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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  I met the devil when I was a child, and I've never forgotten
    For all their wilderness and unashamed ferocity, there is a rhythm to their lives. They are creatures borne from the twisted, darker shadows of Beqanna, yet there are unspoken laws that govern their chaos. Perhaps their blood comes from places worlds beyond their own, perhaps their creation was decided by a creative mind, perhaps the arching twists of the queenly crowns are relicts of a nightmare. However, their origin and whatever their purpose, they have their routines for their species.

    The way they find their homes is one such example. Although she is a loner, Nexu cannot deny that an intuitive piece of her wishes to curl among her kin’s sleeping hides when it is time to rest. She had done so as a child, silently finding her place among her Sisters and Father when their hunting day was over. Sometimes she dreams of that hive and their adventures together, when she had been a young little thing learning beneath the watchful eyes of Father.

    So why has she not been with them all along? Had Father known where their kin could be found (where Nexu’s grandmother settled her hive) and simply ignored their presence? It seemed to be simpler than that, something that Nexu understands at her core. The answer is found in the way her crown rises and twists like the Queen’s does, in the obvious way she had towered over the smaller Predator, in the way her body aches when the leaves begin to fall.

    She is a daughter born from this Queen’s son, and she is meant to begin her own hive. Perhaps one day, she will gesture toward younger kin, wondering why they were not found in the places she calls home. Perhaps one day, she will bring a new generation of Predators to their world. Perhaps one day, she will become the mighty Queen that she has battled and ate alongside.

    And while Nexu knows this, she is wary of explaining it to the Queen. Father had been generous to his children, but one Sister had been vengeful and attacked Nexu on multiple accounts (though she had not been one of Them), and the younger queen isn’t sure if her grandmother would attack her as well. Whether the Queen thinks past the present is a question Nexu can’t answer, but she isn’t willing to determine if the threat of a new queen would warrant a murder.

    While she refuses to explain the purpose she feels in her bones, Nexu chitters a reply that speaks of her father in their unique language — Cthulhu. She has been alone for years now, only finding solace in her Partner, and Nexu’s eyes see the path leading to Pangea. The armored mass of her body turns in the direction Queen had pointed, and she finds her long legs stepping toward the trail.
    credit to fangs of bearbones.


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    RE: I met the devil when I was a child, and I've never forgotten - by Nexu - 01-24-2021, 06:00 PM

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