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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    as if a glass could contain the sea; any
    He suddenly begins to question everything (like he so often does), wondering if perhaps he had made a mistake in coming to Hyaline. A sense of guilt begins to wash over him, feeling incredibly selfish to have come here and seen her, to stir up uncertain feelings and confusion between the two of them, and now having the young Amet thrown in the midst. Warrick snorts sharply, ears flicking backwards passively as the stranger’s thoughts ring out in his mind. It was embarrassing, mostly so because Warrick hadn’t even been able to sort through all his thoughts himself, and now a complete stranger was able to decipher them for him.

    Of course, Warrick isn’t sure if the invasion of his mind had also been given to the others, but judging by the satisfied smirk on the mare’s face, the bay stallion knew that his thoughts were now public, just as their thoughts were now his. His burning cerulean stare lingers on the mind reader, frustration seeping through his core.

    Amet is amused by the situation, and Tang is as well. Unfortunately, Molotov’s cunning mind trick strikes a chord within the bay stallion, and his demeanor immediately changes. The idea of Tang leaving to find bigger and better things had tormented him since her departure from Tephra, now comes to fruition. Inwardly, he is reeling with the realization that his fears are solidified – Tang would, and should, remain in Hyaline with the young stallion who is not so easily broken by insecurities. Hyaline suits her better – she can grow here.

    He will not keep her from that.

    “Thank you for your hospitality, Amet.” He is able to find his voice and he is almost surprised that it is not quivering. He is speaking so formally now and he knows it is noticeable. “There is a new leadership in Tephra and I must return to the king, Tang.” He says her name, but his eyes do not find hers as quickly as they normally would. “Until we meet again,” he finishes quietly as he gives a nod to each of them, a sense of defeat in the normally bright blue of his eyes, before he brushes past them with purposeful steps to begin his long journey home.
    like the sun,
    swallowed up by the earth

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: as if a glass could contain the sea; any - by Warrick - 06-19-2017, 01:24 PM

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