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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I just need a change again [Oceane]

    Help me out before I drown
    Save me now before I give up

    A lot of cats had been let out of a lot of bags during the Midsummer Festival.

    He had done a pretty terrible job of hiding his bear, overcome by the snow and the bears instinct to be one with its environment. Oceane has turned out to be Loess’s Queen which probably wasn’t a big secret to anyone else but to him had been a little shock. When he looks back on their first meeting, all the signs were there. The sure footed confidence, the regal air about her, they way she knowingly laughed when he had tried to evade her offer. Everything about her screamed monarchy, reminding him of the rulers he had once known before. In fact, when he really thinks way back, he can see a little Joelle in her. A true Queen, his fathers infamous lover, and although she hadn’t been thrilled with Ledger’s presence she had never been rude or unkind to him. She had always been what he thought Queens were suppose to be.

    It seemed pointless now to not go to Loess. To not at least see the cave that she had spoken about. There was still an elephant hanging in the room so to speak, for his shifting wasn’t the complete secret. He knows if he is to stay here that he should tell her about the mental illness, of his anxiety and temper, of what had happened in the past. On the way to her kingdom, he tries. And fails. Each time the words start to rise, his tongue became thick and his mouth became insanely dry. The anxiety rose and only wavered when he finally gave up. He just couldn’t do it. Not now.

    He wonders what she thinks of him. This mess of a stallion that she had somehow took pity on and brought home like a dirty stray (his assumption of course). It’s not a great feeling and it jolts him, realizing just how far his confidence and self-esteem had fallen. The muscles in his jaw seem to tense as he continues to spiral in his own head. Doubt creeping back into his mind, recalling it might be better to just disappear again. He couldn’t be hurt that way and he couldn’t hurt others either if he just didn’t exist. Despite the stormy thoughts that swarm him, one hoof steps in front of another and eventually they make it to Loess as a twilight sky spreads itself over the land, casting it in hues of soft purple and blue. Making everything in Loess’s dimming light look the same shade of color as it’s Queen.

    The climate here is cooler with the autumn season but not as pleasant to him as the cold arctic chill of the Isle they had come from. The view however is stunning, rocky hilled mountains and deep carved sandstone canyons. He even catches ferns and vines that remind him of the old Amazonian jungle. The summers were sure to be rough for him but the nights at least would always be cold. Glowing blue flowers begin to illuminate as the sun sinks and he takes a slow deep breath in as he surveys it all through his one good eye.

    There had been many places he had called home but none had ever seemed to fit or feel right. Not even in the black sands of Tephra with Ellyse or the Gate’s beloved tree (that had burned because he hadn’t been there to stop it and the old shame and anxiety comes flooding right back) Something does feel different here though. When he looks at this land, when he looks at her, he feels that hope fluttering again around his chest. The strange light yet heavy weight of glass reminding him that it could only be fleeting. Slowly he exhales again, nostrils flaring as he takes it all in and finally breaks the silence between them. “Where’s this cave you want to stash me in?” A slight smile given as he tries to joke but he is still wary and his apprehensiveness of this situation still lays as a heavy burden across his shoulders.


    @[Oceane] Add me to the board<3

    Note:This timeline is after the thread in Icicle Isle which hasn't wrapped yet =D

    Messages In This Thread
    I just need a change again [Oceane] - by Ledger - 04-27-2021, 09:37 PM

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