krone’s suggestion.
The next is another dissenter – the stallion that Brennen has seen around only in the embrace of Krone, and from all reports from his new Brothers, the only newcomer their queen has bothered to greet in months. He questions Brennen’s right to nominate himself and the bay warrior takes a deep breath, the thrum in his blood suddenly becoming a boil, but he doesn’t have to say anything in response – his daughter Bristol, ever with the heat Brennen conceals, takes down Durotan with a short and scathing remark that momentarily makes him wonder if maybe she’s secretly Scorch’s daughter, and not Prague’s. Dismissing Durotan as unimportant and obviously not even interested in seeing sense, unlike Klaudius who had at least asked an intelligent question, Brennen turns to his left after Leilan speaks to murmur a quiet response, “That is one of the things we shall all decide together, once this is settled.”
Another descendant of Scorch herself speaks, offering a vote, and at this point Brennen knows they’ve won. The only non-brother adult left in the Kingdom is Kylin, and he does not see her amongst those gathered; her vote would not be enough to turn the vote in Krone’s favor anyway. Krone, too, can read her defeat in the cards, and he observes the tears forming in the – former – queen’s eyes rather dispassionately. If he had kept the brothers outside of the Kingdom, if this should have been a surprise, he might have felt worse; but as the secret grew older and bigger, it had been under her very nose for the discovering, and she was not present enough to discover it, and that has lost her a good deal of his respect. A Queen may cry over many things – but not like this. She walks towards him and he is curious – will she attack him? He meets her hateful gaze and could certainly see her doing so; the jewel between her eyes glints almost mockingly at them, and finally a little bit of his frustration with her slips through in his response; “King.” A single word in rebuke to what she whispers in his ear, as if the Brothers standing at either of his shoulders can’t hear her.
The bay-and-green mare gathers her children and makes to leave, and he calls after her, “This is not an exile. Nobody is demanding that any of you leave.” But it is Klaudius’ words that drive him to true ire, pinning his ears and snaking his head out, this time a clear threat instead of veiled one. The first real sign that he is more than Brennen, the disappointed Ischian; he is Brennen, the respected warrior and not to be trifled with. “My daughters are not an iota ‘less’ than any man. I dare anyone who thinks they are to try their mettle against them. They do not need me to defend them, though I will to my dying breath.” He raises his head and his voice to the whole group, “The Brotherhood has always been defined by more than just our gender; we live by a code of conduct and a personal discipline that will define us again, whether we choose to allow women to hold rank or not. If you cannot understand that, you are welcome to leave now.” His bright amber gaze swings ‘round to encompass all of those gathered, inviting them to challenge him (the foolish path) or to take their leave (the wise path) if they cannot heed his words in this.
Cagney’s calm and wise words from the back bring Brennen back to himself, and he takes a deep breath and puts Klaudius, Krone, and Durotan from his mind. Now he smiles at the mostly-familiar faces around him and turns his mind to the things they must decide as a Brotherhood. There is, after all, no rest for the weary. “Brothers, and sisters. Welcome to the new Ischia. This is possible because of our hard work and your trust in me and I will do my best by all of you, and I trust you will all do our best for your new Kingdom family as well. I know many of us are weary from preparing for this moment, but we have a few things to discuss before we can rest, so bear with me please.”
He turns to search out Scorch again, and gives her a nod; a more formal greeting than if they were in private, but this is a formal situation. “We are Allied with Nerine. Going forward, we will support our sister-Kingdom in many ways, and they us in return. When we go out to show ourselves to the world in stealing and challenging, any overtures towards the Nerinians will be for practice, and friendly only. We will need to make visits to the other Kingdoms to discuss our relationships with them very soon in the days that follow. I will be going to Nerine and Hyaline, but I will need volunteers to bring the news of change to Loess, Sylva, and Tephra, and bring back news of their Kingdoms so we can decide what to do about the rest of them.” He pauses to wait for volunteers, and then goes on.
