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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    stand by me and cry me a river; all kingdom (mandatory)

    One might wonder why a child so lost in her own imagination would return home, only to find her family members cease to live within it's bounds. One might ask, why stay? And that once little girl would answer, My mother had once risked her life for this kingdom, now it is my turn. Unfortunately for that little girl, adulthood had lapsed that sweet little determined mind with the horrors of the real world. She only stayed, to await her purpose.

    Drops of rain clung to her body like pests, pelting her ebony frame to revealing her degrading body structure, her daughter, Zendaya, was pressed against her barrel trembling. Guiding her daughter under the flimsy tree that seemed to only give little shelter to fit perhaps only one equine and no more. 

    Thunder and lightning clashed, causing Kena's little filly to flinch and shy away from the sounds that seemed life threatening in the eyes of a toddler. The mare glanced down at her trembling child,"Zendaya, it's just a storm. My lord, man up." She spoke sternly, obviously she hadn't gotten used to this motherly thing that she should be great at! No, it was the complete opposite she was unaware she was with child from the start, and little Zendaya, was just a little reminder of that stallion she fooled around with. Nothing other than a little present from the raging bastard. Not that Kena cared any less about her daughter, it was just the whole clingy thing she couldn't handle.

    Nudging her daughter further under the shelter of the flimsy branches of the petite tree, the mare was finally released from the child seeming to glue her body permanently onto her side. It almost felt like something was missing, like a body part. But it was nothing other than a little child. Momma, what's a storm? A little voice piped up in her mind, of course did I forget to say that Zendaya is gifted with Telepathy? Ah, yes wonderful ain't she? Kena shifted her gaze over to her daughter, "A storm only happens when the gods of Beqanna are seriously upset... Or something important is about to commence." Of course Kena didn't exactly know how to explain a storm to her daughter, so why not speak some bullshit to her own offspring?

    Her lobes were directed in a forward manner scanning for sounds of any kind other than the pitter patter of rain and the splash of water sputtering into puddles that would soon engulf the Gates in a giant quagmire. Until a masculine voice entered her head, it was unfamiliar but hailing a name of importance that was placed on the tip of her tongue. Momma, did you.... "Tannor." the mare blurted out their king's name. She had yet to of met him, yet she had heard of him. 

    Shuffling out not the rain Kena soon found her daughter once again clinging to her side this time she wasn't trembling in the rain, nor jumping back when thunder crashed. Some how Kena was proud of her daughter but she dared to not speak until she found herself sheltered by the great tree. Her dark chocolate eyes met with the equine before them, Tannor. Bowing her head she felt obligated to almost kneel but, she couldn't in front of her own daughter it was a foolish act to do if she were to show her daughter strength.

    "You called?" She bellowed her words respectfully. Little did she know her own daughter was speaking to Tannor through telepathic terms, Hello there, I'm Zendaya.... Is something important about to commence? She was a foolish little child unaware of who he was and how to address him. But she couldn't help her own curiosity.

    I Will Answer Injustice With Justice

    OOC: It might be a little confusing... but red is Zendaya.

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    RE: stand by me and cry me a river; all kingdom (mandatory) - by Kena - 05-08-2016, 07:03 PM

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