12-12-2019, 02:42 AM
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Cormorant|Great Vibes" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><style>.lilt_container {width: 500px; background-color: #352541; border: 1px solid #EAEAEA; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 0px}.lilt_name {position: relative; z-index: 1; font: 60px 'Great Vibes', serif; color: #766881; bottom: -1px; left: 140px; letter-spacing: 0px}.lilt_quote {text-align: center; font: 15px 'Cormorant', serif; color: #766881; letter-spacing: 0px; padding: 5px}.lilt_message {width: 450px; text-align: justify; font: 12px 'Times', serif; color:#EAEAEA; background-color: #352541; opacity: 0.7; padding:25px;}</style><center><div class="lilt_container"><div class="lilt_quote"><br>{ and all we are is skin and bone trained to get along,<br>forever going with the flow but you're friction }</div><div class="lilt_message">She is not sure what draws her to the mountain.
She is not even sure if she meant to come here.
The breeze was cool as it sifted through the feathers of her wings, and her eyes looked at the moon above and then to the mountain below. She would never grow tired of taking in Beqanna from the sky – the snowy peaks of the mountains, the dense tops of the trees, and the glittering faces of the lakes that currently reflected the moon and the stars. It was peaceful up here, where she did not have to remember that she was different; she did not have to struggle to understand anyone, she did not have to worry about losing control of her shattering. It felt safe – but she knew it wouldn’t last.
This was usually when she returned to Sylva, but tonight, she lands on the mountain, but towards the base of it. She stares at it for a long while, her head tilted so that she may take in the very top of it. Her mother had told her her own stories of the mountain – how she had come here searching for a way that she may protect her family, and thus was gifted with shattering (how ironic that Lilt would inherit it, and instead of protecting anyone all she did was hurt everyone), and how at the peak was where Carnage had ripped her parents’ hearts from their chests and sewn them up in the wrong ribcage.
She wonders for a moment if the mountain could help <i>her</i>. If it could take away her shattering so that she might never have to worry about hurting anyone ever again. If it had given it away, surely it could take it?
So distracted by her thoughts and her wanderings she is that she does not notice the lion as he crouches into the brush, but something in the way the shadows move causes her to suddenly whirl around. The silver beams of the moonlight amplify the glowing white hairs that roaned her body, and there is something wildly ethereal about her when paired with the tangled black hair that twists around her face in the breeze.
She hugs her wings tightly to her sides as her heartbeat quickens in her chest, her sterling eyes flicking back and forth between every corner of shadow before she finally says in the painfully quiet whisper of her voice,<i> “Hello?”</i> She asks, even though she will not hear an answer. But she hopes that her voice will at least stir whoever it was out of hiding, and she tries to steady her nerves, for fear that she might accidentally shatter whoever it may be.</div><div class="lilt_name">Lilt</div></div></center>
She is not even sure if she meant to come here.
The breeze was cool as it sifted through the feathers of her wings, and her eyes looked at the moon above and then to the mountain below. She would never grow tired of taking in Beqanna from the sky – the snowy peaks of the mountains, the dense tops of the trees, and the glittering faces of the lakes that currently reflected the moon and the stars. It was peaceful up here, where she did not have to remember that she was different; she did not have to struggle to understand anyone, she did not have to worry about losing control of her shattering. It felt safe – but she knew it wouldn’t last.
This was usually when she returned to Sylva, but tonight, she lands on the mountain, but towards the base of it. She stares at it for a long while, her head tilted so that she may take in the very top of it. Her mother had told her her own stories of the mountain – how she had come here searching for a way that she may protect her family, and thus was gifted with shattering (how ironic that Lilt would inherit it, and instead of protecting anyone all she did was hurt everyone), and how at the peak was where Carnage had ripped her parents’ hearts from their chests and sewn them up in the wrong ribcage.
She wonders for a moment if the mountain could help <i>her</i>. If it could take away her shattering so that she might never have to worry about hurting anyone ever again. If it had given it away, surely it could take it?
So distracted by her thoughts and her wanderings she is that she does not notice the lion as he crouches into the brush, but something in the way the shadows move causes her to suddenly whirl around. The silver beams of the moonlight amplify the glowing white hairs that roaned her body, and there is something wildly ethereal about her when paired with the tangled black hair that twists around her face in the breeze.
She hugs her wings tightly to her sides as her heartbeat quickens in her chest, her sterling eyes flicking back and forth between every corner of shadow before she finally says in the painfully quiet whisper of her voice,<i> “Hello?”</i> She asks, even though she will not hear an answer. But she hopes that her voice will at least stir whoever it was out of hiding, and she tries to steady her nerves, for fear that she might accidentally shatter whoever it may be.</div><div class="lilt_name">Lilt</div></div></center>