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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Wanna Play a Game?[Open]


    Her slight agitation amused him.  A chuckle escapes his blackened lips.  She is not stupid and never did he think so.  She had things to learn though.  At their last encounter another had given her name away to him.  He placed the info in the back of his mind along with the way she was address.  He was not clueless either.  That's the benefit of being a shadow-walker.  "My uses My Dear," he steps nearer to her.  Crimson eyes studying the lines of her stale expression before bringing his lips to her ear.  A hushed whisper left in her ear, "Is to listen, observe.  Not be seen unless I wish to be." 

    He steps back, giving her her space before he turns to pass down her right side, "Djinni.  Have you ever heard the expression; keep your friends close and your enemies closer?" His gaze stays fixated on her reaction as he curls around her backside. He gives her no time to answer, "The Taiga has fallen, what makes you think you are safe from the same fate.  I see no army here. No gaurd. No diplomacy.  Your kingdom is weak.  You should be flattered someone is willing to help by any means possible to ensure it's security..." His words are biting and she must know he is right.  If she didn't she would learn quickly. 

    Continuing up her left side he stops beside her.  Crimson gaze looking out across the still autumn hues.  A devilish grin curls his lips exposing his canines, "You'll want to be on the right side My Love. So... What say you?"  

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    She has displayed no agitation, so his low chuckle is met with a frown. The spotted stallion seems unconcerned with social niceties, but he already admitted that conversation is not his forte. Djinni is willing to forgive the numerous faux pas, at least until he steps closer.

    The dun mare remains utterly still (she does not flinch or even flick her grey ear away from the heat of his breath). As he circles her, she follows his progress with her ears, but does not turn to watch him. She gives him no reaction at all, and her flat green-eyed expression doesn't change even as he lists all the weaknesses of the autumnal kingdom.

    When he says that she should be flattered though, she finally breaks.

    Her stoic mouth twists up in a grin as she lets out a bark of a laugh and tells him: "But I don't need any help, darling". She uses the endearment sarcastically, an echo of his own odd turn of phrase.

    Ouija tell her that she will want to be on the right side, and it is clear he expects her to agree. With a blink of her eyes, she answers the question.

    It's not done verbally, but rather with a soft touch of her muzzle to his shoulder. A warm sort of shimmer surrounds them for a fraction of a second and then, with no other warning, they stand at the very edge of the Taiga.

    A ripped wall of blackthorn and bramble stretches toward a bleak winter sky. Rising seawater has swallowed the lower half of the wall, but the structure is still impressive. The roots of trees protrude from the water like grasping hands. The smell of ash and fire clashes with the waterlogged land, and Djinni completely understands what Ouija had meant when he said: "destroyed".

    She does not pause to take all of this in until after she pulls away from the spotted stallion. Her muzzle tingles unpleasantly, but there is no discomfort in her brown-eyed stare.

    "What say you?" he had asked her.

    "I say you'd best find somewhere else to seek refuge from this destruction. You are not welcome in Sylva. Consider this a warning."

    Without giving him time to reply, she disappears. Let him know she is a teleporter; she does not care. That is not something she has openly shared with others, but she does not mind sacrificing that bit of information in exchange for Sylva's safety. They don't have an army, but they don't really need one. Not with Djinni around.
    D J I N N I
    genie | rose gold tobiano dun | trickster


    Without warning they are looking into Taiga from the kingdom border.  He grins his same menacing grin as she speaks.  Confident. Too confident.  And she is gone.  He cackles and it echos through the densely covered forest.  She had been warned, let the record show.  With a twist of his head he slinked back into the darkness just outside Taiga.  It was time...

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    I assume Djinni transported him to the border before disappearing.  If not I read it wrong. Sry.  Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to the Forest I go XD

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