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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    we are one of a kind, irreplaceable; Clayton


    A narrow path, sloping like a ditch from heavy use, follows the western edge of Hyaline’s cold blue lake. One could follow it from the central part of the kingdom all the way to western coast. Kensa knows this because she has followed it to its end, where the path fades away just before coming to the edge of a cliff that slopes back from the ocean as if offended by the waves below. Looking down from there she had seen fierce rocks and temperamental waves. Far out in the dark ocean some kind of leviathan had breach shocking and thrilling the little mustang into remaining much longer than she’d intended. She would visit there again in time, to see whatever she had missed, and look for strange mysteries.  Today though, as with many days, she remains in Hyaline. It has become her favorite place in the world. 

    The chestnut girl walks the dusty path with a smooth and relaxed gait. A wind sweeps through the mountains and agitates the water to her left. Filling her lungs with the bright alpine air, Kensa shakes out her flaxen mane and enjoys the simple pleasure of just being. Lifting her head she rises to a gallop, hooves falling nimbly onto the narrow path, until the ground smooths out and the path becomes a branching network of spidering tracks extending through the gently rolling green fields of Hyalines good grazing. Many others are scattered about the area, grazing or talking, some are playful, some are serious. Kensa slows, it would be rude to gallop in and cause a ruckus… though just as she has that thought she is sorely tempted...but there is no one she knows among the scattered company and so she decides not to make a spectacle that might give people the wrong idea about her. 

    Selecting a little corner for herself, Kensa sniffs at the dry ground and short summer grass before dropping to roll in that place while snorting happily.  She is unselfconscious as she wriggles and kicks, dust clinging to her dark-chocolate hide and grass sticking in her flaxen locks. Someone passes close by and she pauses to roll upright casually. ”Hi.” She says from the ground, disheveled mane a bright tangle about her blazed face.  

    i'm burning like a fire gone wild on saturday
    guess i won't be coming to church on sunday
    i'll be waiting for love to come around

    @[Clayton] heh, so she finally cooperated with me and then just rolled around on the ground. -_-

    Messages In This Thread
    we are one of a kind, irreplaceable; Clayton - by Kensa - 10-12-2018, 10:08 PM

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