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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    searching for myself [Sabra, Lavendel]
    The ebony steed exhales a sigh of relief following Solace's words. I'm sure seeing a familiar face would do them good. Jesper took this as an invitation to linger in Hyaline after they satisfy all of their business duties. During their conversation, the Anglo-Arabian male kept a professional facade and keen attention to his company. Only when he is certain that his bronze-tipped lobes would not be missing anything of political significance, did he excuse himself from the trio. Poll dips in a display of respect before chassis pivots and, steed directs himself back towards the crystal pool of water. He did not mind if any one of them followed along; however, he was hard-pressed to hold back his eagerness now.

    Muscled hindquarters drive quad limbs to churn with determination into a ground-covering trot. Jesper returns to the water's edge, as this was where he first caught the ladies' perfumes. Nostrils flare and large inhale of crisp, fresh air is drawn into thorax as male filters through the scents around him. He deduces that they must be upstream from where him and Brennen had stood earlier as, the funneled breeze would carry scents downwind. Motion resumes and, onyx male travels in the direction of Lavendel's and Sabra's fragrances.

    When aquamarine gaze settles upon the familiar bodice of the winged, opal woman - his former Queen - maw parts to emit a warm, whicker. Poll rises and face illuminates as he relief and joy overcome him. Determined march becomes an animated jog as Jesper rushes forward to extend and, gently bump whiskered nuzzle into Sabra's. Warm whuff exhales into her nares before steed takes a step back. Gentle tone erupts from vocal chords as stallion finds his voice. "Oh, Sabra! What a relief to know you are safe. And, here!" He stops here.

    He does not mention Kwartz or, Sylva or, anything else as, his gaze now flicks to the cream and white figure of Lavendel. Bronze-tipped lobes prick as far forwards as they can and, a twinkle sparkles in both glossy orbs. Steed almost whispers his next words. "Dearest Lavendel, Hyaline looks so good on you." Jesper steps forward, almost gingerly with the first steps, and then, onyx stallion stops resisting. Haunches engage to drive male towards her until his soft labrums gently push her tresses aside to give him access to her bare neck. Tender kiss brushes her pelt before nibbles are placed down her crest. Male presses his own nape against her own, his breast into hers, before his nose wraps over her withers to embrace her. He made every effort to stay right here, lingering in their shared warmth and, in no rush to let go.

    @[Sabra] @[Lavendel]

    OOC: I am putting to use BQ's fluid sense of time to ensure the 3 of them get to say hi before other plots take off <3

    Messages In This Thread
    searching for myself [Sabra, Lavendel] - by Jesper - 04-28-2018, 08:53 PM

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