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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    we were neurophobic and perfect [rhae, any]

    You were automatic, as hollow as the 'o' in God.

    Fear doesn’t best her, not entirely. I smile at that, it is a victory even if it is a small one, have to start somewhere I suppose. In any case she seems to agree to joining me and while I am happy about that there is an inkling of uncertainty with my offer. I had things to explain.

    I nod my cloudy colored head, closing my eyes as it dips down then rises once more. “Very well,” I say, opening my copper eyes to peek at her again, holding her gaze when I can manage. “It’s easier said than done though, it isn’t an accommodating place. There is little food and water, I travel back to the common lands most days to eat and drink.” Most days, if not daily, thus I kept myself alive but I also expended a lot of energy just to do so. My body stays toned, I am in good shape and I am thankful for that.

    As I speak I move, nodding in the direction of the Waste and taking up a slow pace. There is no hurry to get there, she might even change her mind on the way and I could not hold it against her if she did.

    “The others are just as hard and unforgiving as the land.” I make a point to speak slowly and seriously on the matter, taking my time with the words that come so thick from my lips.

    “You must always be on alert and do not assume they will befriend you, let alone like you. It matters not to me what they like but I understand not everyone is so comfortable with solitude as I.” Of course I was, I’m deaf, my world is silence and I have spent many years becoming one with that endless quiet. The twins had kept me company but outsiders weren’t often in my circle, partially because I did little to seek the comfort of company. Even if and when I was lonely.

    “The ruler is the one to be the most guarded with too if you happen upon him, he’s a Magician. A dark one and he takes and breaks all that he touches.” That was certain in my mind, I had witnessed his ill attempts at taking and I was not impressed by the outcome. My distaste for the Dark God was deeper than just that though, he and I went back but not in the way others might think. “He broke my sister once and in turn she broke our Mother, if it was possible to break her more. The twins have him to thank for their destruction as well, creation but destruction all the same.” My words took on a shadow of their own as I spoke, my eyes set on the path in front of us because I did not seek a comforting gaze. No one could apologize for these things, others feeling sorry for me or my family wouldn’t fix them.

    I’m not sure we even needed fixing.


    khaos x wichita

    html by Kyra
    [Image: Tioga.png]

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    we were neurophobic and perfect [rhae, any] - by Tioga - 09-26-2016, 09:23 AM

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