“As a Brotherhood, we have several other important decisions to make, on which I would like to hear your opinions. First, Hestia and I would like to take suggestions on new titles for our bonded Kingdoms. They are what remains of the Amazons, and much of Beqanna knows of them as such, but we have never had such a title and she wishes to move past their history into their future. If you can think of names for our respective orders that are appropriate, please suggest them. Second, we must decide the role of women in our Brotherhood. As I said before, we have always been defined by more than just our gender, and some women have risen to rank within our order on occasion in the past. We must also consider that Beqanna herself has made her opinion clear on exclusion before when she struck down our homes for the harsh lines we had drawn between good and evil, and mythical and non-mythical. The Brotherhood will welcome some women into its ranks, but I would hear your opinions on how we decide which women – and men, for that matter – are worthy of holding which ranks and positions of power within Ischia.”
Here, he can’t help but look around for the powerful women in his own life who surround them – Galilee, powerful in her own way with the way she excels at raising their children; his daughters, all as good or better at their chosen skills than his sons; Scorch, with power written into every line of her body despite it’s strange and naked appearance. He has never doubted the power of women. “Third,” he continues to number his list so as not to forget anything, “There is the matter of the code the Brotherhood has always lived by, which is something that general was unspoken. No more – we will be formalizing it, and refining it, so that we may have it always close to our hearts as well as be better able to speak of our Brotherhood and what it means to outsiders. So I would hear from each of you what is important to you, or what the Brotherhood should believe, and so forth, so we can come to some sort of agreement together. Once we have all had our say, our thinkers and diplomats will meet to formulate a few different options for exact wording, and we shall then vote on it.” He is every inch of a King and leader, but his style runs about as far away from “dictator” as one can get; this is what it means to be a Brotherhood: to work together.
“Finally, while I hope to get to know each and every one of you personally, for now I will need some of your pity and assistance in that area. Please let me know your name if we have not met, and how you feel you can best serve Ischia. We will start with a warrior and a diplomatic caste, but any who have a specialized set of skills should also make that known to the group or to me, so that the right place can be found for you .”
hold me in this wild, wild world and in your heat I feel how cold it can get
The Short because I love you guys and I know this is a monster post
1. We're Allies with Nerine - friendly challenges and steals only. For now consider Hyaline friendly also!
2. We need volunteers to go scope out the other Kingdoms. No promises to be made, just visits.
Nerine -> Brennen plus Trekori/Belgaer
Hyaline -> Brennen plus Volunteer
Loess, Tephra, Sylva -> Need volunteers
3. We are looking for nifty titles! Kinda like the Jungle were always the Amazons, but maybe matching titles for our new matchy Kingdoms of Nerine and Ischia.
4. We need to discuss and decide what we're doing about mares - all opinions are welcome, but keep in mind some mares will be allowed to hold rank so we need to account for this
5. I'd like us to formalize their code of chivalry/code of conduct/whatever. Suggestions encouraged!
6. This is also an ACTIVITY CHECK. Please let me know where you'd like your characters to be placed in the castes/ranks.
7. I know this is a lot to get into our posts IC so while continuity is great, I'm more worried about getting the ideas out there for us to consider. The absolute minimum I need from you guys is the activity check part so I'll have the new ranks board ready to go when the board leadership changes.
Jesper notes that no one speaks up after him and, to himself he thinks, just in the nick of time. Nasal caverns pick up the perfume of his sister approaching and, when her warm breath blows gainst his thigh, soft smile pulls at corner of lips. Whiskered muzzle curves around to gently bump her nose out of affection. Ceil blue gaze meets Deiti's light blue orbs before male whispers to her. "The winged bay is Brennen - my grandfather; my mother's dad. He has lived for many years and, is very wise."
Focus shifts back to his grandsire as his voice resounds through the tepid summer air and, demands attention. Bronze-tipped lobes point forward atop finely chiseled skull to funnel every word into ear canals. Brennen's first request is for volunteers to make inter-kingdom visits. The name Sylva causes ebony equine to cringe with ears flattend to poll and, upper labrum curled in a snarl. He could not bare to see the forest consumed by dishonor and sin but, perhaps, that is all the more reason he should return. Jesper pulls the most sincere tone from his vocal chords and, offers his name in the silence that follows. "I, Jesper, would be happy to travel to Hyaline. As for Sylva, it pains me to see her in this vile state; however, I know the kingdom well. I volunteer myself to deliver our news to the Clown, himself."
