11-07-2019, 06:23 PM
Her sense of adventure had been poked when Castile had invited her to travel to Pangea with him. She had heard that Litotes had given up his throne, the lonely king nothing but lonely now. She had accepted his offer of course, why would she give up the opportunity to meet the fierce leader that had chosen to make the barren land her own? Though if one were to ask Nimue she would say the land was not so barren, but as it turned out noone had asked her. Castile had assumed she had never been and she did not see why she needed to offer up that information if it asked. She may be tied to Litotes through a child that neither had had the guts to raise but her ties were thin at best.
She followed the Loessian leader quietly across valleys and hills, through the meadow - her daughters home - and she could not help herself to glance around in hope to see her pale daughter. She had not seen her, here or there or anywhere. She brushed the thought to the back of her mind. Nimue could spend days mulling over how bad of a mother she was to both of her girls, but as it was she couldn't find it in herself to stew on it.
The pep in her step grew as they came to the edge of Pangea. They stopped and Castile moved tantalizing close as he introduced her to Pangea, a land she already knew. Her icy blue eyes sparkled against the red barren land. She smirked as he continued. The canyons tell all secrets. They ruin all the fun. she said mischievously.
She followed the Loessian leader quietly across valleys and hills, through the meadow - her daughters home - and she could not help herself to glance around in hope to see her pale daughter. She had not seen her, here or there or anywhere. She brushed the thought to the back of her mind. Nimue could spend days mulling over how bad of a mother she was to both of her girls, but as it was she couldn't find it in herself to stew on it.
The pep in her step grew as they came to the edge of Pangea. They stopped and Castile moved tantalizing close as he introduced her to Pangea, a land she already knew. Her icy blue eyes sparkled against the red barren land. She smirked as he continued. The canyons tell all secrets. They ruin all the fun. she said mischievously.
Lady of the Lake Sky
Nimue Isolde