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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Only Time Will Tell -[Krone]

    It was nice that Krone had a sense of humor, they barely knew each other, but instantly he felt at peace beside her. She and her kingdom was the peace he was looking for. He gave a gentle laugh at her words aand nodded One of a kind for sure. He smiled and for the first time he really glanced over her. She was much smaller and petite than Durotans own structure, the way her green blended into her brown was pleasing on the eyes. Overall, she was a stunning mare if he had ever seen one, he had to force his gaze away. Hoping she had not noticed him staring at her. 

    The silence was broken when she spoke again. Normal is boring she stated, another statement he agreed with. Very true, Beqanna is full of unique equines. It is full of drama but at the end of the day if you can find another oddity that you enjoy being around, it makes you feel less out of place. What a stupid thing to say, Made himself sound like a loser, basically admitted his own outcast of a life. He was caught up in his own embarassement when she nudges him. Her muzzle was gentle on his shoulder and when he looks she signals above them. His gaze follows and a flock of parriots flew overhead. He had never seen such beautiful birds, a small smile tugs at his lips as the colorful blue, red and even some yellow flew singing in harmony. Another perk I see he smiles as he watches until they are no longer in sight.

    His gaze drifts back to find hers when she notes being Queen can be a thankless job. It hurts his soul to hear such news, surely not every action she took would be appreciated but she should not feel this way. I am sorry to hear that, I can only imagine, I will make sure you are always appreciated from here on out. he stepped closer only leaving a step between them, and gently nudges her shoulder. Her scent filled his nares, she smelled sweet, like a fruit tree, or like a new breeze coming in off the ocean. That alone caused a smile to grow.

    Once again he finds himself in a position he did not imagine, what were these feelings? They were new to him, he has never lusted for another. He only hoped his desires were not obvious, she was a queen after all. She moves on to tell him the kingdom does have a warrior caste, and that he was more than welcome to join the ranks. He dipped his head to the queen Thank you Krone, I will protect you and Ischia and all those within it.  He spoke the truth, he was built to defend, he was devoted to the kingdom and would risk his life for all those within it.

    Don't Let Go

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