His next request is to brainstorm a pair of names for Nerine and Ischia - a brother and sister kingdom. Jesper gives it some thought; however, does not offer any suggestions just yet. He would be sure to mull it over carefully before making any suggestions. Then, Brennen addresses the gathering on the role women will serve in the future brotherhood. Jesper immediately thinks of the women in his life. Bethanie, his mom, will be remembered as a strong, brave woman who stood up and fought for the right reasons. She also gave everything she had to deliver him into Beqanna. Sabra, former Queen of Sylva, who is independent, sassy and, a nurturing woman. Deiti, his newly discovered sister, who is unsure of who she is and, where she belongs but, jumped to his own defense. She certainly had a hidden strength within her. Lastly, there is Lamb. So sweet and, so innocent. For a moment, he wonders where she is and, wishes to rest his eyes upon her gentle features and, hug her as he should have done the first time they spoke. Poll tosses to rid daydream from his thoughts before Jesper voices his thoughts where women should rank. "I feel as though women should be given the same opportunities as men to prove themselves worthy. Perhaps, we allow men and women to audition for their desired caste? The audition could consist of a series of trials in which participants challenge themselves and, put their skills on display."
Next, Brennen asks for a code collaborated by the group's morals. Jesper decides to speak from his heart and, puts his thoughts into words. "I value family above all else." Genuine smile pulls lips upwards as light blue gaze matches grandsire's honey orbs. "To that same extent, I will consider anyone who is loyal to the Brotherhood, my family. Loyalty is key. Having seen what evil can do, I will not tolerate rape or, murder." A somber expression comes over facade and, with that, onyx steed falls silent. Lastly, Brennen asks for everyone to express what contribution they will make to the Brotherhood. Jesper does not hesitate. "I will contribute to the Brotherhood in every way that I can. I am most interested in specializing in the warrior caste and, if an opportunity to specialize in intelligence becomes available, I would greatly appreciate being considered." Feeling as though he had addressed all of the topics, Jesper sinks back and listens to everyone else.
The multicoloured stocky male looks around him, nodding only ever so slightly when Brennen's response comes as softly as his own earlier comment. Leilan only frowns about Krone being so upset; although he feels sorry for her, he also does not remember seeing her at all here in Ischia. For a queen, the sheer number of Brothers flowing to Brennen's side should have been obvious, something she should have talked to the bay general about or asked any of those new guys about, at least. But she had been so occupied with her twins and with her new lover (Durotan made that very clear even if not stating it), she had not paid any attention to what was supposed to be her kingdom.
So for that, he had no sympathy.
That doesn't mean he doesn't understand her feelings - she sees everything she knew, tumble down in a deep dark abyss.
Klaudius however, has a way of creeping where he should not. Calling this a sausage fest, a place where the stallions would place themselves above mares - but that was the whole point of this! He wants to scream it in his face - but they are leaving, the lavender stallion taking a lead where Krone falters, and Leilan figures that it has always been that way - for Klaudius to be pulling the strings. Whether Krone knew it or not, she has no real authority. He settles with a snort of disagreement.
He pays a little less mind to Bristol when she does what he himself has had trouble not to; speak loudly against Klaudius. The girl has a temper for sure befitting a warrior; but a warrior's brain is not a diplomat's, and he finds himself lucky to not have called out like that. What irritates him most about Bristol, is not that she speaks; but that she speaks for her father, and anyone would understand that she would be coloured by family love rather than perhaps thinking for herself. It's why he did not really appreciate his mother casting her vote either; similarly to Bristol being Brennen's daughter already, Scorch is no resident of Ischia nor a future brother.
But Brennen moves on, and he's distracted from thoughts like those. They need to settle on rules and he wants to be the first to tell them why he's even so attracted to this idea. "For those I have not spoken to yet; I am Leilan. And I feel like we should distance ourselves from anything Klaudius just said." He looks around the group when he speaks; he wants them to know this before anything else. "I never felt home in Nerine because there is a place of inequality. So I daresay test everyone, including all those around us now, and let's be equal. A physical test for those attempting for the warrior group, perhaps to climb the Mountain or swim around the island. Hard for anyone, male or female, not undoable, yet still something that is not too easy. Any mare who can keep up with that, can hold a warrior rank as well as any stallion, and vice versa." He declares. Perhaps he has it easy to talk like that, his golden mane reminding everyone of his winner's position in the Beqanna Games and the Strength class above that, but he's certain that any mare who wants to, can accomplish this also. Just that there's less women who will try, he thinks. But that is not the purpose of the test.
