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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I'm breathing in the smoke of my mental illness's cigarette // Leilan/Arthas


    i'm freezing, it's not winter yet
    but my fingers and toes
    are shivering beneath these sheets
    and i feel so alone
    i don't want to die, i want to sleep

    How. How, and why.

    (It's actually kind of funny, according to my brother Nihlus. Back in the day, he'd been the one that Brennen himself had been stuck going on diplomatic visits with. Now? It's our damn uncle that has me rolling my eyes and dreading for this meeting, instead of me, the Noorison, being the trouble maker. Somehow, it just sort of works out backwards. In a while, we'll laugh about it, but for now... grrr.)

    The trek from Ischia is long with a walking creature to slow us down, but it's not really the time that it takes that bothers me. It's that there's no goddamn wind to impede our conversation; what I'd give to be up there in complete silence, the only sound the flapping of our wings.

    As the canal falls behind us, I throw Leilan a glance. "Look, I like you well enough, but let's keep the chatting to a minimum. It's not far to Loess at all, just through the river, and I have faith that we can make it without me needing to fly away again this time." I'm larger than when we met by two fold, and I square my shoulders as I say the words - though he'll probably just tease me for being a show off for all the good it'll do me.

    Tossing my mane a little, I pick up the pace to an easy canter. My uncle and I are both interested in the warrior caste, so this quick step should do us well for our stamina, at any rate. And, I sort of get my way now; we can't talk so easily. Praise the gods.

    Not long after splashing through the river, we are greeted by the scentlines of Loess. Pulling up short with a snort and some heavy breathing, I toss a huge grin to the silver-gold stallion - and then remember that, technically, we are a little at odds. Still, as I struggle to suppress the wind-swept expression, I can't help but to lean over and bump my shoulders with him in a show of camaraderie. We are brothers now, after all.

    Giving him a finally little smirk, I raise my dark nose to call for the newly crowned king of Loess, eager to see just what waits in store.


    Messages In This Thread
    I'm breathing in the smoke of my mental illness's cigarette // Leilan/Arthas - by Trekori - 04-19-2018, 03:55 PM

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