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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Straia;
    She knows his heart better than he might think, though not because of the magic that courses through her veins, but simply because she was him once. Straia cared for her family as well, though still she let them be used as pawns knowing she could save them, or knowing they were strong enough to save themselves. Weaver comes to mind above all her other children, an image of her black and white daughter dangling miles above the earth in the talons of a golden dragon forefront in her mind. She hadn’t worried, knowing that her daughter could not die and simply gifting her daughter large black raven wings in that moment, but still, the image haunts her.

    How casual she had been, or at least looked, as her daughter was used to threaten and scare her (or to try, anyway). The “good” are no better than anyone else. The only difference between good and evil is that some admit to it and others do not.

    “Your family and children are not safe now. I will not make a fool's promise, and I don’t think you are a fool anyway. I can only offer to protect them as best I can.” Her magic had been powerful before and it was more so now, but still, she could not guarantee the safety of anyone at any time. Not in Beqanna, and certainly not in the middle of a war.

    Because that it was it took, sometimes. War.

    “Do they want your protection though, or do they want to be at your side?” Because her family had always been at her side. They were strong enough they did not need her protection, even when she offered it. It would have been an insult not to trust them to make their own choices, to allow them to stand by her side and lead the charge with her.

    His concerns change, morphing into a different face worn by fear and she laughs lightly. “I have no interest in someone who grovels at my feet,” she says. She has been a Queen once, she has been the name they feared once. Now, she finds herself content to simply fan the flames, to create chaos for the sake of others rather than herself. “You only need to be willing to do what it takes.” In the end, it is that simple. It is a willingness to have your name be spat into the dirt, to be raked through the mud, to plague the daydreams and nightmares of others. It is an impossibly hard skin, a stick straight backbone, and unwillingness to be cowed by rumors or pain.

    “I have lived and died once already. The world has been mine. This time, we will make it yours.”

    @[Castile] please enjoy this nekkid phone post.

    Use of mild power playing is allowed; no injuries without permission


    Messages In This Thread
    Straia; - by Castile - 11-08-2019, 10:25 AM
    RE: Straia; - by Straia - 11-08-2019, 07:03 PM
    RE: Straia; - by Castile - 11-08-2019, 08:24 PM
    RE: Straia; - by Straia - 11-10-2019, 06:09 PM
    RE: Straia; - by Castile - 11-11-2019, 10:25 PM
    RE: Straia; - by Straia - 11-14-2019, 11:53 AM
    RE: Straia; - by Castile - 11-14-2019, 02:34 PM
    RE: Straia; - by Straia - 11-14-2019, 04:11 PM
    RE: Straia; - by Castile - 11-20-2019, 11:41 AM
    RE: Straia; - by Straia - 12-01-2019, 10:13 AM
    RE: Straia; - by Castile - 12-03-2019, 03:22 PM
    RE: Straia; - by Straia - 12-30-2019, 04:25 PM

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