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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Lead me into the dark and I shall follow; Any

    winter wonderland

    The male is quite comfortable for the moment, the many feelings that rushed to his head each day, aching in his brain, washed over by a calm cloud, his doubts calmed by the soothing speech between companions, an enjoyable sensation that wavered in the grand sense of time.
    While time may be short, the white male still believes you can make it longer, create a reality within a broken universe in which everything is at peace, which was not always the case, especially back home when he was outside of Beqanna. At this time the male was rather distanced, a place where he was shaped into an un-social creature, someone who could not wear a smile on his face, for no particular reasons at all.
    But with the sweet touch of his companion, brushing up against his cold legs, giving him the confidence to speak up. He turns to the mare with a smile "Well, I don't particularly have an interesting past, it was outside of Beqanna" the stallion started "I was raised quite strictly, nothing too hideous but nothing that soothed my inner self, as to dreams. Well, I wish to become someone someday, I'm not sure who that is, but I will find it sometime in the future" he adds as he looks away, his smile dropping slightly.

    "As to nightmares" he refrains for a moment before answering her question "I'm afraid one day I will wake up and everyone will be gone, or that I would lose my speech, as non existent as it is anyway" he mentions, he didn't socialise much, that was true, but for whatever reason he felt like he could open up today, allow anyone to delve deep and dive into his mindful soul, searching for his long lost clues to unravel a mystery "Its kind of weird I guess" he adds as he laughs with a hint of awkwardness.

    What he had said was true, Ruinam was not one to be dishonest, his mind spoke the truth at all times, he was afraid to lose others, perhaps that was the reason that fueled his inability to socialise, something he desperately tried to work on at all times.

    The air is silent once again, no movement apart from the small white critter lurking beneath Ruinam's shadow, hiding from the light.
    The stallion turns to the mare again "How about yourself?" he says with a smile, his mood changing constantly.

    @[Valdis] Sorry I'm in a weird mood so this post might not make sense hehe

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    RE: Lead me into the dark and I shall follow; Any - by Ruinam - 01-22-2019, 05:36 PM

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