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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    | Let the moment break you, Beyza/Caledonia |

    The white girl listens, surprised that this boy’s mother would be in Pangea. She wonders if she’s met her - and is vaguely aware that there has been a captive there but her curiosity and focus have been elsewhere so she did not pay much attention. Now she wishes she had, so she could offer some words of support to this bearded boy. She only knows the ache she would feel if she were separated from either of her parents, and it softens her unblinking gaze.

    While her twin offers options, Beyza remains in her own thoughts a little while longer. She is suddenly reminded of her own limitations when it comes to her powers. Although they appear to be rather limitless in theory, there’s so much she has not practiced yet. So though she wishes she could boldly offer to teleport all three of them to Pangea right that moment, she knows it’s not safe. Not when she is still occasionally leaving parts of herself behind when she is only moving herself.

    But at least she can provide a bit of a distraction. Use her magic on a smaller scale. Her attention finally narrows back down to their little trio, and she offers what is a small but hopefully kind smile. “It’s up to you. We can go with you to Pangea now or…” She trails off for a moment, her eyes wandering to their surroundings. The height of the trees inspires her, sparking an idea. “We can play a game?”

    There’s a delicate sort of fear in her voice as she wonders whether this line of thought is stupid and childish but before she can think too much about it she does something she knows she can do and shifts into a bird. She’s a sparrow - but her feathers and eyes remain the same bright white of her horse-self. She swoops around her twin and then the boy before hovering in the air between them. “What would you like to be?” She asks him - though the question is open for Caledonia as well. If her twin wanted to try on a new shape, who was Beyza to begrudge her?

    B E Y Z A

    artwork by musonart


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    RE: | Let the moment break you, Beyza/Caledonia | - by Beyza - 06-24-2020, 09:51 PM

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