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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open quest]  seek me out; round ii
    <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Allura&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><style>.lucrezialayout {width:600px; border:1px solid #000;box-shadow:0px 0px 10px #000;background-color:#8dbbb1;} .lucreziagradient {width:600px; border:1px solid #000;padding:10px;background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#091016, #1d2f3e, #091016); background: -o-linear-gradient(#091016, #1d2f3e, #091016); background: -moz-linear-gradient(#091016, #1d2f3e, #091016); background: linear-gradient(#091016, #1d2f3e, #091016); box-shadow:0px 0px 25px #000;} .lucreziapic {width:600px; height:400px; background-image:url('https://i.imgur.com/vZ3Hghs.png');background-size:contain;margin-top:-55px;} .lucreziaquote {width:600px; font-size:26px;font-family: 'Allura', cursive;color:#1d2f3e;padding-bottom:0px;padding-top:20px;} .lucreziapost {padding:40px;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:5px;text-align:justify;font:13.5px times;color:#091016;}</style><center><div class="lucreziagradient"><div class="lucrezialayout"><div class="lucreziaquote"><center>Here it comes with no warning; capsize, i'm first in the water</center></div><div class=lucreziapost>Standing at the edge, Lucrezia stares at the sparkling blue water, her reflection staring back at her. It beckons for her to come in, to take a dip and feel the refreshing water. It calls to her, telling her she can forget about it all.

    Her skin feels like it is on fire, it aches from the blistering sunburns that scatter across her body. The sun beats heavily on her back, despite the palm trees that attempt to hide her away from the sun, igniting her even more. She can feel the cool temperature of the pool. Her muzzle lowers, drawn to it, tempting her to drink it. Lucrezia licks her lips, they are so dry, and she feels dizzy from the blazing sun and travelling across the shifting dunes.

    <i>Just a little sip</i>, she thinks to herself. It could not hurt. Why would it?

    A drink from the pool was not enough for her though. Lucrezia can no longer wait. She submerges into the sparkling blue water, instantly the coolness of the pool soothes her aching body, and her stiff muscles release from their tight grip. A deep sigh of relief escapes through her soft lips. She wades deeper into the water, expanding her wings out and letting them feel the silky, smooth water too.

    Lucrezia closes her eyes, letting the last tension release from her. Her heart instantly fills with joy as she thinks about how she is back in the desserts—a home she never thought she’d see again. She would do anything to live in this moment forever.

    Taking another step further into the depths of the pool, her hooves instantly feel the hard-rocky cliffs beneath her. Lucrezia’s eyes flash open wide, darting around with confusion. It is foggy, a dim light then pulls her gaze to the rocky cliffs. She can see the jet-black mare nearby, outlined by the dim sunlight. A desperate cry comes from the black mare—a name she does not know, but her heart as a mother knows it is her daughter. The black mare walks quickly out more onto the cliff—too close to the edge. Lucrezia takes a couple steps forward, “Hey!” she shouts out, but the world turns dark and the black mare disappears over the cliff.

    Turning in the darkness, the blackness fades away instantly, bringing her back into the desert. Her eyes dart around, looking for the oasis, but she only sees the shifting hills. She feels the coolness in the air, realizing that the sun is setting in the horizon, and that is when she spots the palomino mare. “Hello?” Lucrezia yells out to the golden woman but she doesn’t hear her. “Can you hear me?” She yells out again, moving quickly across the golden grains towards the mare. Still the mare doesn’t see or hear her.

    <I>Am I dead again?</I> Lucrezia wonders for a moment.

    At the corner of her eye, she spots the black stallion moving towards the mare. The stallion lunges at the mare and they start fighting. Screams fill the quiet air, hooves clash, bones break, and blood stains the sand beneath them. Horror fills her as she bears witness to the murder. She feels her heart sink to the pit of her stomach as the golden mare begs, bringing back the memory of her own death. Lucrezia rushes forward, the golden mare needs her help—she must help her. Moving quickly towards the fighting, she stumbles and falls into the sand, her head quickly lifts from the ground, and she looks up to find the mare again, but everything goes dark once again.

    The looming death scenes are replayed. Her heart is split into two to save both of their lives—she aches for the black mare that searches for her daughter and falls to her death. However, her heart pulls her towards the golden mare. Lucrezia cannot shake it, the memory of her own murder haunts her.

    She returns to the desert scene once again in a blink of an eye. The champagne mare rushes towards the golden woman. A desperate cry of alarm releases from her lips. It is loud and distressing, and unlike before, the palomino mare stops in her tracks and turns towards Lucrezia. A look of confusion appears on the golden woman’s face, questioning the alarm of distress that Lucrezia cries out, and is distracted as the black stallion comes around the nearby dune.

    The golden mare turns, meeting the eyes of her son, and then the stallion lunges forward. “RUN!” Lucrezia screams. “RUN!” She cries again as she throws herself in between the fight. A hoof slams against her left shoulder. She stumbles at the blunt force but then turns quickly to face the orange-eyed horse. Pushing her weight onto her hindlegs, the champagne mare lifts into a rear, her wings expand as she shields the golden mare. The golden mare lunges back from Lucrezia and her son. “GET AWAY!” She screams at the black stallion and throws a hoof out in his direction. The black stallion rushes back at her threat, Lucrezia flaps her wings, sending him a warning to keep his distance, before landing onto her hooves.

    Suddenly the stallion screams. He lowers his head, pawing violently at his dark face. Lucrezia turns to the golden woman quickly, concerned for the black stallion but also the golden mare, she finds the mare focusing on the black stallion with a stern expression. Lucrezia isn’t sure what the mare is doing, but deep within she knows it was wrong. “No. This isn’t right!” She says pushing the golden woman, who then loses her focuses and stumbles

    “We have to go. We cannot stay here.” She tells the golden woman. The black stallion screams out in pain again. “PLEASE! If you love your son, you will leave.” Lucrezia begs. The golden mare turns to her, a look of sadness flashes in her eyes for a moment. Lucrezia didn’t need to hear the words from the woman. Somehow, she could read them, knowing hurting her son even more would not mend their relationship any further. The two mares then turn and quickly leave the black stallion behind.</div><div class=lucreziaquote style="padding-top:0px;"><center>...too close to the bottom.</center></div><div class=lucreziapic></div></div></div></center>
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