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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    She was yellow and grey, the colors of the day // Borderline

    Tornados from a butterfly's wing

    Ama let off a puff of wind, watched it spin wildly only to break itself to fragments on the trunks of the redwoods. Tornados worked best in open spaces, she'd learned. There was no room for them to gather more air, more speed, when the trees interrupted their path. She still tried every once in while, though. 

    The pine needles that had been thrown into the air settled back down again. The wind that rattled the boughs overhead died down as quickly as it had been summoned. The black and gem mare exhaled, a little exasperated but not terribly disappointed. "Oh well," she murmured, smiling abstractly at the trees. 

    "Reynard! Cheri! It's time to go, mes filles!" Her voice rang out, catching sight of the pair flickering between tree trunks. They were exuberant today. Caught in a game of perpetual chase that made her tired just to watch. They paused just long enough for her to trot up to them, sides expanding rapidly with their exertions, grinning like march hares. 

    Reynard ambled forward to meet his mother, the amber fluff of his mane sticking out in every direction. "Do we have to, Mama?" He bleated, eyes wide and pleading. He glanced to his sister, looking for backup. Ama shook her head, smiling but firm. 

    "Yes, we have to. Come now, there will be time to play later." She promised, nodding up to the noon sun. The days were long and hot now, the height of summer. Plentiful hours of golden light for little foals to expend their energy in. Now though, the bejeweled woman had a mission. One that had settled into the back of her mind ever since a discussion she and Yanhua had held some weeks ago. 

    She was not the only one walking in the woods with his child beside her. There was another mare, Borderline, he'd called her, and she was not a happy creature at the moment. Ama hadn't been necessarily pleased to hear about her. She was sure Borderline hadn't been either. However, she was quick to forget the tongue of jealousy that had leapt at first. 

    What was the point in it? Yan was a stallion with an open heart. It was one of the things she appreciated about him. He was not quick to love, not really, but when he did, she knew better than anyone how deeply it ran. How could she begrudge anyone that kind of feeling? 

    So it would be easier, she decided, to face the relationship head on. Ama had never been one to walk on eggshells, nor did she ever intend to start. She would offer her friendship, her family, her olive branch. If it was accepted, Joy! If not... Well, no one could say she hadn't tried. 

    Wings fluttering absently, she guided her two little ones through the labyrinthine forest, eyes and ears open. There were others who lived here, of course. Few she had met so far, though. Still, it was easy enough to find her way to the outskirt den of the new mother and her child, and the emotion that hung in the air confirmed it. 

    Maudlin, was the first word that came to her mind. Ama blinked her eerie eyes, focused within. Threads of grey-yellow pooled in the space, and she found her own smile slipping. Maybe this had been a bad idea. At the very least, she should have asked Lilli or someone to watch the twins while she made her foray. Too late now, though. 

    "Borderline?" She called out, looking for the mare, or her child. The half-sibling of her own two. Was it overly optimistic of her to want the children to grow up as friends? Would their mother allow it? "Borderline? I'm Amarine." She hesitated, then continued. "I've just come to pay you a visit." She shut her mouth then, catching Cheri's eye and winking with a conspiritual smile.


    @[Borderline] @[Calcifer] 

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    She was yellow and grey, the colors of the day // Borderline - by Amarine - 12-05-2020, 08:10 PM

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