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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  In Hell I'll be in good company // Lilliana
    I stared out west, wishing I was there and not still here. Oceane is gone, has been for some time, and I hear the native Pangeans whisper angrily about it. She was stolen back. Someone cared enough about her to risk it, and I guess it paid off. No such luck for me. 

    I wander recklessly, dust coating my ragged scales and feathers as I traverse canyons and catacombs. The last year has been a lean one for me, the steady thinning of my muscles making the gradual swelling of my belly all the more painfully obvious. It's nothing that will be hidden or disguised when I return. 

    Whatever strength I've been running off of so far ran out when I felt the first stirrings of life inside me. My body seems to have decided that to keep that little life going is more important than keeping me going, and so I feel a little of myself leach away with every passing day. I think this is what's convinced me that I'm carrying a monster. 

    Not long after the blue-opal mare left, a new one arrived. This one copper and gold, and seemingly unaware of just how much shit she'd gotten herself into. I glimpsed her from a distance, but as with Oceane, I made sure it was never closer than that. No point making friends if they're just as likely to get eaten by the creepy aliens as they are to be set free. Today's different though. 

    "I'm going home tomorrow,"

    The first words I said to her. The first words I've said to anyone in weeks. In the shade of a stand of spindly trees, I find her. Alone, as we all are. But it's true. I'm going home tomorrow, and not hell nor high water can stop me. I've served my sentence. My prize for the stupid games I've played and the nerves I've stepped on. I'm pretty sure that's why no one came to save me sooner. They are all sure that I did this to myself. That I deserve the imprisonment, and what all else happens while here. If anyone has noticed I'm gone at all. 

    I guess it doesn't matter anymore. When the sun breaks the skyline tomorrow, I'll be gone. I won't even look back once. 

    Anyway. I find her, and she's in as sorry a state as I think I myself am, and that's impressive considering she's been here less than half the time. Still, I know my duty to a fellow prisoner. A favor denied to me when the magnificent Oceane was rescued by her knight in shining scales. "I'm going home. Is there anyone you need me to find? Anything you need said or done?" 

    That's how I realize I've changed. A year ago, hell, six months ago, those words would never have crossed my lips. Today though, they feel important. Tomorrow I'll be gone. She'll still be here though. One day, one day, I'll see this place flooded back beneath the waves. Back where it can't hurt anyone again. 


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    In Hell I'll be in good company // Lilliana - by Rebelle - 04-30-2020, 07:30 PM

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