Staying in Loess at the time would’ve spelled out death for Lepis, his family and himself. In fact coming back to Beqanna at all had been a huge risk, but Wolfbane had curbed his pride and gone to Heartfire (hah) for help. And make no mistake - she had helped him. But it had cost him and was continuing to cost him the longer he did nothing about it. So far he’d gone to look for Eyas and come back to total chaos, not that Taiga hadn’t been chaotic before leaving. The tangled web of issues and leadership had really only tightened into a ball of tension between kingdoms and horses alike.
Someone - be it Wolfbane or otherwise - would have to snip the dread clean from the source.
In time Taiga would grow out again and the problems surrounding its leadership would smooth out. Where that left Wolfbane though… he can’t be too sure. “Can’t leave decision-making to the weak.” He chuckled, shouldering the dapple grey with a heavy wing to playfully push the other stallion off-course. “But yea… it’s been a rollercoaster.” His expression darkened, turning his eyes and the line of his blueish mouth into a vision of hatred.
Then just as suddenly the darkness faded away, and Arthas was chipperly continuing on with his story of life after death. The origin of such life is fascinating enough that Wolfbane pauses mid-stride, sinking dark hooves into the cold snow but refusing to move them as confusion furrows his glittering brow. Had he heard the ex-King correctly, just then? The gates to both worlds, to life and death, were… open? “I’m sorry- you’re actually telling me that someone, or some ‘thing’ has allowed your soul to rise from the grave and return to your body healthy and whole?” Bane asked, fully aware that his chin had dropped open entirely.
What the… what the fuck?!
His head began to spin. If Arthas was back… if it was actually true then…
NO, the first thought he has is to stop himself from thinking about it at all. To hope for something like a prodigal son returning would be more pain than it was worth but maybe, just maybe if Arthas had come back life then…
His son could’ve come back too.
Commandant of Taiga // Champion of Loess