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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    F R E A K S H O W [Krom, Karat, Kwartz]
    To say she is pissed is an understatement.

    She is absolutely furious, she feels confused and betrayed. She feels absolutely stupid. How could she have fallen for Sabra’s tricks? How could she leave her children unattended? She should’ve known - there were so many children in the playground to attend to, the fairies couldn’t watch everything.

    She barrels into the forest at the scent of her children. A quick, head-first dive into the orange and red wood. So help her if one of her babies were hurt - she would never forgive herself, and she would never forgive Sabra for this. She had to have something to do with this, didn’t she?

    At the sight of Karat, her heart swells. Despite the limping and crushed ribs, she is okay. Krone waits patiently as Klaudius exchanges words with her and the Sylvan Prince, before bringing Karat to her chest gently.

    ”Oh Karat, I’m so sorry...” She doesn’t have much time to say anything else, because soon Krom is there, his body shiny and metallic. She stares in awe...her original suspicion of his powers had been correct. ”Kromium!” She gasps.

    Everything moves fast. Sabra told some Morty guy something, he hurt the children, Krom used his traits. Confusion turns into boiling anger, and emerald tipped ears pin closely to the Keeper’s head.

    You... she growls at Sabra. ”You tricked me didn’t you? And you almost killed our children in the process? Who the FUCK do you think you are?” It wasn’t like her to use profanities in front of the kids, but she was so damn angry, they spewed out like venom. ”So help me GOD, Sabra...you’ll fucking regret the day you met me.” She turns hard on her heels. ”Twins, lets go. Kwartz, please come with us...” Her head turns back to Sabra, nostrils flaring. ”It isn’t safe here.” She ushers the children away, ready for the long journey back to Ischia.

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