Looking to Trekori's still-small stature briefly, he then continues. "Perhaps a test of intellect for those thinking of a diplomatic task. Something that requires tact. I don't know how much you know of me well enough, but I sure don't have any of the latter, so don't ask me to come up with a test for that." he grins, a cheeky grin reminding those who know him of his unserious nature, but this grin fades as he decides on what he has to say next, turning to the winged bay. "I would think for myself of a warrior or guarding position. If you would allow me, Brennen, I'd like to act like a guard or escort to whoever goes to Tephra and the other kingdoms. If Klaudius has his way, probably a negative vibe is already spreading together with the word 'brotherhood'." he reasons. All the more reason for them to find a different name, a new one not associated with 'sausages' like K mentioned. But he has none up his sleeve right now. "Perhaps names are something that our diplomats can work out between them and the Nerinian diplomats." he thinks.
"Last but not least I'd say keep the code simple. We are supposed to be brothers - male or female, I call them the same, so brothers we are. Sisters are the ones in Nerine. We should hold our newfound family as our highest standard. Now, if one of our brothers would do something stupid, perhaps we can put to a vote if we want to defend him or let him learn from his mistake on his own." That way, he was most certain nobody would be able to say favourites were called. He falls silent a moment again. He's never spoken this much and does not intend to speech ever again, but who knows. And he's not sure how to end a speech like that. Brennen's seems to have a more natural end to it.
1. Lol Bristol reminds me of Yara Greyjoy. Also yeah Leilan is here and he has OPINIONS for once in his life.
2. Leilan thinks that the brothers should emit/support equality above all - this includes testing every male before them gaining a rank. I was thinking for warriors a physical test/mock battle, something similar to perhaps one who's wanting to join the army or even a special unit; for diplomats I imagine some sort of task or puzzle in the intellectual direction. But let me know what you think.
3. Also volunteers to accompany a diplomat as an escort, assuming he will be accepted into said warrior caste (he knows he's not a diplomat but likes to wander and has enough brain to let someone else do the smooth talking xD)
4. For titles I told you about that African tribe before I think, but I recently came up with Vikings but this clashed so hard with neo's TV-series head that I don't know if that's a good idea. Then there's probably something related to pirates that would maybe fit? (Krakens, let's be krakens). Or a variation of the Ironborn now that I'm thinking of the Bristol Greyjoy thing ^^.
5. Chivalry code: they're supposed to be brothers - so, family. All for one and one for all, with minor exceptions. So if one is in trouble, take a vote if they'll all come and help or he/she has to work this out alone or with just a small group of supporters. Otherwise do keep it simple - treat each other like you would your family.
6. Sorry for the long post also. xD
Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.
Belgaer watches from the outskirts as his father steps forward to name himself king. One thousand emotion roll through him as Krone answers the call followed by a handful of others. Words are exchanged and votes are cast and, in the blinking of an eye Ischia's fate is sealed. Throughout his life, he'd been taught the honor of loyalty and the importance of family. Never could he have imagined that, one day, those two values would oppose each other. A stallion grown, though he was, he felt like a knobby kneed colt once more.
From his place just beyond the throng, he watches his mother as she beams with pride - love evident on her face as she considers the newly crowned king. Her vote had been among the first cast and, yet, he'd remained silent. His love and support for his father was not in question, only the brash way in which Krone was discarded. Her young were not taken into consideration and Belgaer sympathized with the dethroned queen.
A part of him wanted to slip into the shadows unnoticed, to conjure up some excuse as to why his voice hadn't been among the first. His other siblings had rose to the occasion.
Clearing his head, he stepped away from his place beside the dunes and approached his father. There was work to be done.
"I volunteer to travel to Nerine." he spoke abruptly, his head held high. "I am a son of Brennen and I am honored to do my duty."
Duty. The world felt cold upon his tongue.
OOC: I wrote this on my phone. I wanted to get something up to represent more of Brennen's kids.