Luck is on my side because the first one to find me is the one who I’m looking for. Just as I turn to look at her, I think I see something move in the branches overhead but I can’t be certain because I can barely even see the branches they are just so damn high and there’s so much fog!!
I’m a little too enthusiastic about seeing my friend that it takes me a second to realize that she asked a question. “I have no idea.” I confess, though I glance back upwards to see if there is any more movement or if I was just imagining it. I glare at the tree, both curious and annoyed at it for tricking me, but then I remember that Lilliana is here! And my dark expression lights up considerably when I return my head back to to her.
There's a little bit of an excited body wiggle as I take a step back from the tree and shake my head a little to clear away the lightheaded-ness that has showed up after staring upwards for so long.
“How do you guys even see with all this fog? It’s crazy!” It’s just totally everywhere too. And then I chase it with another question, because why just ask one? The weather and the weirdass trees are already fading from my mind as my focus continues to narrow onto my friend. “I was hoping I’d run into you! How’ve you been??”