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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    In Hell I'll be in good company // Draco
    “I don’t?” Draco coos teasingly, briefly wondering if the pink woman before him can also read minds. He mostly disregards the thought, though, since he is certain her words would be far more poisonous if she had any idea what is looping through his mind.

    What an interesting grin, the demon thinks as Rebelle flashes what might be intimidating teeth if he knew they are poisonous. In another life Draco might have found himself instantly attracted to Belle and her endless amounts of vitriol. He certainly takes pleasure in the macabre and the cruel, but the gentility of his sister clouds his mind. Growing up with her hardly affected his world view, but now—now, they are growing up and all is not so black and white.

    Perhaps that is why Draco grows angry when Belle mentions Pangea. His sister’s meekness makes him weak, this he knows by the way he wants to gush about how he lives here because his father left him here (because he hopes Litotes will come back for him).

    A crimson glow emanates from Draco’s eyes when he turns to find Rebelle’s. He can’t help the fear aura now, but even if he could, he does not think he would control it.

    “Yeah, I live here. I have my whole life. Why? You interested?” The last three words come out as a snap, disbelief that anyone might want to find a home in Pangea’s boring red clay. “You’d fit in.” He wants to add how he can see her thoughts, and the only reason he thinks she will fit in is that she is just as cold and cruel and mundane as the rest.

    Blood builds in his mouth when Draco bites his tongue, though. That vicious anger he feels inside won’t be taken out on a stranger, at least not yet.

    hitch a ride on my violence

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    RE: In Hell I'll be in good company // Draco - by draco - 12-29-2019, 05:50 PM

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