11-07-2019, 07:05 PM
The sight of her daughter was a fresh of breath air for the buckskin mare. Her youthful spirit a contagious mood as she closed the gap between them. Her purple eyes blazed with excitement as she pushed her body still, her muscles pleading for relief but she pushed harder still. Only when Poppy brushed her muzzle to her cheek did she falter in their escapade. A shock of electricity passing from the girl to her, running deep into the crevases of the ridged scar that adorned her face. Her eyes widened a moment as she let up from their race trying to comprehend what happened. If Poppy had felt the same fizzle of electricity she showed no sign as she broke off, taking to the giant redwoods.
Lethy shook the confusion from her mind, it must have been the dry air that saturated the forest around them, a freak incident. She replaced the concerned frown that had found its way to her face with a determined smile as she took off after Popinjay. Where the girl was small and quick Lethy was familiar and built to run. It did not take long for her to catch up to her seal bay girl.
When she did catch up, coming up behind the girl her brow furrowed in concern once again as her eyes locked with the harsh red scars that spotted Poppy. Poppy. Where have you been? How did you get those? she asked breathlessly, concern dripping from her mother tounge.
Lethy shook the confusion from her mind, it must have been the dry air that saturated the forest around them, a freak incident. She replaced the concerned frown that had found its way to her face with a determined smile as she took off after Popinjay. Where the girl was small and quick Lethy was familiar and built to run. It did not take long for her to catch up to her seal bay girl.
When she did catch up, coming up behind the girl her brow furrowed in concern once again as her eyes locked with the harsh red scars that spotted Poppy. Poppy. Where have you been? How did you get those? she asked breathlessly, concern dripping from her mother tounge.
forget me not; but never remember