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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  saluted every ghost you've ever prayed to; wishbone
    it's a mystery to me
    we have a greed with which we have agreed. you think you have to want more than you need; until you have it all you won't be free. and when you think more than you want, your thoughts begin to bleed.
    Wishbone can’t remember a time she’s felt someone reflect her emotions so deeply. There have been many times she’s shared kindred spirits — with Svedka and their thirst for adventure, with Lilliana and their broken relationships, with Mazikeen and their stubborn fierceness. Yet the race with this stranger feels different than anything else; with each stride, Wishbone feels her emotions draw closer to a place where they meet with the stranger’s.

    These emotions (sorrow and loss and endless fury) are both familiar and uncontrollable to her. They run through her like old friends, as if they call her home, and yet she feels entirely undone by their power. It isn’t often that Wishbone feels this way — more often than not she is rather optimistic and fiercely independent. Yet there are times where she is pulled toward the darker emotions and they whisper in her ears, telling her that she could stay with them longer.

    Wishbone feels herself falling into her anger now, using it to push her agility and endurance further to match the stranger. Thunder rumbles overhead, and it is never without lightning. A white rod of light crackles across the sky, illuminating the stranger as he shifts from a horse into a cheetah. The dark energy crackles toward her again, this time with different intentions, and Wishbone tosses her head to welcome it.

    Her body molds itself to mimic his, and she’s launching herself into a faster speed before she’s even completely shifted. Wishbone feels disoriented by the shift for a moment, unfamiliar with this magic and the new senses that come with a new body. But the cheetah body knows what to do, and she falls into the new rhythm of running within a few strides.

    Despite the new level of speed she’s reached, Wishbone can tell her energy is fading. She can be as stubborn as she wants and tempt Death and Desire to her heart’s content, but there are times she cannot refuse the way her body cries out. Her soft oval ears press tightly against her feline skull, a visible sign of her determination to continue. And just when she thinks one more step might end her, the stranger’s teeth find her.

    Wishbone lets out a growl, but it isn’t one of pain. It’s a challenge, a noise of relief, a scream of anger. His voice echos in her mind, sending a chill down her spine. Her glowing amber eyes flash in the darkness, but she continues running. Her long legs adjust between one stride and the next, pushing him so he will slam into a wide-trunked tree. Her haunches bunch to stop her momentum, but her unfamiliarity as a cheetah makes her pitch sideways, rolling through the leaves.

    She throws herself onto her paws quickly and spins, facing the stranger with a snarl already on her lips. This is what she was bred to do; she comes from a family of fighters. The darkness billows inside her, making her amber eyes glow even brighter. Wishbone twitches her feline tail, a challenge pressing to the forefront of her mind. This stranger is capable beyond her knowledge, she’s noticed, and she suspects he can hear her when she thinks, Show me what you can do.
    credit to eliza of adoxography.


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    RE: saluted every ghost you've ever prayed to; wishbone - by Wishbone - 06-26-2021, 11:33 AM

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