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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [complete]  Event 2 Task 1
    Another day breaks over the horizon, and the crowd has gathered for another day of the Beqanna Games. Emerald green banners flutter over the scene as The onlookers fill the stands. The leader board has shifted again, reflecting the final results of yesterday's trials. 

    Team Alpha, Eros has earned you a total of 23 points
    Team Beta, Mosrael has earned you a total of 28 points
    Team Gamma, Sarkis has earned you a total of 23 points
    Team Delta, Valensia has earned you a total of 25 points
    Team Epsilon, Wishbone has earned you a total of 13 points
    Team Zeta, Madelyn has earned you a total of 31 points
    Team Eta, Kuma has earned you a total of 22 points
    Team Theta, Nayl has earned you a total of 24 points
    Team Iota, Khaedrik has earned you a total of 30 points
    Team Kappa, Kagerus has earned you a total of 23 points 

    The winged Goddess appears once more, her gaze falling on each of the first event's contestants. 
    "That was a difficult trial. It was meant to be. But perhaps you will be stronger and, dare I say, more courageous for it. Nothing can master a man or woman who has mastered themself. However, I have a parting gift for you all." With a glimmer of golden magic, the apples retrieved during the second task appear before them. "These are not mere shining fruits. They will not rot no matter how long they exist, and when eaten, they have a particular power. They can erase a single memory. Even the bravest among us has their limit, and should something occur which you cannot cope with, eat the apple. It will not undo the past, but it will shield your mind from it." Her gaze lingers sympathetically on Kagerus and Kuma, knowing that they might benefit from this gift more than most. 


    Modicum Mortem, Jesper, Hestia, Saedís, Ilma, Amorette, Imperial, Nymf, Belgaer and Wound. Step forward! You are here because you think yourself more clever than the average equine. Let's put that to the test, shall we? 

    A strange shape appears in the air before them, along with lettered solutions. Which block will match the shape? 

    [Image: 2q0odv4.jpg]

    Starting out simple. Give me a short (>200 word) post, describe who you are, and what you think, then give me the answer to the puzzle.

    Messages In This Thread
    Event 2 Task 1 - by The Goddess Nike - 03-09-2018, 12:35 PM
    RE: Event 2 Task 1 - by Amorette - 03-09-2018, 12:43 PM
    RE: Event 2 Task 1 - by Belgaer - 03-09-2018, 12:45 PM
    RE: Event 2 Task 1 - by Jesper - 03-09-2018, 12:51 PM
    RE: Event 2 Task 1 - by wound - 03-09-2018, 12:55 PM
    RE: Event 2 Task 1 - by Hestia - 03-09-2018, 01:04 PM
    RE: Event 2 Task 1 - by Imperial - 03-09-2018, 01:09 PM
    RE: Event 2 Task 1 - by Saedìs - 03-09-2018, 01:12 PM
    RE: Event 2 Task 1 - by Ilma - 03-09-2018, 01:58 PM
    RE: Event 2 Task 1 - by Modicum Mortem - 03-09-2018, 02:03 PM
    RE: Event 2 Task 1 - by Nymf - 03-09-2018, 02:10 PM

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