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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Everything about me seems to have changed || Any at all ||

    I believe I'd die if I only could

    I sure feel strange, but it sure feels good

    Now the time has come.
    Can you imagine soaring to the highest plateau? Sinking to the furthest depths? Remaking yourself over and over again? Who were you at the beginning, can you remember? When the years fade together and a few days turn into a passing few months, does the end start to feel like the beginning or was the beginning always the end?

    Wolfbane, or who he was in the many months before he committed the atrocity of tyrannicide with Heartfire’s help, has a sliver of his ‘real’ self tucked away in a mind overcome by other personal demons. That very small part of himself wants to be better, to find a cure for an ailment three generations past couldn’t find. But the larger part of himself - the one that terrorized Taiga and shattered a royal marriage with Lepis simply prevents him. It smothers him and drains his will, zaps his energy to fight. He has always been a fighter, and that’s why he assumes such a small part of himself held on this long.

    An old friend has awoken those desires for good. Wishbone had stoked the embers of a dying fire, but in trying to help Wolfbane she’d also given his split personalities a bigger reason to fight harder and dirtier than they’d done before.

    There is a specific someone… his daughter, Eyas. It’s her that he longs to pass these demons off to, or her that he wishes to consume entirely. Her power was rare and untouchable, and she’d been successfully using it to evade himself and many others. She was in part to blame for his slumber: her magic worked through bonded sight and if he slept, then he couldn’t see. So neither could Eyas or Heartfire keep tabs on him.

    But the time has come.
    The chase begins again, and the stallion most would know by color alone flicks his wings aloft to leap into a steady flight directly for the field. They’re both immortal, father and daughter, and so this game is an extended one. Until he can secure more information about her whereabouts Eyas will continue to evade him… but if he can stir chaos in the meantime; if Wolfbane can do worse than tearing apart Lepis’ leadership and their marriage it might be just enough to summon her from the shadows.

    He lands steadily enough. Smooth and calculated without altering his shape, like an animal born to wings and comfortable with their mechanics. His hooves, sparkling blue and toned to a near black, dig into the monochromatic soil and steady a thick body covered in gold and glinting navy stripes. Sunset approaches. He doesn’t long for the company of daytime walkers, but those who feel most at home in the tranquil darkness of a passing winter’s night. Folding his wings back together Wolfbane continues walking on foot, deeper and deeper into the heartlands of the Field in search of some horse who could see his value and use it appropriately.

    For this thread:  Sex: M  ◉  Appearance: Normal  ◉  Mood: Dangerous

    [Image: Wolfbane2.png][Image: 3bCHvj.png]

    Messages In This Thread
    Everything about me seems to have changed || Any at all || - by Wolfbane - 01-13-2020, 09:37 PM

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