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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  you carry me with you

    The copper mare can be obstinate when she wants to be (courtesy, she tells herself, of her dappled friend in the North). Lilliana is quite capable of setting her hooves firmly in the Taigan soil below her and holding her own against the course of Mother Nature. Fiorina and Eurwen have delivered their foals and even the expectant Magician had brought a pretty daughter to Nerine.

    And Lilliana?

    The crimson mare has gone further south, seeking the solace of her beloved Redwoods. For all the places her heart has called home over the years, it settles peacefully against the crispness of the spring air here. Lilliana exhales and looks around her, looks past the branches and finds a rare patch of blue staring down at her. Vibrant, vivid blue that peeks through the towering trees. Taiga can cluster and it can crowd - she has been the recipient of both - and yet in this moment, it embraces. 

    Standing beneath this wood, it envelops her and soothes a soul that has been made restless in the last stages of her pregnancy. (Ruthless asks her questions about how something like a child could be accidental and Brazen eyes her with something that looks like terror each day her stomach grows wider and drops lower from behind her armored mask.) She finds a moment of peace - something that is always easy for Lilliana to find beneath these trees - and exhales gently into the bright, spring air. 

    The ocean calls to her in a chilling breeze filled with brine and there is a look of longing on her face as she glances towards where Taiga’s rocky coast waits. She imagines the sea and the turning of a tide, wondering what discoveries might be waiting on the shoreline. But that isn’t why she is here - a profound kick reminds her exactly of her purpose and so the chestnut mare wanders towards the heart of this forest. She moves away from the ocean and deeper into the woods, where they form arches and cathedrals that stand as monuments to the magnificence of this place. 

    She goes past the meeting area, away from the scents of Aten and Lethia and Ruthless. 

    They had said she had helped them once.
    In return, they had offered gifts for the children of the Taiga. 
    Protection from intruders. 

    Her sons might have a need for all of them now. 

    When she finally stops, the shadows tangle themselves against the sunlight that streams down and the wind that announces her presence to Craft and Anatomy. Her face is a mixture of apprehension and fear, of reluctance and uncertainty. She doesn’t know how to proceed with the mixture of words and feelings that tangle her tongue. 

    "You once offered gifts for the foals born to Taiga,” she tells the Forest hoping that her words might reach the intended entities. 

    Lilliana had once thought she was alone in this; that it would just be her and her boys. It isn’t true, she knows. It is not family in the traditional sense. She can offer them bonds that extend North, across Beqanna. The only thing that she can’t offer - the part that pains her on a deeply personal level - is a father. She had been raised with the absence of one and Lilli had grown up tracing every line of her face wondering what parts of had once belonged to the former Guardian. 

    (Fate has a bitter sense of irony in the way that history can repeat itself.)

    She will do her best to keep the knowledge of who their father is from them (just until they are old enough, she tells herself). The copper mare finally speaks again, "I come seeking help for my boys.” Her blue eyes look up, searching for a small piece of sky, for a tangible piece of hope, "please.”


    all that i'm after is a life full of laughter
    (as long as i'm laughing with you)

    art by vhitany

    @[craft] @[anatomy] @[Calcifer]

    Lilli is hoping to get Lunar Protection for Nashua and Intangibility for Yanhua. 
    but it's all in the past, love
    it's all gone with the wind

    Messages In This Thread
    you carry me with you - by lilliana - 03-22-2020, 07:44 PM

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