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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I kept my hope just like I hoped to // kensa!

    I kept my hope just like i'd hoped to
    then sang to the sea for feelings deep blue

    Although she herself is quite young, to Rhaegor, she seems like the embodiment of adulthood, collected and knowledgeable in every way such that he could trust her judgement beyond any shadow of a doubt. In her warm eyes, he finds something akin to home, a piece of himself embedded in the soul of a stranger. He feels lucky every time he smiles at her - and he can't help the blush that rises to his youthful cheeks.

    Her laughter puts a voice to the joy he feels, and when her muzzle finds his cheek his eyes close in mirth. Even when her attentions turn to Magnus, the boy doesn't feel even a spot of jealousy; without Magnus' help, Kensa may never have understood Rhae's miming, and everyone would have left with a taste of bitter ash weighing in their mouths. When she asks to see both places, Rhae looks obediently to Magnus; and when the stallion mentions that seeing Hyaline would be nice - without saying why, and a good thing too for the little prince is too young to have to worry about his queen mothers dramas - he offers a spirited grin and bounds north-west.


    The journey is slower on hoof, but they make their way steadily until at last the peaks of the mountains have become whole mountains themselves. Kensa, though sweet and warm and lovely, is no unseasoned traveler, and despite his many glances to ensure her warmth and level of breath are satisfactory, she always seems to be quite alright. Conversation passes easily between the two speakers, and Rhae is content to twist his ears to catch bits of their words as he leads them proudly to Hyaline.

    Shortly after entering the scentlines, Magnus excuses himself. Rhae offers the grown stallion a wide smile and a toss of his shapely head, tail swishing in a wave goodbye. The colt pauses their trek to watch the direction in which his new friend goes off, wondering what business he has within the kingdom; but his own business is more pressing (or at least more pretty by every estimation) and so he turns back to Kensa, feeling young and foolish and somewhat infatuated.

    "It's nice to meet you Kensa..."

    The voice that comes is whispy and altogether more like the wind than like any spoken word, but it comes nonetheless, a testament to the level of trust he has already placed in the mare. That and being raised by two women makes speaking to mares abundantly easier than speaking to stallions; but the effort is taxing on the growing prince. Somehow, the way in which Kensa's eyes light up upon seeing him give him that extra little shove to keep him going, however miraculously.

    "My name is Rhaegor."


    [Image: rhae]

    Messages In This Thread
    I kept my hope just like I hoped to // kensa! - by Rhaegor - 09-23-2018, 11:11 PM

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