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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the night is dark and full of terrors [Any that dare] (M? Sure, M)
    "Evil requires no reason."
    How long had it been? so long…

    It remembers the yanking of what was such an integral part of it, as it was taken away. It remembers the absence of everything, except the jerk of pain.

    It remembers… pain, pain, so much pain.

    It remembers that it had once had a life, those that it had loved, protected. It cannot remember their faces, their voices. It remembers nothing that brings it pain.

    It remembers finding a dark cave, hidden beneath the Mountain that rose from the sky. It crawled down into the dark, darkest parts to hide itself away. It remembered everything and nothing from the time in the dark.

    It remembers… no one.

    It had been nothing for so long, just a breath of air in and out of it’s lungs. It’s body curled in and around on itself until it wasn’t sure what was rock and what was his. It remembers having dreams, or visions. Hurtling through time lost and time yet to come.

    Today it expected no less.

    Until….what’s that?

    The world stills, enough that it swims closer to being awake. It’s mind waking up as the world does and it begins to pay attention. It starts to listen, it’s mind searching…for what exactly?

    Then it feels it.

    It cracks open eyes sealed with dirt and dust, it’s body cracking as it feels magic sweep out from the Mountain above it. It feels it seep into it’s bones, it’s blood, into it’s very cells. Magic merges with it and it breathes a sigh without pain.

    …so good…

    It’s body creaks as it moves, its heart thumping again in his chest. It’s legs stretching out and it’s body standing.

    it’s been so long

    It takes it’s first steps in a long time beneath the Mountain, weak as a newborn foal. It’s sides heave with the exertion, muscles aching with the movement it hasn’t done since magic was ripped from it. Just as quickly, magic surges through it’s body, healing the pain, strengthening it.

    It laughs.

    Sudden it finds itself amongst the woods. The Forest calling to it in ways it barely remembers. It finds it’s way amongst the woods, it’s black eyes and black body becoming insubstantial until it is the shadows that it lingers amongst. The moon beckons to it. A glance towards the half full moon that it hasn't seen in so long.

    ..then, a rustle among the brush
    It's dark eyes turn towards the noise. It sees her there. It knows nothing but the sudden thirst that makes it’s throat ache.

    It’s over before it begins really. It’s fangs hang past bloodied lips that curl upwards in a chilling smile. It feasts on the dead mare, uncaring as to who she might have been, only that it had been too long since it had last ate.

    **Disclaimer, posting to Pazuzu can result in maiming, torturing, and all kinds of nasty things possibly happening to your pony. If you do not agree, do not post to him or if you do not want your pony horribly maimed, please say so. Most of the time he will just leave some nice new scars, either mental or physical.

    Messages In This Thread
    the night is dark and full of terrors [Any that dare] (M? Sure, M) - by Pazuzu - 07-02-2017, 11:20 AM

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