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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  any way to distract and sedate, Oceane
    You think I'll be the Dark Sky so you can be the Star?
    I'll Swallow you Whole.
    She steps out into the open, leaving the safety of the red-rock cave and the curtains of peace that Tiercel had crafted for them. She is feeling restless, and even though she disliked the heaviness of this darkness (it did not feel like night — night was feather-light with the silver threads of starlight, while these shadows were thick, nearly suffocating), she also could not bear the confines of the cavern right now. The child that grew inside of her was equally restless, seemingly no longer content with her continuously constricting living arrangements, and she liked to make her displeasure known by constantly moving. Islas, already so unaccustomed to the endless torrent of emotion that the child sent coursing through her, wasn't sure how much more of this she could take.

    She had thought that the wide-open space of Loess, dark though it may be, would ease the edge, but instead, it seemed only to sharpen it.
    Because stepping out into the dark she is again reminded of what she is missing.
    With eyes turned skyward, she is reminded that there are no stars to be found, that this dark stretches on forever with not an end in sight.

    Still, she cannot help but to try again. She reaches up through the dark, reaches to where she knows the stars should be, and tries to pull the tendrils of starlight down just as she has a hundred times before.
    And she is met with the same resistance, that same feeling of sinking into something but being unable to move it from where it rests. That feeling of knowing something is there, but it lies just beyond her reach.

    And, for the first time in her life, she feels anger—anger of her own making and not something projected onto her by Tiercel or their unborn daughter. Anger that blooms of its own accord in her chest and flashes like electricity through her veins, in such a way that her ever-dimming glow suddenly flashes brightly in the dark, like a spark, though it dies just as quickly. 

    In its wake, her glow is all the more subdued, but so is her anger. She is left with her usual hollowness, with that darkness that fills up all the empty spaces of her just like the dark in Beqanna. 

    She hears movement, and that is the only thing that draws her mind back to earth and away from the lost stars. “Hello?” The dark seems to swallow her voice, and she stares into it with purple-black eyes, and she is suddenly reminded of the unearthly things that lurked in this new endless night.

    hi don't mind me just posting to you without asking first! I thought since Islas lives here she should probably at least officially meet Oceane lmao

    Messages In This Thread
    any way to distract and sedate, Oceane - by Islas - 01-20-2021, 01:42 AM

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