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    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  give me something to keep my mind off this so-called life
    Famkee often wonders how different her life might've been if she had not chose to follow in her twin's footsteps. Even when she was just a filly, the mundane tasks of a broodmare were never appealing in the slightest, watching her elders become swollen with children every year, the repetitive gossip, a dull existence she embraced very early on that she wanted no part in experiencing. Though her choices weren't gone unnoticed, she was always looked down upon by her parents for not fulfilling her duties as a female inside her society. "It's a gift to bring the next generations life." "You're wasting your womb and bringing shame to your family." She can still hear the words like they were only last nights moonlit sky. Was her existence resorted only to cater humiliation to her name? As she matured, she slowly lost the will to care, finally feeling a sense of acceptance, fulfillment in the company of what held more weight on metaphorical shoulders. Despite discovering the enjoyment so desperately missing in her life, she found herself chasing the high time and time again. It molded her into an addict, winning the validation of warriors sustained her triumphs in her training, and eventually won her wars plaguing her homeland. Still, it was never enough for her mother or her father so she searched for her love in blood, one that never filled her cup, no matter how powerful she felt, her soul was stagnant in it's throes of rejection. 

    "He's just a boy." She whispered to her twin, observing the bodies taking the chances to sacrifice their lives for a fraction of meaning to be brought inside tortured minds. Many had come to join the recruits for the infantry, but she couldn't recall them being this fresh from it's mother, so innocent and filled with naivety. "I don't recall you being any older key." Her brother was quick to remind her, though Famkee was a different breed, she knew this. Hurriedly, the colt is plastered to the soil with hooves in his side and scars to be healed. She was just a filly dumped into duties of men, though she was more than capable if not better than her fellow soldiers, it was a chore to endure another so harmless be subject to such violence. Though he's beaten to a pulp, day after day he stays until eventually, an accident spurs like fates hand had been reached out to gift him the reality creeping it's monstrous unforgiving face in the background. A horn straight through the heart, though not intended, only an incident from training, Famkee wouldn't forget the colt's dying breath.

    These memories remind her of why she'd been so numb to the sight of the Baltain and Stratosian children, her involvement in countless innocents pushed by political ideals, lost to the cruel truth of bloodlust. It doesn't make it any easier that again, she was powerless to stop the virtuous foals with so much life left to live only to grow hate in the hearts of opposing creatures breeding a war to trudge on for centuries. She could say the same for the stallion who stands before her, they all had their chances at making a brighter future, or perhaps an attempt at healing whatever damage wracked his mind, but it didn't change the fact that their children's lives couldn't be reborn or prevented. 

    When she discovers that he is an immortal, a twinge of guilt washes over her athletic frame. She could only imagine what he's seen or done among countless catastrophes, in fact she feels a venerability join her guilt at the fact that he most likely sees right through her pain, dissecting her torment like it's a flavor on the tongue. "The things you must have seen." She quietly commends, taking another moment to appreciate his form in it's entirety. The golden brown of her eyes spark when they meet his, bold is her next statement in that she takes the chance that he will be offended. "Do you see it as a blessing or a curse?" She tilts her head upwards slightly in challenge but it's only a measly bluff. The curiosity is too overbearing to ignore how he views his life. Her interest could backfire, but it's nothing she couldn't handle. What business he chose to share was his to disclose, she couldn't hold him accountable. He shows her the same respect after all, not poking the sleeping lion of her past. 

    "Your efforts were not in vain," Famkee looks to the avian pinions atop his back, it's not that she'd never seen a pegasus before, but seeing one so close, she nearly wants to feel the softness of the feathers on the skin of her muzzle and marvel. Of course she refrains, but not without the fantasy pricking the corners of her mind. He is a handsome thing, though she would never say, she appreciates the wise aura he provides, it's comforting, soothing to her in ways she can't figure out. "It's a beautiful gift, congratulations." Her voice is pliant, gentle, and she means it. The suns rays are quite generous today, casting it's warmth to draw her attention to the creek bed ahead, and for a fleeting moment it distracts her until his next statement, which freezes her as though she's stepped into the lapping water. "Perhaps you could teach me someday." 

    An immortal, wants her to teach him? The soldier wants to feel flattered, fall into a hungry ego but if anything she's surprised. Her snort is audible, as a small chuckle erupts. "Ah, the art of killing is not for the weak, though I wouldn't call it a talent." The disdain that saturates her words feels heavy. She knows what she appears to be, it's obvious to the naked eye. So many moons it's been since she'd offered her skills in battle to another and just maybe this opportunity would be worth taking in full. "If you're up for it, gladly." She falls face first into the idea of bringing some substance back into her soul, and the stallion reeks of freedom for her to do so. On a more reclusive note, he takes his chances at prying at her gifts instead of her past, something that she could reciprocate, more doable if she knew here to begin. She replies hesitant, wrapping what little of her brain that hasn't been frenzied with whatever cognizance moved in. "I see visions. Something tells me that what I see, who I see, hasn't even happened yet. I'm trying to deal with it all, frankly it makes me feel like I'm losing it." She shakes out her ebony mane in an attempt to release what tension she held of the subject, but it does little to ease her nerves. 

    Assailant. Fitting, she thinks. Famkee isn't one to offer her name to just anyone, but seeing as though they've literally been through hell and back together, she nods her head to return her title. "Assailant," She tastes the stallion's inscription, bowing her head her long forelock splits itself over her horn pointed directly at him in the (polite) dip of her head. "I'm Famkee."          
    if my heart is in your hands will i die

    @assailant this is embarrassingly quick, but i can't deny the inspiration or time when i have it xD
     [Image: EOU990v.png] Famkee [Fahm-key]

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    RE: give me something to keep my mind off this so-called life - by Famkee - 03-30-2023, 12:57 PM

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